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Table Filters in Vincere
Table Filters in Vincere

All available Filters within Table Filters in Vincere

Jason avatar
Written by Jason
Updated over a week ago

Table Filters in Vincere are a powerful tool that allows you to refine and focus on the specific data you need. Below is a comprehensive guide to the different table filters available in Vincere, organized by the different modules (CRM and ATS) and their specific functions.

⭕ Where to Find Table Filters

You can find the Table Filters icon (triangle button) next to the configuration table, in the same line as the search table on the left side.

⭕ Table Filters for CRM (Jobs, Contacts, and Companies)

📊 Jobs Table View Filters

  1. Pipeline View: Option to turn off the pipeline view

  2. Floated candidates: Option to remove from the job table view.

Under Filters Table - There are 3 mean sections Jobs, Candidates, and Application.

Job Filters:

  • General Options: Filter by All Jobs, My Jobs, and My Team's Jobs (available if you're a team manager).

  • Job Status: Filter by All Jobs, New Jobs, Open Jobs, Active Jobs, Inactive Jobs, Placed Jobs, Booked Jobs, Closing Jobs, Closed Jobs. (Definition of them click HERE)

  • Company Filter: Filter Jobs by specific Companies.

  • Contact Filter: Filter Jobs by specific Contacts.

  • Job Type Filter: Filter by Permanent, Work From Home, Temporary, Contractual, Temp Agency.

  • Additional Settings:

    • Active Applications: Option to include or exclude all applications before the Sent stage.

  • Fx Rate: Choose between Original currency or My currency.

📊 Candidate Table View Filters

  • General Options: Filter by All Candidates or My Candidates.

  • Created Date: Filter by the following time frames:

    • This Week

    • Last Week

    • This Month

    • Last Month

    • This Quarter

    • Last Quarter

    • This Year

    • Last Year

    • This Financial Year

    • Last Financial Year

  • Job Type Filter: Filter by Permanent, Work From Home, Temporary, Contractual, Temp Agency.

  • Additional Filters: Option to hide archived candidates.

Applications Table View Filters

  • Actioned Date: Filter by specific time frames, such as:

    • This Calendar Year

    • Last Calendar Year

    • Last 2 Calendar Years

    • Last 3 Calendar Years

    • Last 4 Calendar Years

    • Last 5 Calendar Years

    • Actions older than 5 Calendar Years

📊 Contact & Company Table View Filters

In the Contact and Company Table View, you can apply various filters to refine and focus the data according to your needs. Below is a breakdown of the available filters:

1. Company Filters

  • All Companies: View all companies in the system.

  • My Companies: View only the companies assigned to you.

2. Contact Owner Filters

  • All Contacts: View all contacts associated with companies.

  • My Contacts: View only the contacts assigned to you.

3. Created Date Filters

  • All: No date restriction; view all records.

  • This Week: View records created in the current week.

  • Last Week: View records created in the previous week.

  • This Month: View records created in the current month.

  • Last Month: View records created in the previous month.

  • This Quarter: View records created in the current quarter.

  • Last Quarter: View records created in the previous quarter.

  • Today: View records created today.

  • Yesterday: View records created yesterday.

  • This Year: View records created in the current year.

  • Last Year: View records created in the previous year.

4. Status Filters

  • Existing: View companies that are currently active or ongoing.

  • New: View newly added companies in the system.

⭕ Table Filters for ATS (Candidates)

📊 Candidate's Table View Filters

  • General Options: Filter by All Candidates or My Candidates.

  • Created Date: Filter by the following time frames:

    • This Week

    • Last Week

    • This Month

    • Last Month

    • This Quarter

    • Last Quarter

    • This Year

    • Last Year

    • This Financial Year

    • Last Financial Year

  • Job Type Filter: Filter by Permanent, Work From Home, Temporary, Contractual, Temp Agency.

  • Additional Filters: Option to hide archived candidates.

📊 Activities Table View Filters

Available Filters Option in the Consolidated Activities Dashboard

  1. Entities

    • Candidate

    • Job

    • Job lead

    • Contact

    • Company

    • Deal

  2. Category

    • Comment

    • Task

    • Meeting

    • Email: Email Sent and Email Received

    • Application

    • Placement: New, Renewal, Updates, Terminated | Undo, Absence, Placement Cancellation, Comment.

    • Shift Cancellation

    • New Record

    • Deletion

  3. Marketplace

    • SMS

    • SendGrid Email

    • Vinneo: Vinneo Outreach

These table filters provide extensive flexibility, allowing you to tailor your view in Vincere according to the specific data you need. This can greatly enhance your efficiency by focusing only on the most relevant information.

Happy Recruitment #TheVinnyWay🤩

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