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Vincere Portals: Setting SEO for your site

Adding SEO title and meta tags for your site

Linh Dory avatar
Written by Linh Dory
Updated over 9 months ago

In search results, your page information is displayed in two parts: a title tag and a meta description.

Title and Meta tags are snippets of text that give site visitors a quick insight into the content of your page.

It's important that the Title and Meta descriptions of each page is unique.


1. You only need to set up the page’s SEO from one place (either from the Dashboard or from the Customizer).

2. Once set up, to edit the page's SEO settings, head over to the Customizer. The SEO Settings are only synced from Dashboard to Customizer when the Settings in the Customizer is empty.

3. The SEO title can be seen in the browser tab.

From Customizer:

To set up your SEO page settings:

1. Open the page from the page menu dropdown

2. Go to your page’s Global Settings > Click SEO

3. Fill in the following information:

  • Title: Enter the Page’s title that you want to display on search results and browser tabs.

  • Description: provide a short description of your page (Note: ideal length is 155 characters). Your page's meta description appears below the page title and URL in search results.

  • Keywords: enter relevant keywords about your page’s content.

  • Twitter Card: @username of website. Used with summary, summary_large_image, app, player cards. What is a Twitter Card? | Overall of all Twitter Card tags

4. Click Publish at the top right of your Customizer.

From Dashboard:

Note: To set up SEO settings for the following pages, go to the Customizer:

  1. Events (Event Listing)

  2. Blogs (Post Listing)

  3. Job Portal

  4. Single Job page

  5. Candidate Registration

  6. Candidate Portal

  7. Client Portal

  8. Auth Accept Invitation

  9. Auth Email Verified

  10. Auth Email Verification

  11. Auth User Login

  12. Auth Password Email

  13. Auth Password Reset

To set up SEO settings for your site:

1. Go to Settings

2. Click Site

3. Click on the SEO tab

To set up SEO settings for other content types such as single Events, single Posts, single Pages:

1. Go to Events / Posts / Pages / Contact Form pages

2. Click Edit

3. Click on the SEO tab

3. Fill in the following information:

  • Title: Enter the Page’s title that you want to display on search results and browser tabs.

  • Description: provide a short description of your page (Note: ideal length is 155 characters). Your page's meta description appears below the page title and URL in search results.

  • Keywords: enter relevant keywords about your page’s content.

  • Twitter Card Site: @username of website. Used with summary, summary_large_image, app, player cards. What is a Twitter Card? | Overall of all Twitter Card tags

4. Click Update & Continue Editing to continue editing the page or Click Update Page to save all settings and go back to the Page Details.


1. Publishing your site does not automatically update the information in search results, as it takes time for search engines to crawl. You can verify your site with Google Search Console or submit your sitemap directly to Google each time you publish new changes to your site to speed up the process.

2. Google doesn't use description or keyword meta tags in their ranking, however, the descriptions and keywords can impact your page's CTR (Clickthrough rate) which can affect the ranking of your page in search engine results.

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