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Reject Candidates
Jason avatar
Written by Jason
Updated over 8 months ago

How to Reject Candidates in Vincere? 🤔

Rejecting candidates in Vincere is a straightforward process. You can reject candidates individually or in bulk from various stages in the application pipeline.

⭕ Individual Candidate Rejection

To reject individual candidate please follow the steps below ⬇️

  1. Simply check the box next to the candidate you want to reject

  2. Click on Reject Candidate.

  3. You'll be prompted to confirm the rejection to ensure you're happy with this action.

Lets dive into more details!

Rejecting Candidates by Stage

1. Shortlist or Sent Chevron/ Stage

When rejecting Candidate(s) on Shortlist or Sent chevrons you will see the below:

  • Option to send thank you letter to reject candidate

  • Add a reason for rejection (You can adjust the rejection reasons by clicking Configure Custom Rejection Reasons)

  • Comment section for additional notes.

2. 1st/2nd Interview Chevron/ Stage

When rejecting Candidate(s) on the 1st/2nd Interview stage, you will see the below message.

  • Option to send a thank you letter.

  • Add a reason for any outstanding interview cancellations.

  • Add comments or send cancellations if needed.

3. Offers Chevron/ Stage

When you reject a candidate from the Offered stage, you will see the below message includes an option to send thank you letters and reason for reject the candidates

📌 Important Notes: You cannot reject a candidate once they have been placed. Instead, you can Undo the placement, Cancel the placement, Terminate the contract with Pending action Candidates.

⭕ Bulk Candidate Rejection

You can also perform the Reject function for multiple candidates at the same time if you go into the job, and select the pending actions to see all the candidates in that stage.

To bulk reject candidates please follow the steps bellow ⬇️

  1. Navigate to the job's table view or candidate's table view

  2. Select the pending actions to view all candidates in that stage (Shortlist, Sent, 1st/2nd Interview or Offered)

  3. Check the boxes next to the candidates' names.

  4. Click on the 'Reject candidate' button on the pop-up right side of the screen.

Please refer to the video below for visual guidance ⬇️

📝 Note: You can only bulk reject candidates who are currently in the same stage.

⭕ Placement Details Bulk Reject

Headcount Met: Once you've met the headcount for your job and made a placement, you'll be prompted with a message asking if you'd like to reject all outstanding applications.

⭕ How to configure thank you letter for the rejected candidate?

To configure thank you letter for rejected candidate, please follow the steps below:

  • Navigate to Settings > click on Email Templates > Find the template 6.10 or you can type to find "Bulk reject -> Candidate" > Here you can configure the Thank you letter for rejected Candidates as desired > Once done, click on Save.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage candidate rejections in Vincere, ensuring a smooth and organized process.

Happy Recruitment #TheVinnyWay🤩

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