A domain name is an address of a website, e.g. www.recruitmagic.com
The format of your Job Search page on Portals is "companyname.vincere-digital.io/jobs".
You can connect your domain from another provider to your Job Search page at any time.
Connecting your Domain
Before you can connect your domain to your Vincere Portals site, you need to have access to your current domain registrar.
This is the company that hosts your domain - enter your domain name here to see your domain details.
To change your Portals domain, set up your DNS record as follows:
1️⃣ Create a CNAME record to point to the CNAME address
Note: Please reach out to our Support team to request the CNAME record for your tenant.
2️⃣ Once the CNAME is added on your end, kindly inform the Support team.
3️⃣ When the subdomain works, the domain companyname.vincere-digital.io/jobs will be replaced with the subdomain that you've setup. You can then hyperlink the menu items on your website to redirect to the corresponding pages on Portals.
📌 Here are the site URLs (in English) for the following pages:
Job Search page | /jobs |
Login page | /login |
Candidate Registration page | /candidate/register |
CV Submission page | /submit-cv |
SSL Certificate
Your Vincere Portals site is enabled with HTTPS providing your site with an SSL certificate.
Once the DNS records are added, contact our Support team to set up the subdomain and the SSL certificate for your site.
⚠️ If you're having issues with viewing your site over a secure HTTPS connection, follow the steps below:
1. Make sure your DNS record is configured correctly.
Note: Contact your domain host if you need help configuring your DNS records.
2. Wait until your domain is propagated
Please wait up to 72 hours to allow your domain to complete propagation.
For GoDaddy's Customers: