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Contact Profile

How to navigate Contact profiles

Jason avatar
Written by Jason
Updated over 3 weeks ago

What is in the Contact Profile? 🤔

1. Contact Header

  1. Contact ID - This is your contact record's unique ID. You can use this to reference the contact in a search or when merging contacts.

  2. Quick view - this will allow you to change the view to a smaller window, the Quick view pane

  3. Actions Icon - This will open a small window on the right with all possible actions you can take on the selected contact

  4. Refresh Icon - if you made any changes in the contact profile, you can use this to refresh the window to see the changes take effect.

  5. Close Icon - This will close the current active contact window

  6. Applications and pipeline - This is where you see all related applications to the current contact. You can also click on the dropdown to show only the latest applications from the last 3 or 6 months

  7. Profile Picture and quick details

    • Profile Picture - You can upload an image in the following file types png, jpg, jpeg, gif, or bmp. The Maximum file size is 3.1 MB.

    • Current Job title and company - The job title can be updated in the Work Information tab

    • Primary email address - This can be updated in the information tab

    • Primary Phone number - This can be updated in the information tab

    • Contact Work Address - This can be updated in the Work Information Tab

    • No of Jobs - Number of jobs linked to this contact regardless of job status

    • Time since last activity - You can find more information on this here

    • Status - For more information on this, please click here

  8. Brands and socials - Brands can be updated in the Groups tab. Social media icons can be clicked to open a new tab with their profiles. To update the links, just scroll down the Information tab.

  9. Floated live list - Clicking this link will open the list of candidates you have uploaded to this contact. If you want to know more about the Livelist™ - click HERE.

  10. Contact owner - This can be updated by clicking the actions icon ... and selecting update ownership

💡 PRO TIP: You can quickly go to the company page associated with this contact by clicking the Company name.

2. Information

Contact Stages and Distribution list

On the left-hand side panel, under the Information tab, you'll see the contact's current stage in the CRM and any distribution lists they're part of - this is the CRM stage that this contact is at.

The CRM stages are customizable. So to move a contact to the next CRM stage, just click on their current stage. You can set up what each stage means by following these steps 👉 HERE.


🔹Contract Specifications - This is where you can note down any contract specifics for this particular contact.

🔹Personal Information

  1. Title - Can be Either Mr., Ms., Mrs., Miss, Dr., Captain

  2. First Name - Contact's first name

  3. Last Name - Contact's last name

  4. Contact Preferred Name - Contact's preferred name

  5. Middle Name - Contact's middle name

  6. Gender - You can select, Male, Female or Other

  7. Date of Birth - Contact's birthday

8. Age - Will automatically populate

based on the Date of Birth entered

9. Contact Source - Will show the same list you set up in the candidate sources

10. First Name (Kana/Romaji) - Used for Japanese First names

11. Last Name (Kana/Romaji) - Used for Japanese Last names

12. Contact Owner

13. Contact the Owner's location

14. Preferred Language

🔹Contact information

  1. Primary Phone

  2. Mobile

  3. Home Phone

  4. Primary Email

  5. Personal Email

  6. Current (Personal) Address

7. Switchboard Phone

9. Switchboard Phone Ext

10. Preferred Contact Method

11. Preferred Contact Time from

12. Preferred Contact Time to

📋 Note: Filling in the Social Media links will light up the social media Icons on the top banner, and clicking the icons will open the links in the new tab.

3. Work Information

  1. Job Title - Contact's current job title in the company

  2. Company name - This will display the company name that the contact is currently linked to.

  3. Contact Work Address - This is set up in the company locations. You can find more information on company locations here

  4. Department - You can also set up departments in the company profile. Find out how to do this here

  5. Reports to - Will list all the contacts from the same company. You can select it here if they have a manager

  6. Job level - Free Text Field

  7. Job level (Hierarchy) - This field is a drop-down that allows you to select Values from 1-15. This is not a custom field, so you won't be able to edit the values in the dropdown. You can use this to indicate their current level in the company hierarchy.

  8. Is assistant - A yes or No field. Indicates if the contact is an assistant.

  9. Start Date - Start date with their company

  10. Skills - A free text field. You can add more than one by typing the word and pressing enter after every entry.

  11. Industry - You can set up Industries here

  12. Sub-Industry - You can set up Sub-Industries here

  13. Functional Expertise - You can set up Functional Expertise here

  14. Sub-Functional Expertise - You can set up Sub-Functional Expertise here

4. Groups

  1. Brands - You can set up Brands here

  2. Branches - You can set up Branches here

  3. Divisions - You can set up Divisions here

  4. Teams - You can set up Teams here

5. Others

Email permission - You can change the subscription status of the contact record. This will prevent them from receiving emails sent to them using email templates 7.1 - 7.3

For more detail please refer to the article 👉 Email Permission/Subscription 🤩

6. Custom fields

Here you will see any fields that you have configured.

👉 See how to do that HERE.

7. Contact Brief

You can also see/add a contact brief on the contact. Here you can put any notes you would like to attach to this contact to make them easily visible.

8. Activities

Want to see what's been happening with this contact? 🤔

  • Explore here to find all meetings, comments, and actions linked to this contact, along with details about which consultant in your business took each action and when.

👉 Click the Quick View button for action specifics, including comments and edit logs, you can also use the filter button to narrow down the amount of information displayed.

💡 PRO TIP: You can also use the filter button to narrow down the amount of information displayed.

9. Emails

As long as your email account is connected

👉 see HERE for information on how to do this.

  • Any email correspondence you have had with the contact will show in this tab, including the sent date, time, content of the email, attachments, and which consultant sent the email.

10. SMS

This section will involve any SMS correspondence between your company and the contact. If you’re interested in utilizing our SMS feature see the help center on how to set up a Twilio account (Twillio is a third-party app and requires a separate subscription).

👉 For more information on Twilio click HERE

11. Files

Here's where you can manage and upload documents related to your contact or a website URL.

  • To add a new document (Files or URL link), you can only upload the following file extensions: doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf, .xls, .xlsx, .html, .htm, .msg, .mht, .ppt, .pptx, .csv, .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .bmp, .jng, .gif

Simply click on the upload button.

12. Job Stats

Take a quick peek at the job types associated with this contact.

  • Clicking the box will pop up a small window displaying the job roles and their links (which will open the job in a new tab).

  • Additionally, you can also filter the jobs by specific status or ownership.

13. Timesheets

In this tab, you can easily access all associated timesheets for placements related to this contact, provided you have TimeTemp.

  • 👉 Here, you can swiftly check the status of each timesheet—whether it's submitted, rejected, or approved. You'll see details such as the candidate's name, the job they worked on, the date range, and you can even view the full timesheet directly.

📝 Note: This will only work if you have TimeTemp Add-on in your Vincere Account

14. Invoices

This will display all the invoices related to the contact.

📌 If you do not have this in your view, you can turn on the Invoices, and it's setting HERE

15. Integrations

When you activate it, integrations such as Odro, Onboarded, and others will be visible within this job section.

🤔 FAQs

Question 1: How to add a source to the contact?

To add a source to the contact, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Contact profile

  2. In the Information section, scroll down - you will see a Source drop-down field for contact.

  3. Click then select the desired source.

Happy Recruitment #TheVinnyWay🤩

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