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Data Sources Dashboard πŸ“Š | Vincere Intelligence
Data Sources Dashboard πŸ“Š | Vincere Intelligence
Jason avatar
Written by Jason
Updated over 3 months ago

β­• Overview

The Data Sources (DS) Dashboard is a comprehensive reporting tool designed to provide insights into the origin of candidates and clients within the recruitment pipeline. It highlights time and stage-correlated statistics, offering a detailed view of the effectiveness of various data sources.

  • This helps organizations understand where candidates and contacts come from, how they progress through the recruitment stages, and how these sources contribute to booked fees.

πŸ—οΈ Key Features

Two Main Sections

  • Candidate/Contact Sources: Focuses on the breakdown of candidate/ contact data by source and recruitment stage.

  • Booked Fees by Source: Delivers financial insights into revenue generated by sources.

  1. Candidate Sources Overview

    • Breakdown by Stages: Reports the number and percentage of candidates in various stages (e.g., new candidates, 1st interviews, placements, active, or rejected) based on their sources.

    • Stage-Specific Data: Offers detailed insights into how different sources perform across recruitment stages.

  2. Contact Sources Overview

    • New Contacts: Tracks new contacts added to the system based on their sources.

    • Job-Specific Metrics: Reports contacts linked to active jobs, interviews, and placements, categorized by source.

  3. Booked Fees by Source

    • Fee Contribution Analysis: Provides a breakdown of booked fees generated by candidates, grouped by their original source.

    • Detailed Candidate Reports: Displays all placed candidates along with their associated sources to help analyze the effectiveness of various sourcing channels.

πŸ“Œ Purpose of the Data Sources Dashboard

The Data Dashboard serves as a decision-making tool to:

  • Identify the most effective candidate and contact sources.

  • Optimize recruitment strategies by focusing on high-performing sources.

  • Correlate the origin of candidates with their progression through the pipeline and their revenue contribution.

  • Provide actionable insights for improving data-driven recruitment efforts.

β­• How to Access Data Sources Dashboard?

To access the Data Sources Dashboard, simply navigate to the Intelligence icon in the left-side panel > then click on Data Sources.

If you don't see the Data Sources Dashboard, you may need permission to view it. Follow the steps below based on your role:

For Admin Users

For Non-Admin Users

  1. Go to Settings > User Management.

  2. Find your name in the user list and click on it.

  3. Navigate to the Permissions tab.

  4. Scroll down to the INTELLIGENCE section.

  5. In Analytics Advanced, check the box for Lead & Candidate Sources

  6. Click Save to apply the changes.

If you're not an admin, please contact a colleague with admin privileges to grant you access to The Data Sources Dashboard.

  • πŸ‘‰ This should enable you to view The Data Sources Dashboard.

β­• Understanding the Metrics

The dashboard is divided into 2 main tabs, each providing specific insights:

πŸ“Š Candidate Sources

This tab focuses on the breakdown of candidate/ contact data by source and recruitment stage.

πŸ“‚ Candidate Sources


  1. New candidates - this month: Total new candidates added for the current month.

  2. Last Month: Total new candidates were added the month before thcurrent month.

  3. Previous Month: Total new candidates added 2 months before this month.

  4. 3 Months Ago: Total new candidates added 3 months before this month.

  5. 1 Year Ago: Total new candidates added of the previous month a year ago (i.e. If the current month is July 2024, this will show the total new candidates added for the month of June 2023)

Graph Metrics - Candidate Sources

Pie Chart - Candidate Sources

  • Hover the mouse over the graph to view a breakdown ⬇️

  1. New Candidates: Total new candidates added during the selected filtered Date - breaking down of their Candidate Sources

  2. 1st Interviews: Total interviews are arranged (scheduled) when the candidates are in the 1st interviews & 2nd+ interviews stage.

  3. Placements: Total placements made (Placements that have been placed during the filtered date, including retainers (invoice date) & renewals)

πŸ“ Note: The Source of one candidate will be counted N times if the candidate is set up N interviews.

Line Graph - Candidate Sources

New Candidates by Month: Number of new candidates by source by month - Breaking down of New Candidates by source in each month (the month will show based on the filtered Date)

  • Hover the mouse over the graph to view a breakdown ⬇️

Table View

  1. New Candidate: New candidate per source from the filtered Date.

  2. 1st Interviews: 1st interview & 2nd+ interview arranged (Scheduled) per source.

  3. Placements: Active placements per source.

  4. Active: Number of distinct candidates that have been shortlisted to open jobs.

    • πŸ“ŒCandidates will only be counted one if they are being shortlisted in more than 1 job - including Floated Candidates.

  5. Rejected: Number of distinct candidates that have been rejected within the filtered Date time

    • Rejected time = filtered time - candidates will only be counted one if they are being rejected in more than one job - including Floated Candidate.

  6. % Placed: % of Placements per source / total number of placements.

  7. % Active: % of Active candidates per source / total number of active candidates.

  8. % Rejected: % of Rejected candidates per source / total number of candidates.

πŸ“‚ Contact Sources


The date filter does not apply to this number - It will always show the data of the stated time.

  1. New contact - this month: Total new contacts added for the month.

  2. Last Month: Total new contacts added the month before this month

  3. Previous Month: Total new contacts added 2 months before this month

  4. 3 Months Ago: Total new contacts added 3 months before this month.

  5. 1 year ago: Total new contacts added of the previous month a year ago (i.e. If the current month is July 2024, this will show the total new contacts added for the month of June 2023)

Graph Metrics - Contact Sources

Pie Chart - Candidate Sources

  • Hover the mouse over the graph to view a breakdown ⬇️

  1. New Contacts: Total new contacts added during the selected filtered Date - breaking down of their Contact Sources

  2. Active Jobs: Total number of active jobs of

    • πŸ“Œ Note: This number is not affected by the Date Filter.

  3. Placements: Total active placements with placed date within the filtered Date.

    • πŸ“Œ Note: Placements that have been terminated/finished during the filtered date won’t be counted.

Line Graph - Contact Sources

New Contact by Month: Number of new contacts by source by month - Breaking down of New Contacts by source in each month (the month will show based on the filtered Date)

  • Hover the mouse over the graph to view a breakdown ⬇️

Table View

  1. New Contacts: New contacts per source from the filtered Date.

  2. Total Jobs: Total jobs added for per contact source.

  3. Active Jobs: Active placements per source.

  4. 1st Interviews: 1st interview & 2nd+ interview arranged (Scheduled) per source.

  5. Placements: Active placements per source.

  6. % 1st interview/Sent: Number of 1st interview/number of Sent applications per contact source.

  7. % Placed/1st Interview: number of placements/ number of 1st interview per contact source.

πŸ“Š Booked Fees By Source

🎯 Overview - Booked Fees By Source


Date filters do not apply to this number - It will always show the data of this month. Follow the Stats calculated from the Booked Fees Dashboard

  1. Booked Fees - This month: Total new booked fees were added for the month.

  2. Last Month: Total new booked fees added the month before this month

  3. Previous Month: Total new booked fees were added 2 months before this month

  4. 3 Months Ago: Total new booked fees added 3 months before this month

  5. 1 year ago: Total new booked fees added of the previous month a year ago (i.e. If the current month is July 2024, this will show the total new booked fees added for the month of June 2023)

Graph Metrics - Contact Sources

Pie Chart - Booked Fees

  1. Booked Fees: Total booked fees added during the selected filtered Date - breaking down based on the Candidate Sources.

  2. Avg Fee Margin: (Follow the average fee margin within the Booked Fees dashboard)

  3. Placements: Total number of placements have made within the filtered date (calculated based on the Placed Date - including Retainers & Renewals)

Line Graph - Contact Sources

Booked Fees by Source: Total revenue by source by month: breaking down of revenue by source in each month (the month will show based on the filtered Date).

  • Hover the mouse over the graph to view a breakdown ⬇️

Table View

Displays you all the key information like Source Name Revenue, % Revenue, Total, Placements, No. Temp Placements, No. Perm Placements, Avg Fee, Avg Fee Margin.

  1. Revenue: Total Revenue generated by each Candidate Source (including retainer invoices - based on Invoiced Date)

  2. % Revenue: Total Revenue by each Candidate Source / Total Booked Fees.

  3. Total Placements: Total Placement breaking down by each Candidate Source.

  4. No. Temp Placements: Total Temp Placement breaking down by each Candidate Source.

  5. No. Perm Placements: Total Perm Placement breaking down by each Candidate Source.

  6. Avg Fee: Revenue per source / No. of total placements per source.

  7. Avg Fee Margin: .from the Booked Fees dashboard.

🎯 Report Data

Generate a comprehensive report containing the following key details: Source Name, Candidate Name, Revenue, Booked Date, Candidate Registration Date, Job Title, Job Owner, Candidate Owner, Company Name, Job Type, and Margin

β­• Definition of Filter Factors

Definition of factors in the filter board on the right-hand side:

  1. Date: Determine the time period

  2. Locations: Filter by each office location or multiple locations.

    • Locations can be configured in Settings > Groups, Tags & Locations > Location

  3. Brand: Filter by consultant's brand or multiple brands.

  4. Division: Filter by consultant's division or multiple divisions.

  5. Team: Filter by consultant's team or multiple teams.

    • Team can be configured in Settings > Groups, Tags & Locations > Groups

  6. Consultant: Filter by individual consultant or multiple consultants, including active & inactive consultants.

    • Consultants can be managed in Settings > User Management.

  7. Consultant Status: Filter by Active / Inactive users / both.

  8. Job Category: Filter by activities linked to Jobs / linked to Job Leads / No Job link.

  9. Job type: Permanent, Contractual, Project Based, Regular, and Temporary.

    • All Job types are saved in Settings > Admin Settings > System Preferences > 5. Change system names for job types

  10. Source Type: Select either Candidate Sources or Application Sources

  11. Source Name: Filter by a single source or multiple sources.

  12. Currency: (defaulted to the currency set on the User Settings), or you can select the desired currency.

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πŸ“‚ You can also fill in this form to request a training session.

Happy Recruitment #TheVinnyWay🀩

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