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⭕ How Source can help you?
SourceWhale helps you find any candidate and prospective client contact details and add them to message sequences and Vincere automatically with one-click of a button.
⭕ How does the integration work & Key Features?
1. Quick Client & Contact Addition:
Using the SourceWhale Chrome extension, you can effortlessly add new clients and contacts to both a SourceWhale messaging campaign and Vincere with just a single click.
2. Duplicate Checks:
SourceWhale will automatically notify you if a client or candidate already exists in Vincere. This saves you time by eliminating the need to check Vincere manually.
3. Duplicate Management & Company Creation:
The integration seamlessly handles duplicates and can even create new company records when needed.
4. Customization Available:
If you require individual customization, just contact SourceWhale Support, and they’ll assist you.
⭕ How to get started?
To get started, book a demo here.
⭕ How do I set up / turn on the integration?
Once you have purchased Sourcewhale and the integration is enabled, 👉 follow the step-by-step guide here.
🎯 Setting Up SourceWhale in Vincere
Request Integration Credentials
Contact the Vincere support desk to request the integration details for SourceWhale. You’ll receive two key items:
Client ID: e.g.,
API Key: e.g.,
While logged into Vincere, copy the URL from your browser (see the provided screenshot).
⭕ Need support for SourceWhale Integration?
👉 Reach out to them via email: or via their in-app live chat.
Happy Recruitment #TheVinnyWay🤩