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Release v16.4 | Vincere Pay & Bill

New Expense Reports, Self-Bill Invoice Management, One-click consolidation & much more 💝

Ines avatar
Written by Ines
Updated over 3 years ago

We’ve added a ton of new features to our Pay & Bill module to make processing invoices and expenses a breeze.

1/ Self-Bill Invoice management

Back office consultants can now process Self-Bill Invoices for your Ltd Co. & Corporation and Umbrella Placements.

New Self-Bill Invoice document type

Admin users can now configure new Self-Bill Invoice templates to be sent from Vincere.

Configure Self-Bill Settings for Umbrella Companies

Head over to Settings > Admin Settings > Organizational Settings > Compensation Page > Umbrella Companies.

Admin users can enable Self-Bill and upload any related documentation for each Umbrella Company.

New ‘Billing Options’ tab in Candidate Onboarding

We’ve updated and streamlined the onboarding process for you. You’ll find a new section called ‘Billing Options’ in the Onboarding tab.

Within this tab, consultants with permission to view Candidate Onboarding details will be able to:

  1. Select/Update the Umbrella Company that will be processing the candidates’ pay

  2. View all Umbrella Billing related documents

  3. View/Update the Candidate Ltd Co. or Corporation details

  4. Enable/Disable Self-Bill for the Candidates Ltd Co. or Corporation

  5. Upload/Update/View Ltd Co. or Corporation Billing related documents

Self-Bill Invoice Generation

When you make a placement for a Contract / Temp role, and as soon as the timesheet is approved, Vincere Pay & Bill will auto-generate a Self-Bill invoice based on the following criteria:

  1. The Job Type is not Permanent.

  2. The Pay Type of the Placement is either Ltd Co. & Corporation or Umbrella.

  3. Self-Bill is enabled for said Job Type from the Candidate Profile

Self-Bill Invoice Actions

We’ve empowered the back office to send Self-Bill Invoices with relevant documents directly to clients from Vincere.

From Vincere Pay & Bill, filter Invoice Type by Self-Bill Invoice.

You can do any of the following when processing Self-Bill Invoices:

  1. Change invoice templates

  2. Update invoice profit split

  3. Approve invoice

  4. Approve & Send invoice to Client

  5. Approve & Mark as Sent on invoice

  6. Mark as Paid

  7. Cancel Invoice

  8. Delete Invoice

Note: When you send Self-Bill Invoices to the client, the system will use our new Email Template 14.7.

You can edit the email before sending or to customize the email template: head over to Settings > Email Templates > Search for “Self-bill” to edit.

2/ One-Click Consolidation of Invoices

Instead of sending Clients separate invoices, you can now auto-consolidate multiple invoices into one, based on the time period.

One-Click Consolidation Settings for Sales Invoices

You’ll be able to set auto-consolidation rules by Company Location. Auto consolidation periods for Sales Invoices includes:

  1. Period

    1. Weekly

    2. Bi-Weekly

    3. Semi-Monthly

    4. Monthly

  2. Condition

    1. Billing Contact

    2. Candidate

    3. Placement PO Number

    4. Billing Contact AND Candidate

    5. Billing Contact & Placement PO Number

Running Auto Consolidation Rules

You’re able to ‘Run Consolidation’ of invoices from the Invoice table at any time.

Simply select which auto-consolidation rules you wish to run. When selected, Vincere will give you a preview of the consolidation grouping that will be generated.

Merged Timesheet PDF

When consolidating invoices manually or running auto consolidation rules, Vincere will now merge all individual Timesheet PDF’s into one consolidated Timesheet document.

This will allow you to send one consolidated invoice PDF alongside one consolidated Timesheet PDF.

3/ Expense Table updates

To align with the new Expense Reports in TimeTemp, we’ve upgraded the ‘Expenses’ table in Vincere Pay & Bill:

  1. Top line Expense statistics

  2. New Quick View interface for Submitted / Approved / Rejected Expense Claims

  3. More columns for expense and claim data: Number of Claims / Expense Report / Expense Report Name

  4. Column configuration with Smart View functions

4/ Actions on Standalone Expenses

When a Client approves an Expense Report, Vincere will now auto generate both Sales and Purchase or Self-Bill Invoices with all corresponding receipts attached.

When the invoice is ready, your back office team can do any of the following:

Sales Invoices:

  1. Change invoice templates

  2. Update invoice profit split

  3. Approve invoice

  4. Approve & Send invoice to Client

  5. Approve & Mark as Sent on invoice

  6. Mark as Paid

  7. Cancel invoice

  8. Delete invoice

Purchase Invoices:

  1. Change invoice templates

  2. Update invoice profit split

  3. Approve invoice

  4. Mark as Paid

  5. Cancel invoice

  6. Delete invoice

Self-Bill Invoices:

  1. Change invoice templates

  2. Update invoice profit split

  3. Approve invoice

  4. Approve & Send invoice to Client

  5. Approve & Mark as Sent on invoice

  6. Mark as Paid

  7. Cancel Invoice

  8. Delete Invoice

5/ Export Scheduler updates

You can now add Expense Report & Claim data in the templates. Any of the following data can be exported:

Expense Claim data:

  1. Claim ID

  2. Claim

  3. Date

  4. Unit Price

  5. Unit

  6. Amount

Expense Report data:

  1. Currency

  2. Expense Report ID

  3. Expense Report Name

  4. Expense Report Status

  5. Candidate

  6. Candidate ID

  7. Job

  8. Job ID

  9. Placement ID

  10. Company

  11. Company ID

  12. Total Expense Report Amount

  13. Number of Claims

  14. PO number

  15. Submitted Date

  16. Approver

Self-Bill Invoice types will be included in the Data Export scheduler so Admin users can build reports to export Purchase and Self-Bill invoices either together or separately.

6/ Updates to Shift Scheduler

Updated User Interface & Views

Check out our new and improved user interface, views and navigation. Designed to further streamline tasks for Temp recruiters, these updates will also enhance visibility for top line management.

With the new UI, you can easily switch between Week & Month views and use the new calendar selection to gain visibility over future periods.

The scheduler view now includes the company logo, Job Title and Contract Name to further improve visibility.

Send Booking confirmation to Candidates from ‘Booked’ section

Congrats, you’ve booked a candidate into a shift 🎉 Now, you have to option to send the confirmation to the candidate when placing them in the shift, or send this out later.

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