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Vincere Portals: Admin Dashboard - Pages
Vincere Portals: Admin Dashboard - Pages

All you need to know about managing your pages: adding a new page, changing URL, renaming, and deleting a page.

Linh Dory avatar
Written by Linh Dory
Updated over a month ago

This article is relevant only for customers with access to the Multiple Job Listing pages on the Vincere Portals (Digital) product.

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1/ Adding a new page to your site

⚠️ IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that sites with a large number of pages may take longer to load and may also affect the performance of the Customizer.

1. Open your Dashboard

2. Click the Pages tab on the left-hand side panel

3. Click the blue Create Page button on the right-hand side

a. Content:

  • Title: this should contain the title of your page.

    • Note: Avoid using the same title on more than one page.

  • Permalink: the URL slug and the permalink are automatically generated based on the title you set for your page.

    • Note: the URL slugs tend to be very similar to the title, except when the title contains certain characters like spaces or symbols.

  • Description: this is where you can write the content of your page.

    • Note: use the WYSIWYG editor to compose the description.

📌 Notes: The Title and Description will appear on the page in the main content area in the Customizer.

  • You can add full content or a quick intro about the page in the Description. You won't be able to make the changes to the Title or Description of the page from the Customizer - you will need to go back to Page's settings here in the Dashboard.

  • Alternatively, you can use the 'Text Widget' to create fully customizable text content on your page from the Customizer.

Click this link on how to add the new page to the menu item.

b. Status:

  • Status:

    • Published: the page will be published to your site once you hit Create Page.

    • Draft: turn a published page into a draft mode. Your visitors will see a 404 page if they click the page's link.

    • Disabled: this is the status of the dummy pages created by default when your site is generated. Your visitors will see a 404 page if they click the page's link.

  • Author: the user creating the page

c. SEO:

  • Title: Enter the Page’s title that you want to display on search results and browser tabs.

  • Description: provide a short description of your page (Note: ideal length is 155 characters). Your page's meta description appears below the page title and URL in search results.

  • Keywords: enter relevant keywords about your page’s content.

  • Twitter Card Site: @username of website. Used with summary, summary_large_image, app, player cards. ❓ What is a Twitter Card? | Overall of all Twitter Card tags

  • 301 Redirection: set up 301 Redirects from the page's old URL to a new one. ❓ What is 301 Redirect?

4. Click Create Page at the bottom to save the page or Create & Add Another to save the page and create a new page.

2/ Changing your page URL

⚠️ IMPORTANT: If you change the page URL of a published site, the new URL will be treated as a brand new page by search engines. Any links to the old URLs will stop working and this will affect the SEO rankings for the current page.

To keep your links working, set up a 301 redirect from the old URL to the new URL.

To update your page URL:

1. Open your Dashboard

2. Click the Pages tab on the left-hand side panel

3. Click the Edit icon on the right-hand side of the relevant page

4. In the Content tab, update the URL slug in the Permalinks

5. Click Update & Continue Editing to save.

📌 TIP: if you want to separate the words in the URL slug, use hyphens (-).

For example, you want to change the page URL from /about-us to /meet-the-team, change the URL slug from about-us to meet-the-team.

3/ Renaming a page

1. Open your Dashboard

2. Click the Pages tab on the left-hand side panel

3. Click the Edit icon on the right-hand side of the relevant page

4. In the Content tab, update the Title of the page.

5. Click Update & Continue Editing to save.

⚠️ IMPORTANT: Changing the page Title also changes the page title shown in the site navigation dropdown in the Customizer and the Title of the Page widget in the Main Content area.

4/ Deleting a page

1. Open your Dashboard

2. Click the Pages tab on the left-hand side panel

3. Click the Delete icon on the right-hand side of the relevant page

4. Click Delete to confirm that you want to delete the page

⚠️ IMPORTANT: When a page is deleted, it is soft-deleted and moved to the "Only Trashed" list. You can access this list using the filter icon.

To restore or permanently delete a soft-deleted page, follow the steps below.

To restore deleted pages:

1. Click the filter icon underneath the blue Create Page button on the right-hand side.

2. Select Only Trashed

3. You will see a list of deleted pages

4. To restore the deleted page, click on the Restore icon on the right-hand side.

5. Click Restore to confirm that you want to restore the deleted page.

To permanently delete a page:

1. Click the filter icon underneath the blue Create Page button on the right-hand side.

2. Select Only Trashed

3. You will see a list of deleted pages

4. To permanently delete a page, select the page to be deleted

5. Click on the trash icon underneath the blue Create Page button

6. Click Force Delete Selected to confirm that you want to delete the selected pages permanently.

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