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Vincere Platform Updates: v19.16 ✨ (Dec '23)
Vincere Platform Updates: v19.16 ✨ (Dec '23)

Check below for all things new and enhanced inside Vinny version 19.16 (Dec '23)

Matt Donnelly avatar
Written by Matt Donnelly
Updated over 4 months ago

Release Date: Saturday 23rd December 2023

Downtime: Yes - Vincere will be unavailable from:

23/12/23 @ approx 4am-8am (GMT)

Our product team works tirelessly to bring you fantastic new features and productivity enhancements to make Vinny better and better each day.


Keep scrolling to find out what's new ⬇️

✨ Bulk tag Industries, Functional Expertise, Skills & Keywords

We're excited to announce a brand new feature allowing you to quickly update up to 100 candidates at once with:

  • Industries & sub industries

  • Functional expertise & sub functional expertise

  • Skills

  • Keywords

It’s a fantastic time saver and allows you to keep your candidate database up-to-date in real time, in less than a few clicks.

What's changed?

Simply select all the candidates you wish to update > head to actions and click "Add Tags"

Select the tags you want to add to the candidate(s) from the coding drop-downs

Hit save and Voilà ✨

The new skills & tags will be added to the candidates records in seconds

💡 TIP: Remember you can view all of these new skills & tags from within the table view using the new columns we recently added removing the need to navigate to the candidates profile.

You can also utilise this feature from the advanced search view too. Great for identifying any candidates that meet your search criteria, and then easily bulk updating their skills in seconds


  • This feature will only append additional tags to candidates, it will not override existing tags.

  • If a candidate already has an industry tag for example “Accounting”, and the user tries to bulk add the same industry again (Accounting), Vincere will not create a duplicate tag. The previous tag will remain.

  • Sub industry/sub functional expertise child dropdown selections are dictated by parent industry/functional expertise.

  • Skills & keywords are free text fields.

✨ Brand new dynamic browser tabs

Ever find yourself with multiple Vinny tabs open, jumping from tab to tab trying to find the correct record you're looking for to be presented with "VC - ATS" or "VC - CRM"? Sound familiar?

After lots of customer feedback, we're excited to revolutionise the way you interact with Vincere tabs in your browser by introducing our brand new dynamic browser tabs 🎉

What's changed?

Simply open a record in Vincere and we will dynamically display the correct entity icon & record name directly in the browser tab.

This works for all major entity profiles (inc quick view) in Vincere including:

  • Candidate

  • Contact

  • Company

  • Placement

  • Deal

  • Invoice

What does this change mean for me?

This change will dramatically enhance your day to day user experience and speed gains with Vincere. You can quickly identify which tabs are open, allowing you to seamlessly navigate to the correct record; and not get lost in the noise of hundreds of generic browser tabs.

💯 Faster navigation = faster placements.

✨ Setup a default status tag for Candidates / Contacts / Companies / Jobs

We've enhanced the way you can interact with entity (Candidate, Company, Job, Contact) statuses in Vincere, allowing statuses to be fully configured and defaults set from day one. This ensures all record statuses are accurate and up-to-date as soon as the record is created in Vinny.

What's Changed?

Previously, when records were added to Vincere, the status tag would default to:

  • Company: Active

  • Contact: Active

  • Job: Open

  • Candidate: Active

The above defaults limited how you could optimise the status feature for your individual business and company workflows.

Not anymore! We've added the ability for admin users, to setup brand new default statuses for each of the entities. This might include:

  • "Pre-Reg" for candidates? So you can quickly identify which candidates need to be processed at point of being adding to the system.

  • "New Job - need to assign owner" for Jobs? Allowing jobs to be assigned to the right members of your team seamlessly.

  • "Fresh Lead" for Companies? So your consultants can get to work on this as quickly as possible.

  • "Pending intro" for Contacts? Allowing you to start that relationship off right.

The possibilities are endless and we can't wait to see what you come up with.

As a recruiter, simply add a new Candidate, Contact, Company or Job, and we'll ensure the correct status is added to the record:

Of-course statuses can continue to be changed throughout the recruitment process to reflect the most up-to-date status of the record, however this change gives you the freedom to automate custom statuses seamlessly in the background from day one, removing any manual steps.

How do I enable this feature?

Vincere Super User/admins need to navigate to Settings > Admin settings > Organisational settings > Status. Here, you can create multiple colour-coded statuses and define the default for each new record type by ticking the "Default status" checkbox.

What does this change mean for me?

A simple, yet powerful, automatically triggered status, allowing you to ensure your data integrity is accurate from day one.

Statuses might include:

  • "Pre-Reg" for candidates? So you can quickly identify which candidates need to be processed at point of adding to the system.

  • "New Job - need to assign owner" for Jobs? Allowing jobs to be assigned to the right members of your team seamlessly.

  • "Fresh Lead" for Companies? So your consultants can get to work on this as quickly as possible.

  • "Pending intro" for Contacts? Allowing you to start that relationship off right.

The possibilities are endless and we can't wait to see what you come up with 👀

✨ Allow creator to edit meetings and tasks

We've added the ability for both the task/meeting creator and the assignee to edit the details. This is great for when there's more than one person working together on tasks/meetings, for example a Candidate Owner and Job Owner. It also allows Executive Assistants to add, edit and delete tasks/meetings on the assignee's behalf.

What's Changed?

Both the task/meeting creator and the assignee now have full edit/delete rights, allowing more than one individual to update diaries and tasks as required.

Fields that can be edited by both the creator and the assignee include:


  • Task subject

  • Task due date & time

  • Assignee

  • Reminder

  • Description

  • Task Category

  • Notify Team Members

  • Followers

  • Link to (Jobs/Candidates/Companies/Contacts/Deals)

  • Upload files

  • Input comment


  • Meeting subject

  • Meeting due date&time

  • Assignee

  • Attendees

  • External attendees

  • Meeting location (dropdown)

  • Meeting location

  • Meeting room

  • Reminder

  • Description

  • Link to (Jobs/Companies/Contacts)

  • Upload files

  • Input comment

What does this change mean for me?

This is great for when there's more than one person working together on tasks/meetings for example a Candidate Owner and Job Owner. It also allows executive assistants to add, edit and delete tasks/meetings on the assignee's behalf, ensuring everyone is in the loop of any changes.

✨ Placement owners can now view candidate events in personal calendar

Previously: Only the Candidate Owner can view placement events on their Vincere calendar.

Update: Both the Candidate Owner and Placement Owner have the same visibility of these placement events.

What's Changed?

Once a user is set as Placement Owner for a placement, all placement related activities will be visible on the calendar for both Placement Owner and Candidate Owner. These activities include:

  • Placements

  • Temps Starting

  • Temps Finishing

  • Perm Starters

Note: A user becomes a Placement Owner when they are added to the profit split section of a placement record

What does this change mean for me?

This update now allows both the Candidate Owner and Placement Owner to keep up to date on their candidates progress. It's great if you need to do check-ins with your candidates before their first day of work or be alerted when a temp role is coming to an end so you make sure you place them into a renewal as quickly as possible.

✨ Additional language support for brand new Send Jobs to Candidates feature

Our brand new Send Jobs to Candidates feature now has multi-language support. We're delighted to have added support for 6 different languages including:

  • Deutsch (German) 🇩🇪

  • Dutch 🇳🇱

  • Espanol (Spanish) 🇪🇸

  • Japanese 🇯🇵

  • Chinese 🇨🇳

  • English 🇬🇧

The default language selected will be based on the candidate’s preferred language field set in the their profile inside Vincere. The candidate can then choose to change this based on personal preference.

✨ Mobile optimisation for brand new Send Jobs to Candidates feature

Our brand new Send Jobs to Candidates feature is now fully mobile/tablet optimised.

With this brand-new feature, recruiters can easily share a list of suitable jobs and send out to multiple candidates at once. Candidates will then receive a fully branded centralized dashboard to view all of the jobs in one place, now fully mobile-optimized, making it easy for them to view and respond to job specs on the go:

✨ CSV Data Import Improvements

We have enhanced the usability of our CSV data import tool to support additional customer use-cases, allowing you to seamlessly import data into Vinny quicker than ever-before.

This update includes the ability to import data against pre-existing records or those that are manually created from CSV; alongside the ability to import tags (Industry/Sub Industry & Functional/Sub-functional expertise) to all entities.

What's Changed?

👉 CSV Import through Entity ID

  • Previously: We only supported importing CSV records through external IDs. Meaning, if you have a manually created record in Vincere, the user won’t be able to import a record against it since there’s no external ID provided.

  • Update: We have added the ability to import records to existing or manually created records in Vincere.

New Supported Column Headers

  • contact-companyEntityID - Importing Contacts to an existing and manually created Company Record

  • position-contactEntityID - Importing Jobs to an existing and manually created Contact Record

  • application-positionEntityID / application-candidateEntityID - Importing Application(s) to an existing and manually created Candidate

Logic & Conditions

  • The user can only import EITHER the external-id OR the entity-id

  • New column headers do not support auto-map as they are an optional field

  • EntityID is not a mandatory field

  • EntityID does not support auto-mapping

  • Users are free to swap entity-id with external-Id as long as it exists

  • Undo and revert is applied to these changes

CSV File Structure

New Error Handling Messages

  • Row [*] was skipped because both Entity ID and Entity External ID have value -user cannot use both Entity and External ID column to import

  • Row [*] was skipped because there is no value for Entity ID -user has not added value for Entity ID

  • Row [*] was skipped because there is no value for External ID -user has added a column for either Entity ID or External ID, but both don't have any values.

👉 Import Industry/Sub-industry & Functional Expertise/Sub-Functional Expertise (from CSV)

Previously: Users were unable to import tags via CSV data import tool.

Update: We have added the ability to import tags & sub-tags for all entity types.

Supported tags:

  • Industry & sub-Industry

  • Functional expertise & sub-functional expertise

Supported entity types:


New Supported Column Headers

Industry Headers:

  • tags_ind-entityType - Defines the type of an entity

  • tags_ind-entityId - Defines the id of an existing record in both ATS/CRM

  • tags_ind-externalId - Defines the external id of a record that has been imported to both ATS/CRM

  • tags_ind-industry - An existing industry value to be assigned to a record

  • tags_ind-subIndustry - An existing sub-industry value to be assigned to a record

Functional Expertise Headers:

  • tags_fe-entityType - Defines the type of an entity

  • tags_fe-entityId - Defines the id of an existing record in both ATS/CRM

  • tags_fe-externalId - Defines the external id of a record that has been imported to both ATS/CRM

  • tags_fe-expertise - An existing functional expertise value to be assigned to a record

  • tags_fe-subExpertise - An existing sub-functional expertise value to be assigned to a record

Logic & Conditions:

  • Tags/sub-tags must already exist in the customer’s site before importing i.e. Industry: Accounting

  • The user can only import EITHER the external-id OR the entity-id

  • For the auto-mapping to work, the user must use the new headers listed

  • Entity Type is a mandatory field

  • Tags/Sub Tags are mandatory

  • Users are free to swap entity-id with external-Id as long as it exists

  • Undo and revert is applied to these changes

CSV Structure:

  • The user can mix and match entity-id and external-id as long as they don’t overlap

  • The user can import for all entity types in one CSV or choose to import per entity type

Sample below is a CSV for all entity types:

New Error Handling Messages

  • Row [*] was skipped because the expertise already exists for this entity - functional expertise was already imported prior to this import attempt

  • Row [*] was skipped because the industry already exists for this entity- industry expertise was already imported prior to this import attempt

  • Row [*] was skipped because industry is a mandatory field but the value is empty - industry field for a particular row is empty

  • Row [*] was skipped because expertise is a mandatory field but the value is empty - functional expertise field for a particular row is empty

  • Row [*] was skipped because there is no matching [*] for the [*] assigned - a sub-tag (child) inserted to this field does not exist on its primary tag (parent)

  • Row [*] was skipped because entity type is a mandatory field but the value is empty - entity type field for a particular row is left empty

What does this change mean for me?

These upgrades allow you to seamlessly bulk import data into Vinny quicker than ever-before, including a wealth of additional tags and skill codes, all at no extra cost.

This not only saves a bundle of time & money, but also ensures the data integrity of your database is accurate from day one as all entities can be coded and ready to go at point of import.

🛠️ Architecture: Platform performance and security updates


Access Identity integration with Vincere Core

We are starting to migrate existing Vincere users from AWS Cognito to Access Identity, to ensure a much smoother & secure login experience.

After the release you will be presented with an option to create your account in Access Identity. Upon login you will be asked to create a new account or remind me later (we strongly recommend creating your new account ASAP, it only takes a few minutes and will need to be actioned by the deadline in late Q1 2024 ~March 2024).

Once you click "Create New Account" you will be guided through the process of setting up your new password in Access Identity

Enter a new password for your account

Once setup, you can close the Access Identity tab and you will be taken back into Vincere where you can continue as normal. This step only needs to be completed once and ensures the security of your account

Next time you attempt login to Vincere, you will be redirected to Access Identity to enter your password. Once successfully logged in you will be redirected back to your Vincere account to continue as normal

Why do I need to upgrade to Access Identity?

This change allows you to benefit from:

  • Increased account security (including securer password rules)

  • Single sign on (SSO) to other Access Products including Access Workspace and future AI functionality via Access Co-Pilot (stay tuned for this!)

Any questions or issues with this please reach out to us at via the chat in your account or click here.

🌍 Engage & Portals Updates 1.18.0 (Dec '23)

View platform updates for Engage & Portals here

🎥 Don't forget to join our upcoming webinar

What's new with Vinny: December roundup 🎁

Join Matt & Amy, for an interactive 30-minute session, where they’ll be running through all the key features & upgrades released throughout December.

📅 Weds 10th & Thurs 11th January

⏰ 12pm / 2pm

👉 Save your spot here

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