Company Profile

How to navigate company profiles

Mike avatar
Written by Mike
Updated over a week ago

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1. Details

Here is where you can find an overview of all the important details of the company.

In the company profile header are key details, including the company name, status, location, company owner, forecast fees, actual fees, and last activity date.

Under the company header is the company brief which your consultants can edit, and the company stage - this is the CRM stage that this company is at. To move a company through the CRM, you need to do this from the contact profile. The CRM is a manual pipeline - you can configure what each stage means by following the steps HERE.

Within the details tab you can see:

  • Contacts: Contacts associated with that company (click to open the quick view!)

  • Departments: Departments in that company (read all about these HERE)

  • Groups: This includes the brands and branches

  • Company details: Important details including name, tagging, contact details.

  • Locations: You can add multiple office locations for each company

2. Custom Fields

Here you will see any fields that you have configured. See how to do that HERE

3. Document Check

Add documents the are specifically required by this company every time they are looking for a candidate:

Note: These documents will only apply to jobs created after you set this up.

4. Activities

Want to see what's been happening with this company? Take a look here, you will see all meetings, comments, and actions taken on any jobs that are related to this company, and see exactly which consultant in your business did the action and when.

5. Emails

As long as your email account is connected (see HERE for information on how to do this) any email correspondence you have had with the candidate will show in this tab, including the sent date, time, content of the email, attachments, and which consultant sent the email.

6. Files

This is where you can find and upload documentation related to your company.

7. Fee Model

Here you can see the Fee Models associated with this company, edit existing fee models, and create new ones. To learn about what fee models are and how to create them, click HERE.

8. Job Stats

You can easily view the stats for your company, including the number of applications at each stage, and how many of each job type have been open with the company. You can even filter the results!

9. T-Sheets

In this tab you can quickly see all associated timesheets for placements made at this company (provide you have Pay & Bill). You can quickly see which ones are submitted, rejected and approved, the candidate name, job, date range, and can even view the full timesheet too.

10. Pay & Bill

This is where you can find all the invoices related to the company.

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