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Jobs Table Analytical View
Jobs Table Analytical View

Ideal for managers: full visibility into the Job pipeline with new filter to drill down into jobs, teams, active jobs and more.

Ginny Myers avatar
Written by Ginny Myers
Updated over 3 years ago

We’ve made upgrades to the Jobs Dashboard to make it clearer whilst showing more information.

Coloured stages:

The first thing you will notice is the coloured stages.

If a stage is outlined with green, this means that there have been applications at that stage.

If a stage is filled in with green, this means that this is the furthest stage that application(s) have reached.

This focuses the user on the stage that requires an action, and you can click through to take you straight to that stage of the application.

Active applications are in orange - this is the total number of applications for that role

*The number of active applications excludes floated candidates.


At the top, there is now a snapshot of everything that is going on in the table. This will be affected by any filters you have applied:

NOTE: The booked fees snapshot is on a permission basis in Settings > User management - this will be toggled on by default to Administrators.

Default homepage:

For those of you who like the new Jobs Dashboard and would like to see this every time you login, this can be configured in User Settings. This is great for managers:

New jobs filters:

We’ve added new filters, including last financial year (if financial year is set up in Admin Settings), active jobs and inactive jobs, exclude shortlisted applications, original currency or my currency.

New column for days open

We’ve added in a new column showing how many days the role has been open. The number will show in red if the job is closed.

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