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Goals Dashboard šŸ“Š

Setting targets and KPIs for your Consultants in Vinny

Jason avatar
Written by Jason
Updated over a month ago

Welcome to our guide to the Vincere Goals Dashboard in Vincere/Vinny analytics to bridge the gap between ambition and achievement!

In this article, we'll explore how this powerful dashboard meticulously measures user activities against set targets, empowering you to track progress, refine strategies, and propel your team toward unprecedented success.

ā­• Goals Dashboard


The Goals Dashboard helps monitor your team's performance and offers an indication of how much further your team needs to go in order to hit revenue goals and targets.

šŸ¤© This dashboard is great for:

  • Directors, managers, team leaders, and everyone in the business who wants to drill down into performance across the organization and take away data-driven insights.

  • Tracking performance: check how the consultantā€™s efforts are paying off and where they can improve.

  • Making coaching efficient and personalized, using the Benchmarks ā€“ Success Quadrant dashboard for personalized performance reviews and one-on-one checkpoints.


  • The percentage of Goals achieved against all set targets in a specific time period. Targets (Goals) can be set up in ā€˜Goal Consoleā€™.

  • The data is generated by the actual actions of users in the system.

  • The Goals dashboard wonā€™t show activities whose target has not been set in the Goal Console (the Goals dashboard accepts 0 as target).

  • The distance (Variance) between the actual performance and the target

  • The consultantā€™s status is mapped in the Benchmarks ā€“ Success Quadrants


  1. Goals: an overview of each Consultantā€™s performance (Actuals versus Targets).

  2. Benchmark: weighs and visualizes Goal achievement against the Revenue achievement of each consultant.

ā­• Goals

The Header

This shows the percentage of targets achieved in a specific time period.

  1. Goal Achievement: % of Goals achieved for the current month. Compares Goal Achievement with last month, month-to-date.

  2. Last month: % of Goals achieved for the month before the current month.

  3. Previous Month: % of Goals achieved 2 months ago.

  4. 3 Months Ago: % of Goals achieved 3 months ago

  5. 1 Year Ago: % of Goals achieved the previous month a year ago (i.e., If the current month is March 2023, this will show the % of Goals achieved in Feb 2022)

šŸ“ Note: The 'Date' filter from the right-hand side panel does not affect the numbers above.

Table View

An overview of each consultantā€™s performance against each Goal set in the Goal Console.

By default, this table will consider all the actual actions taken by the Action User.

Each column represents a Goal activity; with 3 nested columns:

  1. T = The target set in the Goal Console

  2. A = the actual sum of activities performed

  3. V = Variance: the difference between the target (T) and the actual (A). When the Variance figure is green (5), the target has been achieved. A Variance red figure (6) means that the Goal has not been met yet.


You can go to ā€œFiltersā€ on the right-side panel to modify the chart.

  • Here are available filters that you can utilize: Date type, Date, Location, Branch, Brand, Division, Team, Consultant, Consultant Status, Job Category, Created date (Record), Goal Library, Activities By, and Placement Types.

ā¬‡ļø List of Filters

  1. Date Type: Allows users to report revenue based on the start date instead of the booked date, providing more flexibility in how you view and analyze your goals and performance metrics.

  2. Date: filter by specific time period by months, weeks, and even days

  3. Locations: filter by each office location or multiple locations.

  4. Brand: Filter by consultant's brand or multiple brands.

  5. Branch: Filter by consultant's branch or multiple branches.

  6. Division: filter by consultant's division or multiple divisions.

  7. Team: filter by consultant's team or multiple teams..

  8. Consultant: filter by individual consultant or multiple consultants, including active & inactive consultants.

  9. Consultant Status: filter by Active / Inactive users / both. By default, Inactive Users are included.

  10. Job Category: filter by activities linked to Jobs / linked to Job Leads / No Job link.

  11. Created date (Record): filter by goals linked to records created during a specific time period: today, this week, last week, etc.

  12. Goal Library: filter by all active Goals or only specific one(s).

  13. Activities By: filter by

    • Action User (the user who performed the action)

    • Shortlisted User (the user that shortlisted the Candidate, starting the application process)

    • Candidate Owner.

  14. Placement Types: filter by different placement types: Placements (permanent, temp, contract) / Retainers / Renewals / All

šŸ“ Note: You can control the display of the Goal Dashboard by adjusting the filters. If you don't want a specific goal to appear, simply untick it in the Goal Library.

ā­• Benchmarks - Success Quadrant

The Benchmarks weigh and visualizes Goal achievement against the Revenue achievement of each consultant, showing how consultants are performing

The Header

This shows the percentage of targets achieved in a specific time period, in the same way as in the Goals tab.

The Bubble Chart

Each consultant is represented by a bubble. The location of the bubble in relation to grid lines tells you how well that consultant is performing based on Goal/Revenue targets set.

The color of the bubble also shows how consultants are performing in relation to their revenue target:

  • šŸ”“ Red: Less than 75% of revenue target

  • šŸŸ” Yellow: From 75% to 100% of revenue target

  • šŸŸ¢ Green: More than 100% of revenue target

Chart axes

  1. Y-axis = % Revenue Target: how much of the Revenue/Fees target has been achieved

  2. X-axis = % Goal Target: how much of the activity target (excluding the revenue) has been achieved (If the user hasnā€™t done any activity, the Goal target will be counted as 0%). The % Goal Target is calculated as the average of each consultant's KPI percentage achieved.

Key Metrics

  1. Top Performers(s): Consultants who have achieved 75%, or more, of both their Revenue and Goal targets (these consultants appear on the top right quadrant of the bubble chart)

  2. Inactive Performer(s): Consultants who have achieved 75%, or more, of their revenue targets but less than 75% of their Goal targets (these consultants appear on the top left quadrant of the bubble chart)

  3. Active Underperformer(s): Consultants who have achieved 75%, or more, of their Goal targets but less than 75% of their revenue targets (these consultants appear on the bottom right quadrant of the bubble chart)

  4. Inactive Underperformer(s): Consultants who have achieved less than 75% of both of their Goal and revenue targets (these consultants appear on the bottom left quadrant of the bubble chart)

Table View

  1. Consultant: Users with at least a Target for 1 Goal, excluding revenue

  2. Revenue Target:

    • Revenue target set in Goal Console number 44 - NFI / Fees / Margin | All.

    • If KPI 44 hasnā€™t been toggled on, then number 42 - NFI / Fees | Permanent and number 43 - NFI / Margin | Contract & Temporary are considered.

    • If none of these KPIs hadnā€™t been toggled on, then the % Revenue Target would be 0% for all consultants

  3. Revenue Actual: Total Booked Fees generated (original placements, renewals, and retainers).

  4. % Revenue Target: % of revenue target achieved.

  5. % Goal Target: % of activity target (excluding the revenue) achieved

  6. Status: Top Performer | Inactive Performer | Active Underperformer | Inactive Underperformer

  7. Team Leader: If the user is part of a team, this field will show the manager of that team.

ā­• Appendix

Setup or Customize Goals

You can rename, activate Goals and set targets for each Consultant in the Goal Console by following the below steps:

  1. Head over to Settings

  2. Click on Goal Console

  3. Toggle on Activate Goal

  4. Optional: Change the goal name

  5. Active the goal in the action list

  6. Head over Set Target

  7. Choose an action and add the monthly or weekly targets (or both) for your users

šŸ“ Note:

  • For a goal to appear in the Goal Dashboard, you must set targets for Weekly or Monthly Goals.

  • Monthly Goals won't show when filtering by weeks, and Weekly Goals won't show when filtering by months.

  • To use both time modes, set targets for both. Note that Monthly Goals do not automatically convert to Weekly Goals or vice versa.

Data Export in Goals Dashboard

Reports can be exported to an Excel file. Filter the data you want to export using the Filters banner on the right-hand side. You can choose to export:

  1. Your Goals, Benchmarks, and Report Data ā€“ By Screen View, if you want to export only the data youā€™re currently seeing on your screen

  2. All Goals, Benchmarks, and Report Data ā€“ One Click, if you want to export all data behind your Goals dashboard, including the Report Data and Drill-down activities.

šŸ‘‰ Once all done with the export set up, just click on the 'Folder X' button located at the up-right corner of the screen.

šŸ“ Note: The data export includes up to 10,000 records of activities per tab.

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