Managing Contact Forms on your site | Digital

Contact Form is where you can create custom web forms and collect information from your site visitors.

Linh Dory avatar
Written by Linh Dory
Updated over a week ago

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1/ Adding and setting up a form

  1. From the Admin Dashboard, click Contact Form on the left-hand side menu.

  2. Click Create Contact Form

a. Content

  1. Title: the title of your form. Example: Refer a Friend / Contact Us

  2. Permalinks: the URL of your contact page. Example: http://yourcompanydomain/contact/refer-a-friend

  3. NOTE: You can use the Contact Form on other pages.

b. Email

⚠️NOTE: We suggest building the Form before setting up your Email

  1. Enable: toggle this on if you want to receive email notifications for submissions from your website visitors.

  2. Recipients & CC: the email address of the recipient for the email notification.

  3. Subject: the subject line of the email notification.

  4. Content: email content of the email notification.

  5. Supported Wildcards: wildcards are mail merges you can add to the email content. The mail mergers will pull the corresponding data such as Form Title, User Email, Submission data to populate in the email notification.

c. Form

This is where you can add fields to your web form.

You will see 5 default fields generated by Digital. You can use these default fields and edit the information or create new fields from scratch - see Adding new fields to a form below.

d. Status

  • Status:

    • Published: the page will be published to your site once you hit Create Page.

    • Draft: turn a published page into a draft mode. Your visitors will see a 404 page if they click the page's link.

    • Disabled: this is the status of the dummy pages created by default when your site is generated. Your visitors will see a 404 page if they click the page's link.

    • Published without display:

  • Author: the user creating the page

e. SEO

Once done, click Create Contact Form to create a new Contact Form page.

2/ Adding new fields to a form

To add new fields:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the Form tab

  2. Click Add Field

  3. Choose the Field Type

    1. Textfield: single-line text field. Ex: Name, Company Name

    2. Textarea: multiple-line text field. Ex: Notes, Messages, Questions.

    3. Number: number field. To create a phone number field use the phone field type. Example: number of attendees for event registration

    4. Email: email address field

    5. Select: dropdown field

    6. Checkboxes: multiple choice field

    7. Radios: single choice field

    8. DateTime: date picker field

    9. Phone: phone number field

    10. Uploader: upload file field

    11. ReCaptcha: Captcha selection

  4. A new field will be added to the bottom of the default fields.

3/ Creating a field

This varies depending on the field type.

  1. Field Key: this will be used as the wildcard for your field. Example: name / first name.

    1. NOTE: Field Key needs to be all small letters, with no space in between words.

    2. Add the Field key to the wildcard #SubmissionField:{field_key}# to see the field's submission value in the notification email. For example, the field key is firstname, the wildcard for this field is #SubmissionField:firstname#. Copy and page this wildcard to the Email Content.

  2. Label: title of the field

  3. Placeholder: placeholder text

  4. Required: check the box if you want to make the field required

  5. Description: description text that appears underneath the field input box. This can be used to explain the purpose of the field or the question.

  6. Show at submission table? check this box if you want the field and the submission to show in the Submission table.

Use the sidebar to:

  1. Collapse the field details

  2. Move the field up or down

  3. Delete the field.

Final step: click Create Contact Form to create a new Contact Form page.

4/ Editing a Contact Form page

If you're adding the Contact Form to another pace, click here.

To edit your Contact Form page and style your form:

1. Head over to the Customizer

2. Search for the page that you want to edit. All Contact Form pages are grouped in the SINGLE CONTACTS section of the site navigation dropdown.

3. Open the Contact Form widget in the Top Content area of your page

4. Contact Form Source: choose which form you want to add to this page. By default, it’s the form fields that are set up in Admin Dashboard.

5. Submission Success: edit your thank you message once visitors submit a form.

5/ Adding Contact Form widget to a page

To add a contact form to a page:

1. Select the region you want to add the Contact Form to

2. In the Widgets tab, click on the + icon to access the Widget library

3. Select Contact Form

4. Add Title & Descriptions for the widget. You can also skip this step and Digital will use the default title Contact Form.

Note: if you want to add the Contact Form to the same region on multiple pages:

  • Toggle off the Override Mode. A Visibility field will appear.

  • Add the pages you want to add the Contact Form to

5. Click Create Widget

6. Open Form to choose the contact form from Contact Form Source.

6/ Tracking form submissions

If you have Email enabled when setting up the Contact Form, the assigned recipient will receive an email notification when a new form is submitted.

Submissions are also stored in the Submission table in the Admin Dashboard.

1. Open Contact Form in the Admin Dashboard.

2. Click the eye icon of the form you want to view submissions

3. You can find all submissions in the Submissions table.

4. Click the eye icon to open the form details

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