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Goals Filters

A set of pre-built Filters for the Goals dashboard

Linh Dory avatar
Written by Linh Dory
Updated over 2 months ago

Each dashboard in Vincere Intelligence has its own set of filters so you can slice and dice the data to see exactly what you need.

Here is a set of pre-built filters for the Goals Dashboard.

  1. Date: filter by Month / Week

  2. Location: filter by each office location or multiple location(s). Locations can be configured in Settings > Groups, Tags & Locations > Location

  3. Brand: filter by brand or multiple brand(s). Brands can be configured in Settings > Groups, Tags & Locations > Groups

  4. Division: filter by each division or multiple division(s). Divisions can be configured in Settings > Groups, Tags & Locations > Groups

  5. Team: filter by each team or multiple team(s). Team can be configured in Settings > Groups, Tags & Locations > Groups

  6. Consultant: filter by individual consultant or multiple consultant(s) including active & inactive consultants. Consultants can be managed in Settings > User Management.

  7. Consultant Status: filter by Active / Inactive users / both. By default, Inactive Users are included.

  8. Job Category: filter by goals linked to Jobs / linked to Job Leads / No Job link

  9. Created Date (Record): filter by goals linked to records created during a time period: today, this week, last week, etc.

  10. Goal Library: filter by all active Goals in the Goal Console

  11. Activities By: filter by who performs the activities: Action User / Shortlisted User / Candidate Owner

  12. Placement Types: filter by different placement types: Placements (permanent, temp, contract) / Retainers / Renewals / All

🌟 Learn more about the Goals Dashboard here.

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