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User Engagement Dashboard πŸ“Š| Vincere Intelligence
User Engagement Dashboard πŸ“Š| Vincere Intelligence
Jason avatar
Written by Jason
Updated over 4 months ago

β­• Overview

The User Engagement Dashboard in Vincere offers insights into your consultants’ engagement with the platform.

  • It helps track platform activity to monitor the effectiveness of the Vincere CRM implementation and user adoption.

  • This dashboard is especially useful as an onboarding tool to assess which consultants are actively using Vincere and allows ongoing evaluation of the CRM's "stickiness" by tracking consistent engagement.

πŸ—οΈ Key Features

  • Engagement Overview: Tracks and displays the total number of each activity type completed in the chosen time period.

  • By Consultant: Provides a breakdown of each consultant's activity, showing how actively they engage with the platform.

  • Report Data: Shows activity data by two methods, By Entity and Drill-Down Log, detailing unique records and all actions taken within the platform.

  • Activity Table and Chart View: Includes a table of all selected activity types and their monthly breakdown and a graphical view to track trends.

🎯 Purpose

This dashboard enables managers to:

  • Measure activity levels within the platform.

  • Identify high-performing users and assess usage consistency.

  • Support onboarding by ensuring new users engage effectively.

This tool is particularly valuable for CRM adherence tracking, ensuring consultants remain active and committed to using Vincere.

β­• How to Access the User Engagement Dashboard?

To access the User Engagement Dashboard, simply navigate to the Intelligence icon in the left-side panel > then click on User Engagement.

If you don't see the Company Stats Dashboard, you may need permission to view it. Follow the steps below based on your role:

For Admin Users

For Non-Admin Users

  1. Go to Settings > User Management.

  2. Find your name in the user list and click on it.

  3. Navigate to the Permissions tab.

  4. Scroll down to the INTELLIGENCE section.

  5. In Analytics Basic, check the box for User Engagement.

  6. Click Save to apply the changes.

If you're not an admin, please contact a colleague with admin privileges to grant you access to the User Engagement Dashboard.

  • πŸ‘‰ This should enable you to view the User Engagement

β­• Understanding the metrics

The dashboard shows the number of actions taken in Vincere but does not track actions against pre-set targets like Goals or KPIs. Key metrics include:

  • Total Activities: Activities by type for the selected period.

  • Average Activities per Consultant: Average activity count per user, useful for comparing engagement across consultants.

These metrics provide a comprehensive snapshot of platform engagement.

β­• Components

πŸ“Š Engagement Overview

The Header

This shows you the total number of all selected activity types that were completed in a specific period.

  1. Total Activities: Sum of selected activities for the current month.

  2. Last Month: Sum of selected activities that took place 1 month before

  3. Previous Month: Sum of total activities that took place 2 months before

  4. 3 Months Ago: Sum of selected activities that took place 3 months before

  5. 1 Year Ago: Total of selected activities of the previous month a year ago (i.e., If the current month is March 2024, this will show the sum of activities of Feb 2023)

πŸ“ Note: The Time filter from the right-hand side panel does not affect the numbers in the header.

The Chart View

This section displays activities by Time and Activity Type. By default, it shows the current month’s data for 10 specific activities:

  • Activities Include: Meetings - Candidates (Scheduled), Calls - Candidates (Connections), Companies (New), Contacts (New), Jobs (New), Candidates (New), Sent, 1st Interviews (Arranged), Placements, User login.

  • Customization: Use the Filter panel to select specific activities and time frames for chart display.

πŸ“ Note: These are the activities measured based on actions taken in the platform and not the actions measured against Goal targets.

The Activity Table

This table provides a detailed view of activities, showing the number and percentage of total activities based on selected filters.

πŸ‘‰ Breakdown:

  • Total: Total Number of Activities

  • Percentage: Percentage of each activity in relation to total activities.

πŸ“Š By Consultant

This section tracks activities by consultants to identify top users and compare average activity levels.

The Header

πŸ“Œ Key metrics:

Average number, per consultant, of all selected activities performed in the specific time period.

  1. Average Activities: The number of activities taken within the current month Γ· total number of consultants that have activities tracked against them.

  2. Last Month: The number of activities taken 1 month before Γ· total number of consultants that have activities tracked against them.

  3. Previous Month: The number of activities taken 2 months before Γ· total number of consultants that have activities tracked against them.

  4. 3 Months Ago: The number of activities taken 3 months before Γ· total number of consultants that have activities tracked against them.

  5. 1 Year Ago: The number of activities taken the previous month a year ago Γ· total number of consultants that have activities tracked against them.

The Bar Graph

Total number of each Activity type completed by each consultant in the filtered time period.

  • πŸ‘‰ This graph shows who is doing what inside Vincere.

The Table View

Like the Activity table per month in the Engagement Overview report, these 2 tables show:

  • The total number and percentage of activities from the filters you have selected.

  • A breakdown of the total of each activity per consultant.

πŸ“Š Report Data

🎯 By Entity

Provides insights into the number of unique records (candidates/ jobs/ contacts/ companies,...) associated with activities.

🎯 Drill-Down Log

The Drill-Down Log serves as a detailed log of all activities within Vincere, listed per entity such as Candidates, Jobs, Contacts, Companies, and Deals, which can be filtered for deeper analysis.

  1. Total per entity: This shows the number of unique entities (e.g., candidates/ jobs/ contacts/ companies/ deals) and not the total of activities.

  2. Active: This reflects the number of unique records (candidates/ jobs/ contacts/ companies/ deals) with active applications

    • πŸ“Œ The application that has at least 1 candidate pending in one of the application stages (shortlisted to offer), not rejected nor deleted.

β­• List & Definition of Filter Factors

Time Filters

Use time filters to select the desired reporting period.

  • Today: Current date.

  • Yesterday: The day before the current date.

  • This Week: The present week (determined by the set week start).

  • Last Week: The previous week (determined by the set week start).

  • This Month: The current month.

  • Last Month: The previous month.

  • This Quarter: The current quarter (e.g., October - December).

  • Last Quarter: The previous quarter (e.g., July - September).

  • Last 6 Months: From the first calendar date of the past six months to the current date (e.g., April 1 to present).

  • This Year: From January 1 of the current year to the current date.

  • Last Year: The full previous year (January to December).

Activity Filters

Choose from various activities to display in the dashboard:

  • Emails (Sent): Outgoing emails sent to candidates or contacts.

  • Emails (Received): Incoming emails from candidates/contacts with primary emails registered in the system.

  • Meetings - Contacts (Scheduled): Meetings scheduled with contacts.

  • Meetings - Contacts (Completed): Meetings completed with contacts.

  • Meetings - Candidates (Scheduled): Meetings scheduled with candidates.

  • Meetings - Candidates (Completed): Meetings completed with candidates.

  • Calls - Contacts (Connections): Connected calls (inbound or outbound) with contacts.

  • Calls - Candidates (Connections): Connected calls (inbound or outbound) with candidates.

  • Companies (New): Newly created company profiles.

  • Contacts (New): Newly created contact profiles.

  • Jobs (New): Newly created job listings by the user.

  • Job Leads (New): Newly created job leads by the user.

  • Job Leads (Converted): Job leads converted to jobs.

  • Jobs (Closed): Jobs closed by the user.

  • Candidates (New): New candidate profiles created by the user.

  • Candidates (Rejected): Candidates marked as rejected by the user.

  • Floated: Candidates floated to a distribution list or contacts.

  • Shortlisted: Candidates shortlisted by the user (does not include job board applications).

  • Sent: Candidates moved from shortlisted to sent stage (does not include floated candidates).

  • 1st Interviews (Arranged): Candidates moved to first interview stage (actioned date).

  • 1st Interview Date: The date when the first interview is scheduled.

  • 2nd+ Interviews (Arranged): Candidates moved to second or subsequent interviews.

  • 2nd+ Interview Date: The date when second or subsequent interviews are scheduled.

  • Offers: Candidates moved to the offer stage.

  • Placements: Candidates moved to the placed stage.

  • User Logins: User logins via the web application (not mobile app).

  • Cancelled Interviews: Interviews canceled by a consultant.

  • Rescheduled Interviews: Interviews rescheduled by a consultant.

  • Renewals: Renewals created in the system.

  • Temp Placements Converted to Perm: Temporary placements converted to permanent.

  • Placements Undone: Placement actions undone.

  • Contracts Terminated: Contracts terminated by a consultant.

  • New Deals: New deals created by users.

  • Won Deals: Deals won by users.

  • Lost Deals: Deals lost by users.

Additional Filters

  • Locations: Filters based on locations saved in Settings > Groups, Tags & Locations > Locations.

  • Branch: Filter by one or more consultant branches.

  • Brand: Filters based on brands are saved in Settings > Groups, Tags & Locations > Teams > Brands.

  • Division: Filters based on divisions are saved in Settings > Groups, Tags & Locations > Teams > Divisions.

  • Team: Filters based on teams are saved in Settings > Groups, Tags & Locations > Teams > Teams.

  • Consultant: Filter by individual consultants or users in Settings > User Management (active & inactive).

  • Consultant Status: Includes or excludes inactive users (inactive users are included by default).

  • Job Category: Filters based on job categories.

  • Linked to Jobs: Shows activities linked specifically to jobs.

  • Linked to Job Leads: Shows activities linked specifically to job leads.

  • No Job Links: Activities that are not linked to jobs or job leads.

  • Week Start: Sets the start of the week (default is Monday, but can be set to Sunday).

β­• Appendix

πŸ–₯️ How Activities are Counted

Email Activities

1. Emails (Sent):

Counted when:

  • A comment, tagged as "Email Sent | Contact" or "Email Sent | Candidate," is created against a contact or candidate.

  • An actual email is sent to a contact or candidate from their record profile.

πŸ“ Note: If both a comment and an actual email are recorded, the activity appears twice in the dashboard.

2. Emails (Received): Counted for all emails received from candidates or contacts whose primary email is in the system.

Meeting Activities

  1. Meetings - Contacts (Scheduled): The meeting must be linked to the activity "Meeting | Arranged | Contact."

  2. Meetings - Contacts (Completed): The meeting must be linked to the activity "Meeting | Attended | Contact."

  3. Meetings - Candidates (Scheduled): The meeting must be linked to either "Meeting | Arranged | Candidate | New" or "Meeting | Arranged | Candidate | Existing."

  4. Meetings - Candidates (Completed): The meeting must be linked to either "Meeting | Attended | Candidate | New" or "Meeting | Attended | Candidate | Existing."

Call Activities

  1. Calls - Contacts (Connections): The call must be linked to "Phone call | Contact | Inbound | Connected" or "Phone call | Contact | Outbound | Connected."

  2. Calls - Candidates (Connections): The call must be linked to "Phone call | Candidate | Inbound | Connected" or "Phone call | Candidate | Outbound | Connected."

Additional Activity Types

  1. Companies (New): Based on the creation date of new companies.

  2. Contacts (New): Based on the creation date of new contacts.

  3. Jobs (New): Based on jobs created by users on the creation date.

  4. Job Leads (New): Based on job leads created by users on the creation date.

  5. Job Leads (Converted): Counted when a user clicks "Convert to Job" rather than manually changing the job category inside job details.

  6. Jobs (Closed): Counted based on the closed date of jobs.

Candidate Activities

  1. Candidates (New): Counted for candidates created by users based on the creation date, excluding those added by bulk parsing or EH.

  2. Candidates (Rejected): Counted when candidates are marked as rejected by users.

  3. Floated: Counted when candidates are floated to a distribution list or contacts, marked as "floated."

  4. Shortlisted: Counted when a user manually shortlists a candidate (does not include candidates shortlisted via job board applications). Applicable to both jobs and job leads.

  5. Sent: Counted when a user manually moves a candidate from "shortlisted" to "sent" stage, excluding floated candidates. Applicable to both jobs and job leads.

  6. 1st Interviews (Arranged): Counted based on the date a user moves a candidate to 1st interview stage, with or without an interview schedule. Applicable to both jobs and job leads.

  7. 1st Interview Date: Based on the scheduled date of the interview; marking the interview as completed is not required for reporting.

  8. 2nd+ Interviews (Arranged): Counted based on the date a user moves a candidate to the 2nd or further interview stages. Applicable to both jobs and job leads.

  9. 2nd+ Interview Date: Based on the scheduled date of the interview; marking the interview as completed is not required.

  10. Offers: Counted when a candidate is moved to the "offer" stage, applicable to both jobs and job leads.

  11. Placements: Counted when a candidate is moved to the "Placed" stage, based on the "Placed Date" (not "Booked Date"). Applicable to both jobs and job leads.

Other Actions

  1. User Logins: Based on web application logins only, not mobile app usage.

  2. Cancelled Interviews: Counted when an interview is cancelled by a consultant.

  3. Rescheduled Interviews: Counted when an interview is rescheduled by a consultant.

  4. Renewals: Counted when a renewal is created in Vincere.

  5. Temp Placements Converted to Perm: Based on the action of converting a temp placement to permanent.

  6. Placements Undone: Counted when a consultant selects "undo placement."

  7. Contracts Terminated: Counted when a consultant selects "Terminate Contract."

  8. Deals (New, Won, Lost): New, won, and lost deals as created and updated by users.

Activity Logging Rules

  1. Comments: Logging a comment does not require extra actions; it's automatically counted.

  2. Tasks: A task must be marked as "completed" to be counted in the User Engagement dashboard, which records the task on the date marked as completed and credits the user who marked it complete, not the creator.

  3. Pipeline Stages: If consultants skip stages in the ATS pipeline, those stages are not counted in User Engagement.

β­• Data Export

To export data:

  1. Use the right-hand filters to select your desired data.

  2. Click the Excel button on the top right.

πŸ“ Note: Exports include up to 10,000 activity records per tab.

β­• Dashboard Interaction

The dashboard is interactive, allowing users to:

  • Hover for Details: See more information on specific data points.

  • Activity Filtering: Click an activity type to refine data.

  • Sort Data: Click column headers to reorder data for easy analysis.

This interactive setup makes it easier for users to explore data in detail, refine the report, and identify trends quickly.

Happy Recruitment #TheVinnyWay🀩

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