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Guide to Notifications

Stay in the loop with what’s going on in your organization

Linh Dory avatar
Written by Linh Dory
Updated over 4 months ago

All about Notifications in Vincere 🔔

No matter where you are or what you’re doing, you will always get informed with Vinny Notifications.

  • Read on to learn more about notifications in Vinny on your desktop and mobile devices and how they work.

⭕ How do notifications work?

You will receive push notifications on your computer and your mobile device.

  • All notifications are stored in the Bell icon between your Comms Hub icon and your User Profile once configured - see below on how to configure your Notification settings

Here’s when you’ll receive the notifications and who will receive them:


Who receives the notifications

New application / Application added internally

Job owner & Candidate owner

Interview complete

Job owner & Candidate owner

Livelist Access

Job owner

New Placement

All users

Shift accepted by Worker

Job Owner

Task assigned


Task due


Meeting reminder


New VinnyChat message*

Members of the groups or direct messages

⭕ How to configure notifications

💻 On desktop:

1. From your Vincere account, click on Comms Hub in the top right corner next to the blue + Add icon.

  • If you don’t have a Comms Hub account, you can then create a new username - simply follow the instructions on your screen.

❓ I can’t see Comms Hub on my Vincere account.

  • If you don't see the Comms Hub icon in your Vincrere account, your Admin Users will need to enable Comms Hub from Settings > Marketplace > Vincere Comms.

2. Click on the photo in the extreme top left corner of the Comms Hub to access your Notification settings.

3. Click on Vincere Notifications, you can then choose which Activity notifications you’d like to receive on your desktop.

4. To mute specific notifications, toggle them OFF.

  • For example, if you don’t want to receive notifications of new applications coming to your Vincere database, toggle OFF the New Application notification.

5. To mute all notifications, toggle ON "Mute all notifications" at the top of the notification panel.

  • This will then automatically stop the push notifications and mute the sound ‘Ding 🔊.

6. 📝 NOTE: The first time you receive a notification from Vincere, your browser will request your permission to enable the push notification > Select Allow 🔔

How can I mute the Ding sound 🔔 on my desktop?

  1. From the Chrome menu at the top of your screen, select Settings

  2. Click Privacy and security in the left sidebar, then click Site Settings.

  3. Below Permissions, select Notifications.

  4. Look for your Vincere tenant URL, click on the arrow, locate Sound > Select Mute.

  5. Go back to your Vincere tenant, you will see a pop-up asking you to Reload the site to apply the changes.

⭕ On Vincere Mobile App:

1. Open Vincere Mobile App on your phone device.

💡 PRO TIP: Have not installed Vincere Mobile App yet? Install now to access Vincere anywhere, anytime - click here to learn more.

2. Tap on the hamburger icon at the top left corner of your phone screen > click on Settings at the bottom

3. Select Notification Settings.

4. To mute specific notifications, tap on the switch to toggle OFF.

5. To mute all notifications, tap on the switch for "Mute all push notifications" to toggle ON.

  • This will then automatically stop the push notifications and mute the sound ‘Ding’.

⭕ Notifications in Comms Hub

Keep you informed with all messages in Comms Hub.

👉 Here’s when you’ll receive desktop and mobile notifications by default:

  1. Someone sends you a direct message (Chat)

  2. Someone notifies a channel you’re in

  3. Someone @ mention you

  4. Someone replies to a thread you're following

  5. You receive a message from Vinnybot

💬 When there is a new message in VinnyChat, you will see a numbered badge on your Comms Hub icon.

❓ How does Vincere count the number of new messages?

  • The numbered badge represents the number of conversations per user or per group and not the number of messages received in total.

For example, if you have 5 unread messages from the same teammate, Vincere will display number 1 on the Comms Hub icon.

⭕ Push notifications

You will receive push notifications when you’re on Vincere and have Comms Hub open.

📝 Note: The first time you receive a notification from Vincere, your browser will request your permission to enable the push notification > select Allow.

⭕ Sidebar notifications

When there’s unread activity in a chat (direct message) or a group, the conversation name will appear bold in your sidebar.

You’ll also see a numbered badge if someone mentions you.

❓ How to mute notifications from a group or a shout-out group?

  • From a group or a shout-out group, click on the ℹ️ icon on the right-hand corner to see the group details > toggle OFF Notifications to mute notifications from this group.

⭕ Email notifications

You will receive an email alert when someone @mention you in a conversation or give shout-outs to you. Click on Open in VinnyChat to open the conversation.

🛠️ How to troubleshoot notifications

Sometimes your browser or desktop settings could interfere with notifications. If you’re not receiving notifications even though you’ve set up the Notification settings in your Comms Hub, give these steps a try:

Check your browser settings

  1. From the Chrome menu at the top of your screen, select Settings

  2. Click Privacy and security in the left sidebar, then click Site Settings.

  3. Below Permissions, select Notifications.

  4. Look for your Vincere tenant URL. If the tenant URL is in the Block list, click on the three dots and choose Allow.

  5. To troubleshoot the Notification sound setting, click on the arrow, locate Sound > Select Allow

If the above steps didn’t resolve the issue, please take a recording of your browser settings, your notification settings inside Vinny Comms Hub and the issue and reach out to our Support team via the Help Center or by clicking here.

Happy Recruitment #TheVinnyWay🤩

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