Creating Custom Fields

How to create custom fields when they are not included at default

Kieron avatar
Written by Kieron
Updated over a week ago

The field configuration tool allows you to create any field you'd like in your Candidates, Contacts, Jobs, Company records & Placements.

Custom fields can be used to store information for which Vincere doesn’t have a default field. For example, if you recruit for an industry where Candidates need to meet certain compliance requirements in order to be considered for a role, custom fields can be a great way of recording whether the Candidate is compliant. Or, if you want to record how much experience a Candidate has in a particular Job function – for example, the amount of time that’s passed since they received a particular professional qualification – you could store this information inside a custom field.

Custom fields are then fully searchable in both Boolean and Advanced Search. This can ensure that the wrong people aren’t accidentally shortlisted for a Job or added to a mailing list.

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To add custom fields to a record type inside Vincere, go to Settings and then Field Configuration:

Choose what type of record you want to add a custom field to – Candidate, Job, Contact, Company or Placements.

Choose which type of custom field you want to add by simply clicking on it. Scroll to the bottom of the field's list to see the newest custom field added.

You can select from the eight types of custom fields to a record inside Vincere. Check out this article for more information about the Custom Field Types - HERE.

Give it some character and configure this field by clicking the edit button (pencil icon) on the custom field. Give it a name and choose any relevant options for the field.

For Candidate Custom Fields:

To make the custom field visible on the candidate profile, go back to the entity list on the left hand side and select 'Candidate Summary'

You will be presented with a list of fields and sections at the top.

Sections - You can add, delete, reorder and rename the sections by clicking the section name.

To add the custom field, you can either search for the field name on the left hand side or select from the Custom Field list. Drag and drop the field to the section you want the field to be in. Then, hit Save!

For Contact, Company and Job Custom Fields:

Select the record where you want the custom field to be added. Choose from the fields types and configure this field by clicking the edit button (pencil icon) on the custom field. Give it a name and choose any relevant options for the field.

To make the custom field visible on the contact, company or job profile, go back to the entity list on the left hand side and select ie: 'Contact Summary'

Drag and drop the field to the section you want the field to be in. Then, hit Save!

The custom fields for contacts, company and jobs is visible on the 'Custom Fields' tab inside the profile.

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