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RSign for Vincere

What is RSign, how to get started, and where to go for support

Cherry avatar
Written by Cherry
Updated over 2 weeks ago

What is RSign?

RSign for Vincere allows you to send documents, contracts, forms and more for eSignature right from within your Vincere platform and automatically receive the signed contract and eSign certificate.

How does the RSign integration work?

With RSign for Vincere, send any file in your Vincere platform to RSign with a few simple clicks.

Prepare your document in RSign by adding signature, initials, text fields and more, customize reminders and notifications and send. Alternatively, simply use an eSign template to save time.

Once your contract is signed, it will be automatically stored back in Vincere as a file against the record, along with the legal eSign certificate.

How can customers get started with RSign?

👉 To get started with RSign, book a demo here.

RSign for Vincere User Guide

Once you have purchased your RSign account, please follow the procedures outlined in the RSign for Vincere Setup guide before moving through the RSign for Vincere User Guide below.

Different RSign features are available to Vincere users within the integration, as described in each use case below.

• Use Case 1: Sending an RSign Envelope

• Use Case 2: Creating an RSign-Vincere Template

Use Case 1: Sending an RSign Envelope

  1. Log into Vincere

  2. Navigate to Candidates

3. Select a Candidate from the list.

4. Select RSign in the Integrations tab and log into the RSign system within Vincere using your RSign username and password (only if not previously logged in or with an expired session).

If you are accessing the integration for the first time, you will be requested to insert your Vincere credentials in order to provide consent to the integration. This step will never be requested again when accessing the integration.

5. You will be presented with the RSign-Vincere integration landing page. From here you can create an envelope for the specified record, create a new template or rule related to the Candidate entity, or edit a template or rule by selecting them from the dropdowns.

6. Click on "Send Envelope"

7. Step 1/2 of the RSign preparation page will appear with the selected candidate’s email and name pre-filled as a recipient.

8. You can add documents from the triggered candidate in Vincere by clicking on the

+ Document button and selecting Vincere from your available drives or adding documents for any of the other supported sources.

You can also use Templates or Rules by clicking on the + Template or + Rule buttons and selecting the one to be applied. A pop-up will display all the RSign templates/rules along with all the Vincere templates/rules stored for the logged in user represented with a “VC” symbol.

9. Fill all the details in Step 1/2 of the RSign preparation page and then click on Next to move to Step 2/2 to prepare your document.

10. In this step you can review the uploaded documents and drag and drop all the RSign Fillable Control Fields where needed (Signature, Initials, Email, Title, Text, etc.).

If you select a Text control field you will be able to select Vincere fields from the triggered Candidate (for e.g. First Name, Last Name, Email Address, City, State, Country, Phone Number, etc.).

11. Click on Send and the envelope will be sent to the recipients via email.

When signers access the documents, if the envelope contains Vincere fields, the RSign system will pre-populate the corresponding control fields in the document with the information stored in Vincere.

If the applied control fields don’t have a value in Vincere, they will have to be completed by the signer.

12. Depending on the settings, an activity is created in Vincere after sending the envelope to the originating user for the triggered candidate record.

Every status update of the envelope is stored in that activity.

Once the envelope is completed, the activity is automatically closed with a note indicating this status. If the envelope gets expired, canceled, or rejected, a note is placed in the activity, and it remains open for the user to perform the necessary actions on it.

13. After all recipients sign the envelope, the final signed document is sent back automatically to the Vincere "Files" tab of the candidate from where the envelope was initiated.

Use Case 2: Creating an RSign-Vincere Template

RSign-Vincere Templates are pre-defined eSignature transactions, with the ability to contain certain Vincere data.

  1. Login to Vincere

  2. Navigate to Candidates

  3. Select a Candidate from the list

  4. Select RSign under the Integrations tab

  5. Log into the RSign system within Vincere with your RSign credentials (only if not previously logged in or with an expired session)

  6. Click on Create Template or Rule

7. Upon selection of the Create Template or Rule button you will be able to create a Template/Rule as if working with the Send Envelope button, being able to add roles, documents and a message template.

8. Next, drag and drop fillable control fields (including Vincere fields from the Text Control) to the documents.

9. Click on Save so the Template/Rule gets created. You can now use that template from the Vincere platform when triggering the integration from any candidate record.

Need support?

The RSign team will answer any questions in a timely manner. Simply submit your request or contact your Customer Success agent.

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