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Vincere Platform Updates: V24.1.3.0 ✨ (March '24)
Vincere Platform Updates: V24.1.3.0 ✨ (March '24)

Check below for all things new and enhanced inside Vinny- version v24.1.3.0 (Mar '24)

Matt Donnelly avatar
Written by Matt Donnelly
Updated over a year ago

Release Date: Thursday 7th March 2024

Downtime: No

Our product team works tirelessly to bring you fantastic new features and productivity enhancements to make Vincere better and bolder each day.


Keep scrolling to find out what's new ⬇️

✨ Share Smart Views

Recruiting for Perm? Trying to grab that amazing contractor? Working on a retained role? Different recruitment processes require different information at your fingertips and that's why we give each user the ability to create desired views depending on which columns you want to see.

Previously, users could create as many smart views as they like, but they were limited to that individual user and couldn't be shared with teams or colleagues within the business.

👉 We're delighted to be upgrading this feature, which now allows users to:

  • Create both private and public smart views which can be shared seamlessly with colleagues.

  • A brand new custom view ensuring you always have the most important data points front and center of your workflows.

  • Giving admins access to create company-wide views.

What does Custom View mean?

Custom view is your very own personal view, which when set, stays "sticky". This means you don't need to resave each time you make a change and the columns will stay saved until you decide to make a change. If you'd like to save a custom view so you don't lose it, simply give it a name and hit save as new. You can then choose to keep it private or public to share with colleagues.

When making smart views public you can choose to share:

  • Public - all users in the business

  • Specific users - choose the users from the dropdown

  • Specific teams - choose the teams from the dropdown

Note: Smart view owners/creators can delete their own views (both private and public). If a user is using a public smart view and the owner deletes it, the user will be reallocated the custom view.

🤔 What does this change mean for me? How do I set my desired view?

Simply navigate to "table views & configuration", select the columns you'd like to see, and hit save. You can build as many smart views as you like, and now you can even share with your colleagues - just mark them as public and everyone in the business will be able to benefit from them:

💡 Tip: You can view more info on how to setup your smart views here.

✨ ATS: Navigate the brand new Candidate activity table with ease

We are excited to announce a brand new way for you to interact with Candidate activities inside the platform aimed to reduce clicks and allow for more of those all-important quality conversations.

👉 What's changed?

When viewing the activities table from a Candidate record you can now create smart views to setup & optimise your desired views. We have added:

  • No.

  • View

  • Pin

  • Category

  • Created Date

  • Summary

  • Created By

  • Goal / Activity

  • Due Date

  • Task Category

  • Company

  • Contact

  • Job

  • Deal

Alongside adding the new smart view columns we have also embedded this linked data into the activity summary. This allows you to see the relevant information clearly at a glance without the need to have separate Contact / Job / Candidate columns in your view:

We've also added the ability to search the summary notes directly allowing you to save time and quickly locate important events

...for example first-week:

Don't forget if you need to quickly expand all of the activity records, you can do this by simply clicking the 'blue arrows' expand button:

The new activity table is also visible in your Candidate quick view, allowing you to seamlessly locate important activities in just a click:

You can filter by date range from and to:

Alongside filtering activities by:

  • All activities

  • Pinned

  • Planned

  • Present

  • Past

Those all-important activities can be pinned to the top of the record ensuring nothing is missed when working at pace:

What does this change mean for me?

You can now quickly and easily setup your desired views including all the information you'd ever need to see in one table, save them using smart views, and filter and search everything within. This allows you to quickly see everything happening with your Candidates at a glance, without the need to click into different profiles.

💡Tip: Remember to Pin any of those super-important updates so they can't be missed.

✨ Service Delivery Date added to Invoices

For our German based customers we have added a brand new field called "Service Delivery Date" in the invoicing and purchase order processes.

What is a Service Delivery Date?

The delivery date is the date that the service was provided (or completed), or when goods were delivered to the customer. If the delivery date doesn’t coincide with the issue date of the invoice, then it’s important that the two dates are clearly indicated on the invoice.

👉 What's new?

We have added the field "Service Delivery Date" to the following areas:


  • Purchase Invoice

  • Sales Invoice

  • Self-Bill Invoice

  • Credit Invoice

  • Consolidated Invoice

Invoice Table:

Added ability to view the Service Delivery Date in the column and filter a certain date.

  • Table Views & Configuration

Data Export Scheduler:

Added Service Delivery Date field as an export item in the following data set:

  • Data Set: Invoices and Onboarding data

  • Data Set: Application, Onboarding, and Invoices data

  • Data Set: Application, Onboarding, Invoices and Expense Report data

Document Builder:

Added a new wildcard #Invoice.ServiceDeliveryDate# in the following Doc Builder Templates, this pulls the Service Delivery Date from an Invoice.

  • Document Builder: Purchase Invoice (Permanent)

  • Document Builder: Purchase Invoice (Contract/Temporary)

  • Document Builder: Sales Invoice

  • Document Builder: Self-Bill Invoice

  • Document Builder: Consolidated Sales Invoice

  • Document Builder: Consolidated Purchase Invoice

  • Document Builder: Credit Invoice (Contract/Temp)

  • Document Builder: Credit Invoice (Permanent)

API Endpoint Response:

Added Service Delivery Date in the following endpoints:

  • /api/v2/invoice/{id}

  • /api/v2/placement/{id}/invoices

✨ Send shift schedule confirmation to temporary workers

Recruiters are now able to share and confirm shift schedulers with temporary workers in just a few clicks -providing peace of mind for your candidates that shifts are confirmed and freeing up your time from crafting manual emails.

👉 What's new?

Once you have booked a temporary worker into a shift, simply head to actions (from within the shift scheduler or a placement record and select "send work schedule":

This will present the user with a configurable email template for all candidate(s) you wish to confirm shifts with (up to 100 at a time). Once happy with the email, simply hit send!

Note: This email template can be configured by admins from email template settings #19.7.

This is what your temporary workers receive:

The worker can simply click on "view my shifts". They are then redirected a personalised portal where they can view:

  • Confirmed shifts

  • Add future availability

  • Setup shift reminders

  • Change language settings

The worker can change language settings:

Add their availability:

Subscribe to availability reminder alerts:

View a key of colours codes:

And view shift details in more detail by clicking on the box:

Note: Recruiters can send this confirmation from the shift scheduler (above workflow) OR from the candidate placement record (below):

What does this change mean for me?

Guaranteed to be a fantastic time-saver for both recruiters and temporary workers. This brand-new workflow enables recruiters to seamlessly share shift patterns with workers in just a few clicks alongside fully configured email templates to ensure branding is on point; whilst candidates are able to view shifts, add availability, and subscribe to alerts all in one handy and easy to use portal.

The portal is mobile optimised allowing workers to interact with you on the go.

💰 FastTrack 360 Updates

We're continuing to invest heavily in the Vincere x FT360 integration by adding new features and updates every month, based directly on customer feedback. See below for this months improvements.

✨ Improved “placedBy” workflow


  • “placeBy“ is a back-end field used to store the user who moved the candidate from the “Offer” to the “Placed” stage.

  • The “placeBy” field is used and passed over to FastTrack360 as "FilledByUser”.


If “placedBy” is null or empty in such circumstances, e.g. from data uploaded by data migration or via data Import; we will use the current logged in user as the “placeBy” and sync this to FastTrack360 as “FilledByUser”.

PlaceBy as Agency User:

If the logged-in user is an agency user mapped in the marketplace, logic will run as standard and sync over the logged-in user as the “placeBy” user.

PlaceBy as Connect User:

  • First time connect user:

    If the user sending the placement to FastTrack360 is a first-time connect user, logic will run and create a connect user to FastTrack360 and use this user as the “placeBy” user.

  • Existing connect user

    If the user is already a connect user, logic will run as standard and sync over the logged-in user as the “placedBy” user.

✨ Remove “Default Value” mandatory field rule

We have removed the mandatory validation rule for when default value fields are null:

✨ FT360 Department / Job Site Location

We have added 2 additional fields to the Vincere placement record to sync with FT360:

  • Job Site Location

  • Department

✨ Job Site Location

Important note: The new FT360 “Job Site Location” field is a free-text field strictly related to FT360 users and should not be confused with the Vincere native field “Job Site Locations”, which is a location dropdown field (example below):

FT360 Job Site Location (just for FT360 sync) - under FastTrack 360 settings

Vincere native Job Site Location (for all users) - under Job Site settings

How to setup this new field (for admin users)

Navigate to Settings > Field Configuration > Job fields:

There are two FT360 fields inside the group:

This field can also be added to quick add job fields. Navigate to Settings > Field Configuration > job fields:

How users can interact with this field:

On a job record:

In Job smart views (custom columns):

On a placement record:

✨ Department Field

Department is an existing field that was previously stored in the Company & Client Details section. Following this update, it will be moved to the TimeTemp & FastTrack360 area:

FT360 x Vincere field mapping sync validation is also updated to include the 2 new fields:

In Shift Scheduler, the new fields are also visible:


  • Cost Center: The job profile now has a dedicated field for FT360 "cost center". When placement is created against the job, the placement’s cost center will inherit the values inputted on the job.

  • Both fields in the placement and job records will continue to comply with billing rule: only billing addresses are visible in dropdown selection:

If you have any questions on this or would like more details, please reach out to your Vincere/FastTrack360 rep who will happily run you through the updates in more detail.

💸 TimeTemp updates (launching 14th March 2024)

Release T24.1.4.0

✨ Integrate Job’s Branch data to TimeTemp

👉 What's new?

In this release, we’re syncing the job's branch data from Vincere to TimeTemp. Any job synced to TimeTemp will now send across the branches tagged to this job. This allows recruiters to see which branches a timesheet is tagged against.

Use cases

  1. Recruiter users can see from the timesheet tables the branch information of each timesheet

  2. Branches tagged to a timesheet are taken from this timesheet's job's branches

Sync from Vincere job page:

To TimeTemp pages:

✨ TimeTemp Global Filter

👉 What's new?

In this release, we are adding the ability for recruiters to set a global filter for timesheet tables that can be applied across all their timesheet tabs.

Use case

  1. Recruiters need a quick way to filter timesheets related to certain companies, job owners and branches so that they can speed up their workflow. Currently, the timesheet table shows all timesheets from the jobs this recruiter manages, and they have to re-apply the filters every time.

For recruiter users, they should see a filter option showing on top right of the table for all of their timesheet tabs (Submitted/Unsubmitted/Approved/Rejected)

Users can now select to add filters for:

  • Company: refers to the company of the timesheet’s job linked to

  • Job’s Owner: refers to the recruiter users who are assigned as the timesheet’s job owner

  • Branch: refers to the timesheet’s job branches

Upon selecting the options, they will be added to the filters

Users can have the option to apply the same filter across all of their timesheet’s tabs:

  • Selecting “Applies to all tabs” will enable the same filter to all timesheet tabs

  • If this option is enabled, all of the timesheet tabs will be applied with the same filter every time the user goes into the timesheet page

  • If the user toggles this off, the filter will be only be applied to the current tab, and the filter will be cleared from all the other tabs

If you have any questions on this or would like more details, please reach out to your TimeTemp rep who will happily run you through the updates in more detail.

- end -

Delivered via the #VLY Sprint with feedback directly from our customers 🧡

👉 Keep the feedback coming and we’ll keep delivering.

Give us your feedback & vote for future features here:

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