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Float Candidates

Perfect for when you want to spec out Candidates to your Clients

Jason avatar
Written by Jason
Updated over a week ago

⭕ What is Float Candidates and Why Use It?

Float Candidates in Vincere refers to the process of sending a LiveList™ to clients without an active job. This is known as a float LiveList™ or floated job.

  • This feature allows recruiters to showcase potential candidates to clients, even when there's no specific job opening, thus keeping the clients engaged and informed about available talent.

🤩 Benefits of Floating Candidates

  1. Proactive Talent Marketing: By floating candidates, recruiters can proactively market potential candidates to clients, keeping the clients' needs in mind even before a job opening arises.

  2. Client Engagement: This practice helps in maintaining a strong relationship with clients, showing them that the recruiter is actively thinking about their talent needs.

  3. Opportunity Creation: Floating candidates can lead to new job opportunities as clients may create positions to accommodate exceptional talent.

  4. Efficiency: This method streamlines the process of introducing candidates to clients, saving time for both parties.

⭕ How to Float Candidates in Vincere

Follow these steps to float candidates to clients:

  1. Navigate to the Candidates table view/ profile in Vincere.

    • Select the candidates you wish to float.

  2. Float Candidates in LiveList™ Format:

    • You can float candidates in the same format as a LiveList™ to multiple contacts.

🎯 Option to Not Send an Email:

You can choose not to send an email when floating a candidate. Simply mark the candidate as floated without sending a notification.

🎯 Email Privacy for Contacts:

The contact who receives the LiveList™ will only see their own email address, ensuring privacy.

🎯 Float to a Distribution List:

Users can float candidates to a distribution list via the LiveList™. This allows for efficient communication with multiple contacts at once.

🎯 View Floated LiveList™ in Contact’s Profile:

Once floated, you will be able to see the LiveList™ in the contact’s profile. This ensures that you can track which candidates have been floated to which contacts.

📂 Additional Tips

  • Track Floated Candidates: Regularly review the floated LiveLists™ to follow up with clients and gather feedback.

  • Update Candidate Status: Keep the candidate profiles updated based on the clients' feedback and interest.

Using the float candidates feature in Vincere not only enhances your talent marketing strategy but also strengthens your client relationships and potentially opens up new job opportunities.

Happy Recruitment #TheVinnyWay🤩

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