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Fees Dashboard - Booked Fees πŸ“Š | Vincere Intelligence
Fees Dashboard - Booked Fees πŸ“Š | Vincere Intelligence
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Written by Jason
Updated today

The Fees Dashboard in Vincere Intelligence offers a comprehensive view of all fees within your organization, including Booked Fees, Actual Fees, Fee Data, Leaderboard, and Headcount Flow.

πŸ€” What Can You Track?

This tool is designed to help you track performance, revenue, and team effectiveness, providing insights that support strategic decision-making.

β­• Overview

The Fees Dashboard consolidates all fee-related data across your organization, helping you monitor both individual and team performance metrics.

  • πŸ‘‰ Use this dashboard to analyze revenue, compare monthly figures, and track targets.

πŸ—οΈ Key Features

  • Booked Fees: View all fees from placement details, including profit splits (with and without invoice items), renewals, and retainers (approved, sent, and marked statuses).

  • Actual Fees: Monitor total revenue generated, reflecting approved Purchase and Sales Invoices, with insights into approved and sent invoices.

  • Fee Data: Access both Booked and Actual Fees data, providing visibility into commission splits, original placements, renewals, and retainers.

  • Leaderboard: Track user performance, comparing actual placements across job types against set revenue targets.

  • Headcount Flow: Visualize the number of placements compared to total jobs on the system, understanding the flow of job additions and closures.

β­• How to Access the Fees Dashboard?

To access the Fees Dashboard, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Intelligence icon in the left-side panel

  2. Then click on Fees Dashboard.

If you don't see the Company-wide Stats, you may need permission to view it. Follow the steps below based on your role:

For Admin Users

For Non-Admin Users

  1. Go to Settings > User Management.

  2. Find your name in the user list and click on it.

  3. Navigate to the Permissions tab.

  4. Scroll down to the INTELLIGENCE section.

  5. In Analytics Basic, check the box for Fees.

  6. Click Save to apply the changes.

If you're not an admin, please contact a colleague with admin privileges to grant you access to the Company Stats Dashboard.

  • πŸ‘‰ This should enable you to view the Fees Dashboard.

β­• Understanding the Metrics

You can view Booked Fees and Actual Fees information by applying filters in the options panel on the right side of the screen.

πŸ“Š Booked Fees

This Dashboard shows all fees from placement details (profit split including and excluding invoice items), renewals & retainers (approved not sent, approved and sent & approved and marked as sent)


  1. Booked Fees | MTD: Total of booked fees for the current month only.

  2. Last Month: sum of booked fees for the previous month.

  3. Previous Month: sum of booked fees 2 months ago (Comparison: Last Month - Previous Month/ Previous.

  4. 3 Months Ago: sum of booked fees 3 months ago (Comparison: Last Month - 3 Months Ago/ 3 Months Ago).

  5. 1 year Ago: total of booked fees of the current month a year ago (i.e. If the current month is July 2024, this will show the total fees for the month of July 2023) - (Comparison: Last Month - Last Month Last Year/ Last Month Last Year).

Chart View

  • Hover the mouse over the graph to view a breakdown ⬇️

  1. Total Fees: sum of fees based on selected date filter

  2. Monthly Avg: monthly average based on filters

  3. Ave Fee Size: total fees/number of total placements (based on filters)

  4. Ave Fee Margin: Total Fee Margin/ Total Placements (based on filters)

  5. Booked vs Target: Total fees against total revenue targets of users depending on the time period

  6. Last 12 months: from the current month to the same month of last year (i.e. July 2019 - July 2020)

  7. Calendar Year: from 01/01 of the current year to 12/31 of the current year (i.e. Jan 1, 2020 - Dec 31, 2020)

  8. Financial Year: based on the set financial period in the Admin Settings > 11. Reporting Period Management

  9. Custom Date: chart divided based on selected date filter

  10. Placements: Total number of placed candidates (original placements) based on selected time period (includes terminated/finished)

  11. Renewals: Total number of renewed candidates based on selected time period (includes terminated/finished)

  12. Retainers: number of retainer invoices with invoice status as approved not sent, approved and sent & approved and marked as sent based on selected time period

  13. Cost of Sales: sum of cost sales from the placement details based on selected time period

  14. Target: sum of revenue targets of users based on based on the selected time period from any of these actions on the Goal console.

  15. Target %: total fees/target

Table view

This table includes details on placements, invoices, and sub-status.

  • You also have the option to view either the Profit Split by Amount or Percentage.

πŸ“Š Fee Data - Booked Fees


  1. Companies: The total number of companies for which at least one placement has been made in the filtered time frame.

  2. Placements | Retainers | Renewals: The total number of placements made in the filtered time frame, including retainers and renewals.

  3. Cost Of Sales

  4. Fees: The total booked fees are in the filtered time frame.

Table view

This table includes details on placements, COS, and Source.

  • Fees come from 2 sources:

    • (PS) - Profit Split in placement detail

    • (JO) - Job Owner (in case Profit Split is empty)

  • You also have the option to view either the Profit Split by Amount or Percentage.

πŸ“Š Leaderboard

Your Booked Fees Leaderboard, you can adjust the desired time frame using the date filter

  • Hover the mouse over the graph to view a breakdown ⬇️

Chart View - Table view

  1. Booked Fees: The Total Booked Fees in the filtered time frame.

  2. Unique Consultants: The number of active users.

  3. Fees per Unique Consultant: The total booked fees divided by the number of Unique Consultants.

  4. Total Placements (Perm/Temp): The total number of placements made in the filtered time frame, excluding retainers and renewals.

  5. Placements per Consultant: The average number of placements per active consultant.

  6. Target:

  • >100%: number and percentage (number x unique consultants) of consultants who met 100% of their revenue targets

  • >80%: number and percentage (number x unique consultants) of consultants who met 80% of their revenue targets

  • >=50%: number and percentage (number x unique consultants) of consultants who met 50% or more of their revenue targets

  • <50%: number and percentage (number x unique consultants) of consultants who met 50% or more of their revenue targets

πŸ“Š Headcount Flow in Fees Dashboard - Booked Fees πŸ“Š

This Dashboard shows the number of placements made compared with the number of jobs put on the system.


  1. Jobs Placed % | MTD: The percentage of placed jobs versus the number of open jobs - month to date.

  2. Last month: Sum of Placed Jobs for the previous month

  3. Previous Month: Sum of Placed Jobs 2 months ago (Comparison: Last Month - Previous Month/ Previous)

  4. 3 Months Ago: Sum of Placed Jobs 3 months ago (Comparison: Last Month - 3 Months Ago/ 3 Months Ago)

  5. 1 Year Ago: Total of Placed Jobs of the current month a year ago (i.e. If the current month is July 2024, this will show the total fees for the month of July 2023) - (Comparison: Last Month - Last Month Last Year/ Last Month Last Year)

Chart View - Table View

This table view shows the breakdown of % jobs placed, total placements from all job types, jobs closed not placed headcount, total headcount closed, and headcount flow per month from the selected time period.

  • Hover the mouse over the graph to view a breakdown ⬇️

  1. Avg days to Placement: Average days to placement.

  2. Avg. Jobs Placed %: The average of Jobs Placed % in the filtered time frame - you can adjust the desired time frame using the date filter.

  3. New Headcount this month: The total number of headcounts from the new jobs opened in the current month.

  4. Headcount Flow: This is the refactor of the "Job Flow" report, for more detail on this, click HERE

β­• Definition of Filter Factors

Definition of factors in the filter board on the right-hand side:

  1. Date Type: You can choose to view Booked Date, Placed Date, or Start Date.

  2. Date: Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, and Quarterly (can set the default Reporting Period on Admin Settings)

  3. Locations: Filter by each office location or multiple locations.

  4. Branch: Filter by consultant's branch or multiple branches.

  5. Brand: Filter by consultant's brand or multiple brands.

  6. Brand (Job): Filter by Job's brand or multiple brands.

  7. Division: Filter by consultant's division or multiple divisions.

  8. Team: Filter by consultant's team or multiple teams..

  9. Consultant: Filter by individual consultant or multiple consultants, including active & inactive consultants.

  10. Consultant Status: Filter by Active / Inactive users / both. By default, Inactive Users are included.

  11. Job Category: Filter by activities linked to Jobs / linked to Job Leads / No Job link.

  12. ​Job type: Permanent, Contractual, Project Based, Regular, and Temporary.

  13. Perm Sub Type: Contingent, Retained, Exclusive, and Non-Perm.

  14. Industry: Filter by job industries or multiple industries.

  15. Placement Types: filter by different placement types: Placements (permanent, temp, contract) / Retainers / Renewals / All

  16. Company ID: copy and paste the company ID to see stats related to that single company only.

πŸ“ Note:

  • When filtering out by groups (brand, division, team, location):

If the user is in 2 or more groups/locations ➑️ fees for each placement will be split equally between groups/locations filtered in the dashboard when filtered out.

This guide provides an organized look at using the Fees Dashboard to maximize performance tracking and revenue insights in Vincere Intelligence.

  • πŸ‘‰ Make the most of the dashboard’s metrics to keep your team on track toward their targets and optimize organizational growth.

β­• Interested in learning more about Vincere Intelligence?

If you are not using Vincere Intelligence yet but would like to, we suggest joining our training sessions to learn best practices and what’s new with Vincere Intelligence.

πŸ“‚ You can also fill in this form to request a training session.

Happy Recruitment #TheVinnyWay🀩

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