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Candidate Portal | Custom Field Configuration
Candidate Portal | Custom Field Configuration
Karen avatar
Written by Karen
Updated over a year ago

Previously, displaying custom fields in the Candidate Portal for candidate input required setting them as Onboarding fields.

As the Onboarding tab in Vincere is subject to user permissions, recruiters without access to this tab in Vincere were unable to view the information filled out by candidates.

What's changed?

Now, when configuring the Candidate Portal for candidates, you can select custom fields to display in the My Profile section of the Candidate Portal. The My Profile section of the Candidate Portal allows candidates to provide their information at any stage of the recruitment process.

These custom fields can also be added to the Summary section of the candidate's profile in Vincere, providing a comprehensive view of the candidate's data.

Setting the Custom Fields

In Marketplace > Engage > Admin Dashboard > Candidate Portal > Profile fields > Other Information, Custom Fields created in Vincere will automatically appear underneath the core Vincere fields.

Custom Fields will be labeled with an italic "Custom Fields" text, differentiating them from the other Vincere field types.

Simply toggle on the fields you want to show to candidates in the Candidate Portal.

To set the fields as required, check the box in the Set the field as required column.

Once the fields are set, click on Save at the bottom of the page to update the changes - the fields will be displayed in the Additional Information in the My Profile section of the Candidate Portal.

Important note: setting fields as required means the candidates must fill out all required fields to save their profile.

To allow candidates to save their progress as they go, in Candidate Portal > Site Settings, toggle on "Allow candidates to save their profile when required fields are null".

**Custom fields can be created in the Field Configuration section.

Check out this article for more information.

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