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Renewal Process in Vincere
Renewal Process in Vincere

Managing Placements: Terminations, Cancellations, and Extensions

Jason avatar
Written by Jason
Updated over a month ago

The Renewal process in Vincere helps keep your contracts and subscriptions active without interruptions. Here’s a comprehensive guide to ensure a smooth renewal process:

⭕ Key Features and Information

  1. Start Date: The date when the contract or placement begins.

  2. End Date: The date when the contract or placement ends.

  3. Renewal Status:

    • Finished

    • Terminated

    • Withdrawn

    • Temp to PERM

    • Cancelled

    • Pending

    • Active

    • Starting

  4. Renewal Counts: Indicates the number of renewals made.

  5. Approval Status: The current status of the approval process.

  6. Approver: The person responsible for approving the renewal.

📌 Important Notes:

  • You can only renew an application if the current application is active.

  • You can renew a terminated application.

  • Renewals can be made for contract and temp types only.

  • When finished setting up a renewal "move to renewed", it will change the status from pending to starting if the start date has been reached

⭕ How to Renew a Contract in Vincere?

To renew a contract please follow the steps below ⬇️

  1. Firstly, navigate to the Placed chevron in the Application pipeline.

  2. Select the candidate whose contract you want to renew (Make sure it's active, being a contract or temp type)

  3. Click on the check box next to the candidate's name then click on 'Renew Contract'

  4. Input the new start and end dates for the renewal, and update any relevant information.

  5. Modify any necessary details on the renewal page.

  6. Click 'Save' to finalize the renewal.

📝 Note:

  • The application start and end dates for renewals should not overlap.

  • Ensure all mandatory fields are completed before saving.

💡Quick tip: You can set renewals to go through the same approval process as placements. Learn how to set this up here.

⭕ How to Track Renewals?

There are 2 options for you to track Renewals, from Placed Chevron Table View or Temps & Contractors Dashboard in Intelligence.

Option 1: From Renewals Chevron Table View

To track renewals from Renewals Chevron Table View please follow the steps below ⬇️

  1. First, you need to go to the Renewals Table View

  2. Click on Starting / Active Worker.

  3. Add the following columns: 'start date, end date, renewal count, and renewal created date.'

👉 This setup will help you track the status and details of each renewal.

📋 Important Notes:

Why don't we have 'Renewal Dates' in the Renewal stage/ chevron? 🤔

  • In the Renewal stage, the Start date represents the latest renewal date.

But if you wish to see the Original Start Date in the renewal table you can add a column labeled 'Renewal Counts' This column will show the number of renewals made, click on the oldest one with the start date of the first renewal displayed in the column.

You can view, filter, and sort renewals by their creation date with the Renewal created date column, giving you greater visibility and flexibility in managing renewals.

By being able to track when renewals were created, you can more easily:

  • Identify aging renewals: Easily spot renewals that may need immediate attention.

  • Prioritise based on creation date: Filter renewals to prioritize tasks and focus on time-sensitive placements.

  • Gain valuable insights: Analyse renewal trends and volume over time, helping you meet specific placement management goals.

Option 2: From Temps & Contractors Dashboard in Intelligence.

To track nenewals from Temps & Contractors Dashboard in Intelligence please follow the steps bellow ⬇️

  1. Firstly, navigate to Intelligence

  2. Click on 'Temps & Contractors'

👉 Use the filters and table options to view and track renewals.

⭕ Terminating a Renewal

When you decide to cancel/ terminate a renewal, follow these steps:

  1. Firstly, go to Renewals chevron

  2. Add Renewal Status Column if your table view doesn't have yet.

  3. Then click on the number in the renewal count column and click on most recent renewal.

  4. Cancel the Renewal:

    • Click on the Actions button.

    • Select Terminate Contract.

    • Fill in the reason for termination.

    • Change the start day and end day:

      • If you want the renewal to be terminated immediately, set the dates to a day in the past (e.g., yesterday).

      • If you want the termination to reflect a future date, adjust the dates accordingly.

  5. Once confirmed, the renewal status will change to Terminated.

Please refer to the video below for your visual guidance:

📝 Important Notes:

  • After clicking "Confirm", the contract is permanently moved to the terminated section. However, you have the option to undo the termination at any time if needed.

  • If attempting to cancel a completed renewal, it will not be possible.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage and track renewals in Vincere, ensuring your contracts and subscriptions remain up-to-date and uninterrupted.

⭕ Extending Placements

What to Do If the Renewal Placement Time Has Passed?

If the renewal placement’s end date has already passed and the placement under pending status, you can simply extend the placement:

  1. Firstly, go to Renewals chevron

  2. Add Renewal Status Column if your table view doesn't have yet.

  3. Then click on the number in the renewal count column and click on most recent renewal.

  4. Extend the Renewal:

    • Click on the Actions button.

    • Select Move to Renewed.

    • Extend the End Date: Change the end day of the placement to a future date.

  5. Finalizing the Extension: Make sure the updated dates are reflected correctly in the system.

Please refer to the video below for your visual guidance:

⭕ Temp-to-Perm Placements

To make a Temp-to-Perm Placement please follow the steps below ⬇️

  1. From the renewals tab, go into the contract you wish to convert to perm.

  2. Click on actions, then select "Convert to PERM."

  3. The renewal status will then show as "Temp to Perm" in the renewals tab of the applications table.

⭕ Approval Process for Renewals

When making a renewal, you can set it up to go through the approval process, similar to placements.

🤔 Q&A Section (Troubleshooting & FAQs)

Q1: What if I have invoices tranches that are paid?

  • Invoices (or tranches) are linked to the retained job rather than the placement itself.

Q2: How termination or cancellation affects these invoices?

  • Terminating or canceling a renewal does not affect the status of the paid invoice tranches. The invoices remain as they are, and no additional action is required regarding their status

Happy Recruitment #TheVinnyWay🤩

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