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User Responsibilities

Vincere Super Users

Ines avatar
Written by Ines
Updated over 7 months ago

If a User has Administrator responsibilities, they will be able to – by default – access all parts of the system... we call these your Vincere Super Users 😍

🤩 Most importantly, Administrators have access to:

And the rest of the roles won't have access to Marketplace, Import, Admin settings, or field configuration.


We recommend reserving Administrator responsibility for MD level and database administrators/managers as you don't want this permission in the wrong hands.

📌 The other responsibilities: Director, Manager, Consultant, and Resourcer – don’t come with any specific permissions.

  • Someone who has the Director's responsibility, by default, has the same level of access to Vincere as someone who has the Resourcer's responsibility.

  • These responsibilities are for internal record keeping, rather than for giving users access to different parts of Vincere.

So every time, you create a new User with a specific Role like Director, Manager, Consultant, or Resourcer.

  • If you wish to check what Permissions the role has been granted just simply click on The Permissions Tab located on the top left of the screen.

📝 Note: You can also grant more permission to the role beside the default settings by ticking on the checkbox next to each access permission. Once done, don't forget to click on Save.

Happy Recruitment #TheVinnyWay🤩

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