We are excited to announce Engage & Portals v1.18.0, bringing new features to streamline your recruitment processes.
This update focuses on enriching the candidate summary in Vincere for recruiters, ensuring accurate and up-to-date candidate data in a centralized system.
1/ Enhanced Custom Field Configuration | Candidate Portal
New on Engage and Portals
Previously, displaying custom fields in the Candidate Portal for candidate input required setting them as Onboarding fields.
As the Onboarding tab in Vincere is subject to user permissions, recruiters without access to this tab in Vincere were unable to view the information filled out by candidates.
What's changed?
Now, when configuring the Candidate Portal for candidates, you can select custom fields to display in the My Profile section of the Candidate Portal. The My Profile section of the Candidate Portal allows candidates to provide their information at any stage of the recruitment process.
These custom fields can also be added to the Summary section of the candidate's profile in Vincere, providing a comprehensive view of the candidate's data.
For Engage customers:
In Marketplace > Engage > Admin Dashboard > Candidate Portal > Profile fields > Other Information, Custom Fields created in Vincere will automatically appear underneath the core Vincere fields.
Custom Fields will be labelled with an italic "Custom Fields" text, differentiating them from the other Vincere field types.
Simply toggle on the fields you want to show to candidates in the Candidate Portal.
To set the fields as required, check the box in the Set the field as required column.
Once the fields are set, click on Save at the bottom of the page to update the changes - the fields will be displayed in the Additional Information in the My Profile section of the Candidate Portal.
Important note: setting fields as required means the candidates must fill out all required fields to save their profile.
To allow candidates to save their progress as they go, in Candidate Portal > Site Settings, toggle on "Allow candidates to save their profile when required fields are null".
For Portals customers:
In Customizer > Candidate Portal > Profile > Field Configuration, a new tab called Custom Fields has been added
Custom Fields created in Vincere will automatically appear in this Custom Fields tab, and other Vincere fields will be displayed in the Core Fields tab.
To show a field in the Additional Information in the My Profile section of the Candidate Portal, simply toggle ON the field.
You can also set the field as Optional, Suggested or Mandatory.
To reorder the fields, click on the field and drag it up and down to reorder.
Once the fields are set, click on Publish to update the changes - the custom fields will appear in the My Profile tab of the Candidate Portal.
What happens to the candidate data?
Candidates can fill out the fields and all will be synced back to the corresponding fields in Vincere.
Important note:
Ensure custom fields are added to the Summary section of the Candidate's profile in Vincere for recruiters to access and view candidate data.
If the custom field is added to the Onboarding Info section already, it won't appear in the My profile section.
In Candidate Portal
In Vincere
What does this change mean for me?
Enriched Candidate Summary: Recruiters can now enhance the candidate summary in Vincere when shortlisting candidates for jobs.
Accurate and Up-to-date Data: Ensure that candidate data is accurate and up-to-date in Vincere, contributing to informed decision-making.
Centralized and Secure Storage: Candidate data is securely stored in a centralized system, providing a robust solution for data management.
2/ Setting to edit the title names of the Job Info | Job Portal
New on Engage (Already available on Portals)
In the previous version, when posting a job to the Job Portal on Engage, job details were presented with system-generated terminologies like Job Types, Industries, or Functional Expertise.
What's changed?
We've introduced a customization feature to allow you to define your preferred terms, ensuring consistency between your website and the Job Portal on Engage.
For example, you can now use Contract Types instead of Job Types and Job Functions instead of Functional Expertise, providing a more seamless and tailored experience for your candidates.
Important note: if your Engage has multiple languages, you can now update the translation of the Job info for each language.
Click on the Language dropdown at the top to switch to another language.
3/ Setting to upload an Image for Email Header | Job Portal
New on Engage (Already available on Portals)
Previously, when an email was sent from Engage, the email would display the image uploaded in Your Logo in the Email Header.
If you're using a transparent logo on the banner, the logo will not be visible in the emails.
What's changed?
When configuring the Branding of your Engage site, you can now upload an image for your Email Header.
The image uploaded here can be different from your Logo image. The image will then appear on the emails sent from Engage.