LiveList™ Settings

Configure columns for your LiveList™

Linh Dory avatar
Written by Linh Dory
Updated over a week ago

You can configure the LiveList™ settings for your entire business. To do this head over to Settings > Admin Settings > LiveList™ Settings.

Here you can choose the columns you want to show in the LiveList™.

Remember, this applies to the settings in Job and Floated LiveList™. However, you can still override these settings per LiveList™ to meet your client’s needs.

To configure the LiveList™ settings on a per job basis, head over to your Job. Click on the View LiveList™ button underneath your Job’s pipeline > Select LiveList™ Settings.

To configure Floated LiveList™, go to the Client's profile > Click on Floated LiveList™:

Did you know? You can also use your Client’s Company’s logo on the LiveList™

This is great for RPO businesses.

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