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My Dashboard

Check our your stats!

Jason avatar
Written by Jason
Updated over a week ago

All About My Dashboard 📊

Welcome to ‘My Dashboard,’ your go-to hub for comprehensive company-wide stats in Vincere! This powerful tool showcases total fees, best-case, and other key metrics

  • Making it easier than ever to stay on top of your business performance 📈

🔑 Key Features

  • Fees for MTD, QTD, and YTD

  • Fee Forecast or Best Case

  • Active Jobs and Companies

  • List of Open Interviews

  • Active Tasks

⭕ Accessing My Dashboard

To view/ access 'My Dashboard' please navigate to Intelligence and Click on My Dashboard.

📝 Note: If you don't see My Dashboard, make sure you already have permission to access the board.

  • If you are an Admin, go to Settings > User Management > Click on your name > Permission > scroll down to INTELLIGENCE section and enable your Permission.

  • If you are a normal User (Director, Consultant, Reasercher,...), please reach out to your Admin for permission granted.

Why You'll Love My Dashboard 🤑

  • Default View: See the big picture with data summed up for all users. Use Filters on the right to zoom in on specifics. But please be aware that The dashboard is for viewing options only, the reports cannot be exported.

  • Currency Flexibility: Your dashboard reflects your default currency settings in User Settings. Click HERE (Section 4. Personal Settings) for the details.

  • Dark Mode: Easily switch between light and dark modes for a comfortable viewing experience. (the sun icon is located on the right top of the screen)

🤙 Contact Support: Reach out to support directly within the Intelligence dashboard for any help you need.

⭕ Sections Breakdown

1. User's Information: Displays key details from User Settings.

2. Fees - YTD (Year-to-Date): Total Booked Fees year-to-date. This field is not affected by the date filter.

3. Best Case: Total potential profit from all active jobs, with an expected placement date in the future, if all headcounts are filled.

⭕ Understanding the Metrics

On the left you will see the Monthly Metrics circle chart.

  • Monthly Target: Sum of the current month's revenue targets for all users or selected filters (by default) or applied filters. Fee targets can be set in Goal Console (#42-44)

  • Monthly Actual: Current month placement fees for all users (by default).

  • Difference: Calculated by Monthly Target - Monthly Actual.

  • Percent Value in the dial: Calculated by (Monthly Actual ÷ Monthly Target) x 100%.

A bar graph below it shows the monthly actual vs target fees. By hovering over the bar you will see the breakdown.

On the right, you will see the Quarterly Metrics circle chart.

  • Quarterly Target: Sum of the current quarter revenue targets for all users or selected filters (by default) or applied filters. 1 quarter = 3 months

  • Quarterly Actual: Current quarter placement fees of all users (by default).

  • Difference: Calculated by Quarterly Target - Quarterly Actual.

  • Percent Value in the dial: Calculated by (Quarterly Actual ÷ Quarterly Target) x 100%.

A bar graph below it shows the quarterly actual vs target fees. By hovering over the bar you will see the breakdown.

📆 Quarterly Breakdown

  • Q1: January, February, March.

  • Q2: April, May, June.

  • Q3: July, August, September.

  • Q4: October, November, December.

⭕ Filters

Definition of factors in right side filter panel of My Dashboard.

  1. Date

    • This Year (default)

    • Last Year

  2. Location: View user locations.

  3. Brand: Check performance by brand.

  4. Division: Analyze by division.

  5. Team: Review team stats.

  6. Consultant: Filter by all consultants (Active or Inactive), or drill down to individual stats.

  7. Consultant Status: Switch between Active/Inactive consultants.

  8. Job Category: Include or exclude Job Leads.

⭕ Tasks | Active

  • View Active Tasks: See all outstanding tasks for all users by default.

How to get this information? ➡️ Go to Task Board > Outstanding Tasks.

⭕ Interviews | Active

  • Track Interviews: View pending or completed candidate interviews linked to Open Jobs.
    Note: Rejected Candidates are not included in the list.

⭕ Jobs | Active

  • Monitor Jobs: View all active jobs, including job leads, with a projected placement date in the future.

By default, this will include Job leads that are also Active
- ​Definition: ‘Active’ jobs have pending applications (not rejected or placed).

⭕ Companies | Active

This table shows all companies that are Active (companies whose jobs have pending applications) - This is linked to the Jobs | Active table

Experience the power of ‘My Dashboard’ in Vincere and elevate your business insights to new heights. Track, analyze, and make informed decisions effortlessly with this all-in-one dashboard 📈

Happy Recruitment #TheVinnyWay🤩

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