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Candidate Quick View
Candidate Quick View

How to navigate the Candidate Quick View

Jason avatar
Written by Jason
Updated over 10 months ago

All About Candidate Quick View in Vincere 🤩

Quick View in the Candidate tab gives you instant access to key candidate details like contact info, status, application history, and notes.

👉 It's a time-saving way to review and manage candidates without leaving your current screen.

This image showing Canđiate Quick View

1. Header & Pipeline


This image showing header of candidate in quick view candidate

Many key details can be found here in the Header in Candidate Quick View, including the candidate's name, current address, contact details, time since last activity, last activity date, Reg, date, whether they have an original CV uploaded, brand of the candidate, current status, no of job and candidate owner.

Did you know? 🤔

You can access their social media profiles in the upper right-hand corner! If the symbol is gray you only need to manually enter their personal links.

This image showing You can access their social media profiles in the upper right-hand corner! If the symbol is gray you only need to manually enter their personal links.


In the Candidate Pipeline, you can see the possible stages your candidate is in various applications.

👉 You can check the process if you spec’ed/floated your candidate and even have a visual representation of the tasks involving your candidate.

This image showing the Pipeline of candidate in candidate quick view

2. Experience

Active Applications:

A list of all the Applications the candidate is involved in.

This image showing the active list applications of candidate in candidate quick view

Application Actions:

You can perform actions on your Candidate’s applications straight from their Quick View. For each application, you can rate your Candidate out of 5 stars based on the desired competencies and skills for that role (read more about that HERE),

This gif showing how You can perform actions on your Candidate’s applications straight from their Quick View. For each application, you can rate your Candidate out of 5 stars based on the desired competencies and skills for that role (read more about that HERE),

📌 Progress your Candidate through to the next stage of the application, or reject your Candidate.

📋 Note: You will see the active applications of your Candidate here; where they are between the Floated to Offered stages, not including placed roles or roles they are rejected from.

Candidate Brief:

You can edit the notes added by the user regarding the candidate here.

This image showing the Candidate brief of candidate in candidate quick view

Work History:

The candidate's work history as well as current employer, which can be edited here

This image showing the Work history of candidate in candidate quick view


Education history of the candidate.

This image showing Education of candidate in candidate quick view

3. LinkedIn

In this section, you can have a view of the candidate's LinkedIn profile if you add it manually or if the candidate was added from LinkedIn using Velocity. If you don't see anything in this section, just select “search on LinkedIn” to incorporate the candidate's account.

👉 For more information on Velocity, please click HERE.

4. CV

In this section, you can see the available CV’s uploaded to their profile. The original CV you uploaded and any formatted versions you have used to send to clients will be included here.

This image showing the CV of candidate in candidate quick view

5. Details

This section will include any important details about the client such as what Talent Pools they are involved in, the candidate's owner, source, industries, expertise, and salary.

👉 This section is configurable through “Field Configuration” for more information click HERE

This image showing the details of candidate in candidate quick view

6. Brief

In the Brief section of the candidate quick view you can see any notes associated with the candidate as well as edit existing notes or create a new note with a different title.

This image showing the Candidate brief section of candidate in candidate quick view

7. Activities

In the activities tab of Candidate quick view, you can review all meetings, comments, and actions taken regarding the candidate. This overview provides clarity on who within your company took the action and when it occurred.

This image showing the activities of candidate in candidate quick view

8. Emails

As long as your email account is connected (see HERE for information on how to do this) any email correspondence you have had with the candidate will show in this tab, including the sent date, time, the content of the email, attachments, and which consultant sent the email.

This image showing the emails of candidate in candidate quick view

9. SMS

This section will involve any SMS correspondence between your company and the candidate. If you’re interested in utilizing our SMS feature see the help center on how to set up a Twilio account (Twillio is a third-party app and requires a separate subscription). For more information on Twilio click HERE

10. Availability

This is where you can see the availability calendar of the candidate, which can either be requested from the candidate or completed by the recruiter through email.

📌 For more details you can read all about this HERE

This image showing the Availability tab of candidate in candidate quick view

11. Actions

Check the upper right-hand corner “Actions” to find many quick actions you can apply to your candidate.

This gif showing how to use the actions button in candidate quick view

12. Integration

When you integrate with these companies, such as RECII, ROBORECRUITER, ONBOARDED, SOURCEBREAKER, DAXTRA STYLER, REFEROO, ICETRAK, RSIGN, and others 👉 They will be visible within this candidate section.

📋 Note: Only integrations you connected will appear in this section

Happy Recruitment #TheVinnyWay🤩

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