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New behaviors & functionalities to supercharge your search experience

Cherry avatar
Written by Cherry
Updated over a week ago

Based on your valued feedback, we have been hard at work to make a large number of updates and enhancements to Search within Vincere.

Following, are all of the changes we have made to improve the search functionality:

✔  New UI

When using the new search, the UI has been updated keeping in synergy with the rest of the Vincere system. The clean buttons and simplified view makes searching on the Vincere system even more intuitive!

As can be seen in this screenshot, the search area is cleaner, and the radius search has now been added to this screen. 

Running a search:

The search bar will automatically apply boolean operators between criteria added. You simply need to use the dropdown to update the operator you require:

On top of this, the system will now automatically add speech marks (“ “) either side of the added phrase. For example, when typing Project Manager in the system, this will automatically become “Project Manager”. 

Even though this may initially appear as a small upgrade, that second it saves you each time when adding in a phrase will amount to a large time saving overall. 

Finally, we have also added in the ability to run a fuzzy search & wildcard search. 

✔  Fuzzy search

When you are looking to search for a record but are not entirely sure about the spelling, for example, the fuzzy search becomes an extremely powerful tool. To use this, simply type the word as closely as possible ending with ‘~’ and the system will find you, candidates who match closely to what you are looking for, e.g. ‘roam~’ will find your terms such as ‘roams’ or ‘foam’. 

✔  Wildcard search 

When searching for a candidate who may contain either success, successive, successful; you can now simply search success* and the system will automatically find you candidate who has a word in their record which begins with ‘success’ but has a suffix. 

Additionally, you can also apply the asterisk (*) at the beginning of the word if you are looking for a keyword that may have varying prefixes. 

✔  Search null 

Now included, you have the ability to search for any fields where there is no data added, also known as a ‘Null field’. 

This is ideal when understanding which of your clients/contacts you do not have a phone number for example. 

To do this, you need to choose the field you require, and then type ‘IS NULL’. When you then run the search, you will have a list of records that do not have a telephone number in their record. 

Here is an example of how that would look: 

✔  Updated Saved Searches

When you are regularly searching in the same pool of candidates, its always going to be useful to easily store your searches for later use. With all the changes that have been made across the system to the UI, we felt it necessary to give the 'Saved Search' area of the search system the same treatment. 

As can be seen, the changes are subtle but designed to make the experience as clean as the rest of the system, making it easy for you to save any of your regularly used searches, but to also reload them when needed.

Show field efficiently in Field Suggestion

Only show fields that are in use in search candidates, contacts, jobs, and companies. If fields are not used they cannot be searched.

Search with onboarding fields

To make the search easier, we’ve moved onboarding fields ( including custom fields you’ve created) to its own section.

New fields in Search

A number of new fields added for Search:

  • Candidate company name 

  • Candidate company address 

  • Candidate Company number

  • Pay type

✔ Matching Column in Search

Vincere uses a variation of the Industry Standard TF-IDF - Term Frequency / Inverse Document Frequency scoring model for matching records to your search criteria.

When you have completed your search string, Vincere now shows you a match % based on the results. 

The benefit of this is to allow you to prioritize the order in which you contact your candidates/clients based on the likelihood of placement etc. 

Here is how this looks within the system: 

As you can see Mike is the top candidate so far as he matches all the criteria set, however, Bryan is a great choice also as he meets most of the criteria except he hasn't got the correct functional expertise, etc. 

✔ Tool Tip

When using the advanced search, at the bottom we have added in a useful tooltip section where you can see how to use the search to the best of its ability with a few small tips and tricks. 

✔ Link to switch back to the old search

As we have made a lot of updates to really bring you the best search tool possible, we realize that this can take a little time to get used to.

With this in mind, we have added the ability for you to revert back to the old search, whilst you get to grips with the new and improved Search. 

In your user settings, you can choose which search you would now like to be your default:

 To do this, at the top right-hand side, you will see this button: 

We hope you like these search updates and that it makes your search experience a lot smoother. We're keen to hear your feedback so please reach out and let us know!

Landing November 19  🚀 



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