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Approvals in TimeTemp
Dermot Feury avatar
Written by Dermot Feury
Updated over 9 months ago

All about Approvals in TimeTemp

Approving timesheets is a crucial task. As an approver, you are responsible for reviewing the time an employee has worked during a given period and deciding whether to approve or reject the timesheet ✅

With TimeTemp, you can choose to use one or two approvers, and this should be configured when you make the placement inside Vincere.

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⭕ Setting Up Approvals

To set up approvals, you need to configure two things during the placement process:

  1. Add Approvers

  2. Select the Type of Approval Workflow (i.e., whether one or both approvers are required)

⭕ Adding Approvers

On the placement details page, look under the TimeTemp - Timesheet section:

  • For One Approver: Ensure the Primary Approver field is updated.

  • For Two Approvers: Ensure both the Primary and Secondary Approver fields are updated.

⭕ Selecting Approval Required Type

Choose the type of approval workflow from the available options:

  • Single Approver: Only the primary approver’s approval is required.

  • Double Approver: Both the primary and secondary approvers’ approvals are required.

Once all the required information is updated on the placement details page, you can proceed with making the placement.

When you confirm the placement, you’ll see a pop-up that provides an instant overview of the approvers and flags any issues with emails.

⭕ Notification and Access

After you hit ‘Submit’, TimeTemp access and notification emails will be automatically sent out to your approvers. They will receive an email notifying them of their responsibilities.

Note: Ensure that you do not untick the notification boxes below for any roles if you want emails to be sent to clients or candidates.

If it is their first time logging into TimeTemp, they will also receive a separate email with login details.

Changing Approvers

If you need to change the approvers, you can do so at any time by going back into the placement and updating the emails.

Happy Recruitment #TheVinnyWay🤩

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