Identify & match untapped candidates in your talent pools. Revive 1000s of zombie CVs from your database and spend your money wisely.
How to connect Vincere up to idibu:
Go to Settings > Marketplace and look for idibu
Enable idibu:
You need to enter:
Application ID
Secret Key
Default Group
Once done, hit on ‘Save’.
How to post a job to idibu
Now go to the Job you’d like to post using idibu. Actions > Post.
Please switch the Job privacy status to Public. You should be able to see idibu button option like this:
Click on Post. You will see a page like this:
Now, follow the in-app steps to post your jobs:
Complete the job information including location and job type
At this stage, Vincere pulls in the information from the Job into this section for you. However, you can still edit and update as desired.
Select the job boards
Once you confirm the details, click ‘Post Adverts’ and your job is posted.
For more info on our integration head over to idibu:
To connect Vincere with idibu, you will need an active subscription with idibu. To sign up, book a demo HERE.