1/ Updates to Faceted Search
In the previous release (v16.4), we equipped you with the all-new Faceted Search.
Now we have new enhancements based directly on your feedback:
a. Reordered Facets: ‘Skills’ is now the first facet
b. Option to Select All / Unselect All in the ‘Job Titles’ facet
2/ Upgrades to Advanced Search
A whole bunch of improvements to make the Vinny Search experience streamlined, faster, and more accurate for you.
a. Quick Search
Now, instead of contextual searches, you’ll be able to perform simple text searches for names or phone numbers in the Quick Search bar
b. Less clicky: Simply hover to open Advanced Search options
c. New Search Tabs: Permanent | Contract & Temporary
The Permanent tab shows search fields relevant to Permanent jobs (for example, the newly added salary field)
The Contract & Temporary tab shows fields relevant to Contract & Temporary jobs (for example, compliance documents or hourly pay rates)
d. Basic Search Parameters
To make Boolean searches less daunting for those not as familiar with them we have added a new basic search parameter section. Here you can change the AND/OR operators and use the UI fields up the top to add and delete fields
e. Customize Search Parameters
For our more advanced users, to customize your search query and make all fields editable, click on ‘Customize Parameters’ within Advanced Search
Search customization is available for both Application & Candidate Advanced Search
Saved Searches will load with the same settings you saved the search in: with basic or with customized parameters AND using the Contract & Temporary or Permanent Tab
f. Simultaneous search across both Keywords & Skills
Searching for a skill like “Java” will now bring up relevant results for both Skills keywords and Candidate keywords
g. Improved date range selection for the following Candidate searches:
Registered date
Application range
h. Compliance Documentation
Added as a new search field in the Contract & Temporary tab
When searching by Industry / Functional Expertise, Vinny auto-populates the document types you have configured in Admin Settings: Documents & Checks
You’ll also be able to add / remove additional doc types
Shows only verified documents which are still current, i.e., expired documents will not show
In the Permanent tab, click on Other Fields > enter ‘Compliance Documentation’ to search for documents
3/ Enhanced Language Support
a. You now have the ability to set Preferred Language in Candidate & Contact Profiles
b. LiveList & Availability will display in their preferred language
c. Current languages supported in the LiveList / Availablity:
English (default unless the Preferred Language is set)
d. Standard naming convention for Japanese Language users:
For Vincere users with Language setting > Japanese: Names appear in this order: Family Name, Given Name
5/ Enhancements to TimeTemp
a. One centralized login
All TimeTemp users can log in via
Current TimeTemp login pages (au. ap. eu. us.) will be redirected automatically
Simplified setup experience for DoorClock
📢NOTE: In line with this update, all users of TimeTemp will be required to reset their passwords.
b. Support for Employees / Workers working for multiple agencies using TimeTemp:
Employees / Workers will be able to switch between agencies from inside TimeTemp
c. Company Name & Logos in TimeTemp:
Updated company names logos in Vincere will now be automatically updated in TimeTemp
d. Vincere User Deactivation:
Users deactivated in Vincere will also be deactivated in TimeTemp
e. Restrictions on editing emails:
Editing will be disabled if Contact/Candidate is an existing user in TimeTemp: Manager or Employee
For TimeTemp Managers, you will not be able to edit the email fields on Contact profiles, Job details & Placement (timesheet, expense, leave approvals)
For TimeTemp Employees, you will not be able to edit the payslip email fields on Candidate profiles and Placements
6/ Show Related Invoices
Vinny will now show you the related invoices for all Sales, Purchase and Self-Bill invoices. Simply click on Quick View to jump to the related invoice.
❓ What are related invoices?
Invoices are considered related when they are linked to the same timesheet/expense.
7/ Updates to Consolidated Invoice | Export Scheduler
Child invoices will now be excluded when exporting together with Consolidated Invoices.
8/ Smart views for File tab | Candidate Profile
Ability to configure columns and save layouts for a personalized view.
In this release, you can now add Integrity Weight to the following fields and it will be reflected on the mega Data Integrity Dashboard.
Sub industry
Functional expertise
Sub functional expertise
9/ Updates to Broadbean | Leave Job Posting Open
a. Under the Quick Post Job menu, you can now select the option to leave a job posting open in Broadbean even after closing it in Vincere.
b. Admin users can set the default Broadbean settings to either always keep the job posting open after closing it in Vincere, or to close it at the same time as Vincere.
10/ WaveTrackR
a. WaveTrackR is an intelligent multi-job posting tool / job board aggregator:
Aside from multi-posting, what makes this integration really special are its analytics capabilities.
It compiles data over time by tracking the performance of each Job Board – in both received applications and successful placements – so you can optimize spend and maximise conversion rates.
Read more about WaveTrackR here.