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v17.3 March ‘22 Release | Vincere Core, Pay & Bill, TimeTemp
v17.3 March ‘22 Release | Vincere Core, Pay & Bill, TimeTemp

New Consolidated Activities, new User Role templates, updates to Shift Scheduler & much more

Ines avatar
Written by Ines
Updated over a week ago


Join our workshop for an overview of new features and enhancements from our latest release:

  • *New* Consolidated Activities View

  • Send Documents to Candidates from any stage

  • *New* templated user permissions

  • LiveList Updates

  • & much more

Book your spot for our upcoming release webinar here.


1/ *New* Consolidated Activities

See all Activities (including Goals/KPIs) across all entities in one centralized table view - it’s all right here, and it’s filterable.

Consolidated Activities is like a Swiss Army knife: it’s a multipurpose, precise tool that cuts through the influx of Activities happening across the platform.

a. View headline stats:

  • Offers an at-a-glance view of activity volume.

  • Filter by Date and Users to drill down into data.

    • Note: Unique records (like Candidates, Jobs, Companies etc.) will not add to the Total Activities.

b. Track history of record changes down to who made them (User) & when (Date):

  • Get an audit trail of edits and deletions of Activities/records. Think of it as an Activity log.

  • A better understanding of collaboration: shows what actions consultants are taking in relation to an entity/record.

  • See who made updates on Placements and the edit details.

c. Search Activities

  • By Entity name

  • By Summary: search for specific information / keywords

d. Apply a range of powerful filters

  • Activity Filters: this controls the type of Activities you see within the table.

  • Time Period

  • By Users

e. Activity Quick View

  • View Activity details in a Quick View panel.

  • Navigate through Activities within the Quick View panel using an up / down arrow.

f. New Activities Settings: Data anonymization

  • Under Admin Settings > Activities Settings, toggle on Data Privacy to redact personal data from deleted Candidate & Contact records

  • All Activities associated with the deleted Candidate or Contact will also redact the same data.

g. We’ve added a brand-new item on the Menu: click “Activities” to go to the Consolidated Activities dashboard.

Note: Brand Segmentation rules will apply to Consolidated Activities.

Consultants will only be able to see Brands they have been assigned to.

h. Placement Logs

  • Now you can track when changes have been made to Placement information. The following fields are tracked:

    1. Offer Date

    2. Booked Date

    3. Start Date

    4. End Date

    5. Primary Approver (Timesheets / Expenses / Leave)

    6. Secondary Approver (Timesheets / Expenses / Leave)

    7. Time Interval

    8. Pay & Bill Rate

    9. Pay Rate Added / Removed


2 / *New* Templated User Roles

A brand-new way to manage user roles. Now, it’s so much easier for Administrators to update and manage user permissions.

a. New User Roles tab in User Management

  • Admins can create or edit User Roles here.

b. Edit User Roles

  • Configure a template with preset permissions and apply the User Role in bulk.

There are five default User Roles:

  1. Administrator

  2. Consultant

  3. Director

  4. Manager

  5. Resourcer

When an Admin applies any of these Roles, they can either edit the Role or change permissions in the consultant’s Permissions tab.

📢 Note: Current user roles/responsibilities will remain. If a consultant had multiple User Responsibilities, they’ll get assigned to the highest equivalent User Role.

However, if an Administrator makes changes to permissions within a User Role, e.g Director, they'll need to re-apply the User Role "Director" for the updated set of permissions to apply.

3/ Updates to User Management

a. Configure Main Menu Settings per User Role

  • Administrators will be able to set up what is displayed on the main menu specific to User Roles by default.

  • Also includes ability to turn on or off “Edit Menu.”

c. New Marketplace tab in User Settings

  • You can now manage app permissions easily by toggling them all at once in the new Marketplace tab.


4/ *New* Send Candidate Documents at Any Stage

Send out documents to Candidates at any stage in the pipeline even before an offer is made. This feature also supports the SignRequest integration.

You can now:

a. Send documents at any stage

  • Send documents from the Candidate Actions dropdown

  • Send using SignRequest or via email

  • Link document to Job

  • Send Document from the Shift Scheduler

b. Create Email Templates to send documents to Candidates

c. Create new document templates in Document builder. There’s a now a new Doc type called “Candidate Documents.”

d. Works with SignRequest

  • Create Email Templates specific to SignRequest

  • New type called Candidate Documents (with Signatory fields)

  • Ability to filter down to Candidate Documents in SignRequest Library

  • Track SignRequest status from Send Document action


5/ *New* Edit Existing Placement End Date

We’ve upgraded the Shift Scheduler’s functionality so that you can adjust a Placement’s existing End Date direct from the Scheduler.

Now when you book a Candidate to a new shift with a higher contract end date, the system will autofill the new End Date. This means that Placement information stays consistent and correct cross-system.

You can also edit the End Date manually if needed.

a. Ability to edit Existing Placement End Date

b. Vincere autofills best Placement End Date

  • If the Shift End Date is earlier than the Placement End Date, the later Placement date will be input automatically.

c. When the manual input date is earlier than current End Date, a message will prompt you to adjust the info:

d. When a renewed contract has an overlapping End Date and Start Date, a message will ask to confirm the correct date:


6/ UI Update to Offer / Placement

a. Unified field layout & design


We’ve added a bunch of updates to the LiveList™: Greater privacy settings, password protection & user experience enhancements.

7/ Enhanced User Experience

You can now access the LiveList™ via Quick View from Job, Candidate & Contact Quick View & from full profiles.

8/ *New* Latest CV Tag

The “Latest CV” tag will now be shown on documents in the dropdown of File Name column.

When sending out a LiveList™, this tag makes the most recent Candidate documents visible & quick to select.

9/ *New* Turn on/off Auto-generated LiveList™

By default, Vincere auto-generates the LiveList™ link for every job. For enhanced Candidate data protection and privacy, Administrators can turn this feature off.

When the Auto-generate LiveList™ setting is off, consultants can still send out a LiveList™ per Job.

Consultants can go to individual Job profiles and set the LiveList™ toggle “on” to enable sending.

10/ *New* LiveList™ Password

We’ve added the option for an extra security layer when sending out a LiveList™: switch a toggle on to enable password protection.

When this toggle is set to “on,” your Clients will receive a password in the same email containing their LiveList™ link.

a. Admins can control whether the LiveList™ password requirement is set automatically for all new Jobs.

  • Set in Admin Settings > LiveList™ Settings > Security tab.

  • The toggle is set to “off” by default.

b. Consultants can set LiveList™ passwords per individual Job.

  • From Quick View:

    • Select LiveList™ Settings > Security tab > toggle on LiveList™ Password

  • From Job page:

    • Select LiveList™ Settings > Security tab > toggle on LiveList™ Password

c. Consultants can also set LiveList™ passwords per Contact:

  • Set from Quick View or Contact Page > Floated LiveList™ Settings > Security tab > toggle on LiveList™ Password

d. When sending out a LiveList™ via email:

  • If no password has been set, a prompt will require you to set one.

e. Clients have the option to forward a LiveList™ internally by sharing the password.


9 / UI Updates

We’ve changed TimeTemp web for better ease of use and added more details to the Shift Calendar.

10 / Mobile Notification Updates

We’ve added more shift assignment and cancellation notifications for workers using TimeTemp.

Plus, workers can now set up notification preferences for the Mobile app.

11 / Manager / Approver List Updates

If a Contact is set as both Manager and Approver in TimeTemp, they will now be listed under both roles for an easier time searching them.

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