1. Can you send the LiveList™ to clients without an active job?
Yes, you can. We call this float LiveList™ or floated jobs. More info here.
2. Can you hide sub status?
Yes. You can customize sub-statuses AND/OR hide the sub-status columns in settings.
3. Does the client get a notification if there's a change / addition to the LiveList™?
You can notify your clients via email when you add new candidates or candidate documents to the LiveList™.
Updating information e.g brief will not notify your clients. Best practice is to get on the phones, let them know that you've made updates to the LiveList™ to engage them.
4. What if my client wants to conduct further interviews via LiveList™?
LiveList™ only supports the 1st interview stage. Your client can message via the LiveList™ to request for the next interview and you can use the sub-status to manage 2nd+ interviews.
5. How do you see a date/time stamp when CV is "sent"?
The received date/time column shows when the candidate was first sent to your client via the LiveList™.
6. Can you show the candidates 1st name only rather than full name? (“Ross” instead of Ross Geller or no name)
Vinny displays the full name of the Candidate on the LiveList™. You can hide the entire name of the Candidate when configuring the option to send the list.
7. Do the clients only see CV's that have been sent in the LiveList™?
Yes. The documents and CVs shown to clients are decided by you. Share only what you want them to see.
8. A lot of our clients use their own ATS (Greenhouse, Workday etc); what if they don't want to have to use the LiveList to track candidates too?
You don't have to use the LiveList™ if it's not something your clients will appreciate. Many clients use an ATS to help with hiring and perhaps, onboarding new hires. The LiveList™ enhances collaboration between you (the recruiter) and your client, it's not for your clients to use internally. Your clients can still use their own ATS for tracking purposes.
9. Does the LiveList™ track the number of jobs still live? (e.g same role type but multiple vacancies so we can track number of offers/placements and what's left)
At the moment, the LiveList™ does not give you this info. You can get this in the Jobs Stat dashboard. In the LiveList™, you can only track active and total applications per job.
10. In the email, can you change the recipient? What if the person interviewing isn't the contact?
We recommend your client to use the forward internally option.
Yes, this is possible. When you press "send CV to client" and see the email template, you can remove the contact from the "to" field, and change this to someone else, or add in an additional contact. By default it will be the email address of the main contact on that role.
However, we do not recommend this as sending the LiveList™ to more than one recipient gives access to all recipients to take actions on the LiveList™. This means you will not know which recipient actually took the action. Your clients should use the forward internally option.
11. When the client views the LiveList™, will we receive an email notification or will the bell in the corner light up?
When your client views the LiveList™ for the first time, you'll receive an email notification. It will also be added to the notification bell on the top right.
12. Will you get notified if a client opens the link when floating?
No, notifications are not sent when a client opens a floated LiveList™.
13. Can we add the LiveList link to email marketing campaigns? e.g using Mailchimp
Yes, copy the URL and include it in your E-shots. However, we do not recommend sharing one LiveList™ link with multiple contacts. Your clients can use the forward internally option.
14. Can you edit 'Great Candidates' ?
When you float a candidate, the wording in the LiveList™ cannot be customized. However, when you send a candidate to a client (with an active job), the name of the job will be displayed instead.
15. What's the best way to attach terms of business when floating?
You can add it as a hyperlink on the email template.
16. Can we send anonymized CV's?
You can create CV templates without personal details and attach this to the LiveList™. You can also hide the candidate's name when configuring the LiveList™.
17. Is there a template to send clients to "teach" them how to navigate LiveList™?
A video guide is included at the bottom of the default email template.
However, you can add a 'How to' link in the email template that hyperlinks to a personal screenshare video or branded PDF guide. You can record a screenshare video using Loom (It's free and easy to use!)
If there are certain processes or specific actions you want your client to follow, create your own guides, or use our guide here
18. I can’t get the format of the email to look good when it appears on a mobile device email
The trick is to keep it simple.
Try using this email builder tool here https://beefree.io/ or Mailchimp & copy and paste the code back into the email editor in Vincere.
Be careful when adding the wildcards and make sure to send tests to yourself before actually sending it to your client.
19. Can you add in a video interview to the LiveList™? Or just documents?
At the moment, you can only share documents. Videos? On the roadmap!
Alternatively, you can use a video interview tool, grab the URL and add it as a custom wildcard into the CV template.
20. Can we send one LiveList™ to more than one manager?
Yes, you can send one LiveList™ to more than one manager by adding the contacts in the 'To' field of the email address.
To do this, the manager would need to have been added as a Contact in Vincere Alternatively, you can add the email address in as cc.
We do not recommend this as sending the LiveList™ to more than one recipient gives access to all recipients to take actions on the LiveList™. This means you will not know which recipient actually took the action. Your clients should use the forward internally option.
21. Do you get notified every time the client visits the LiveList™ or just the first time?
You get notified only the first time.
22. Will a candidate know/be notified if the client clicks?
The candidate will not be notified when your client clicks on the LiveList™.
23. What's the best way to get them to engage with the LiveList™, as most just send me an email/ call me to arrange an interview?
Start converting your clients to use the LiveList™, it will take a bit of hand-holding at first, but your clients will start loving how easy it is!
Get on the phones once you receive notification that they are on it and educate them. Include instructions on your email when sending out your LiveList™.
24. Following on from an interview confirmation, do they appear in everyone’s Calendar - client, candidate, recruiter?
Vincere does not send a calendar invite. Vincere only sends an email confirmation. You can set up a meeting to book it in your clients calendar.
25. Is it only sent to candidates that go into the LiveList™?
All candidates in the Sent stage will show up in the LiveList™.
26. Can candidates access a part of LiveList™ to see when/if they are invited for interviews?
The LiveList™ is for clients (your contacts) only. When an interview is scheduled, your candidates will receive the interview schedule/ invitation via email.
27. How can I show the Candidate ID on Livelist to the client?
To show the Candidate ID on Livelist, please go to Settings > Admin Settings > Click on Livelist Settings > Enable Candidate ID column > Once done, click on Save.
28. How to change/ update documents in the Livelist without notifying the customer?
At the moment there is no direct option to do this but I have this workaround for you - please follow the steps below:
Go to the Candidate Profile that you wish to update the documents on the livelist.
Click on the Action button and click on Send
Select the associated Job that you wish to update
Change the documents/ file attachments > then click on Next
👉 In the email stage, change the email of the customer to your own email.
Once all is done, click on Send.
Any other questions? Reach out to us - we'd be happy to help. 🙌