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VOL.4 Goals - Appendix
Sam avatar
Written by Sam
Updated over a week ago


Breakdown of all the data points

Please find below appendices for the VOL.4 Goals eBook. The below will provide the visual references for the data source tables:

Goals Overview

The Goals Dashboard measures the number of activities or revenue (fees) achieved by the Consultants against their targets.

Visual Reference for setting goals:

You can rename, activate Goals and set targets for each Consultant in the Goal Console.

Once you have set up your Goals in the Goal Library, hit 'Set target' to set up targets for each Goal.

Goals AI

The Goals - AI report gives you a different visualization of Goals data with more focus on Fees and Ratios.

The fees measures Target Fees vs. Actual Fees and how far/close the business is from hitting the Fees target.

To activate your revenue targets, all you need to do is configure your revenue goals (42-44) in ‘Goal Console’.

The fees are based from the figures in the profit split in the placement details:

While your ratios are pulling from the jobs created, applications stages and user engagement activities.

User Activities include calls and meetings logged in Vinny:

These are actions linked to an activity:


The Benchmarks report weighs and visualizes each consultant. The location of the bubble in relation to grid indicates how well that consultant is performing, this is based on your Goal/Revenue targets set inside Vincere.

This has similar performance data laid out in a different view which displays the team leader of the consultant.

These data are pulled across from the revenue targets in Goal Console:

And fees in the placement details:

The team leader is the assigned manager of the employee in Groups:

Report Data Visual Reference

By Entity

This measures the number of unique and active records (candidates, jobs, contacts, companies) that have an activity linked to a Goal.

Drill Down Log

The drill down log provides a list of all activities that have been taken inside the platform connected to each entity.

Drill Down Log by Total Activities:

The Total Activities tab shows the activities from all entities in one place:

Drill Down Log by Candidates:

Drill Down Log by Jobs:

Drill Down Log by Contacts:

Drill Down Log by Companies:

Any further questions, feel free to reach out to us.

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