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Job Quick View

How to navigate Job Quick View?

Jason avatar
Written by Jason
Updated over a week ago

All About Job Quick View in Vincere 🤩

This image showing Job Quick View as an example

Click on the link to skip to the section you're interested in:

1. Header & Pipeline


This image showing Header of Job Quick View as an example

Many key details can be found here:

  • On the left are key details, including the company name, contact, and Job owner.

  • In the top right you will see the posting status, and which brand the job is associated with.

  • The middle will contain the Job status whether the job is open/closed, Booked Fee and Forecast.

  • On the right are the Last activity date, Time since last activity and Job type.

Under the header is a Job brief which contains any notes you have added to this job. You can edit this by clicking the icon in the upper right corner.

This image showing Job brief of Job Quick View as an example

Pipeline: A visual representation of the current headcount, where candidates are staged in this job, and any tasks associated with it.

This image showing Pipeline of Job Quick View as an example

2. Details

This section contains some information about the job such as:

  • Pay

  • Job location

  • Job owner

  • Job Category Job

  • Sourcing open date

  • Sourcing close date

  • Employment type

  • Industry

  • Sub Industry

  • Functional Expertise

  • Sub Functional Expertise

This image showing the Details section of Job Quick View as an example

3. Description

The job descriptions and summary can be found here.

  • Job Summary: A Quick overview of the job.

  • Public Job description: What the candidates applying will see.

  • Internal job description: This is what you will see in your system you can add internal notes here.

✍️ Please remember to hit Save if you make any edits!

This image showing the Description section of Job Quick View as an example

4. Brief

In the Brief section of Job quick view, you can see any notes associated with the Job as well as edit existing notes or create a new note with a different title.

5. Activities

Any activities, comments, and tasks associated with this job will be here

This image showing the Activities section of Job Quick View as an example

6. Actions

When you're in the Job Quick View, you'll see an action bar at the upper right that you can utilize.

This Gif showing how to view action bar in Job quick view

7. Integrations

When you integrate with these companies, such as RECII, SMARTAI, WAVETRACKR, MYPEOPLE, RSIGN, and others 👉 They will be visible within this job section.

📋 Note: Only integrations you connected will appear in this section

Happy Recruitment #TheVincereWay🤩

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