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User Engagement Dashboard

Your go-to dashboard to track activity levels.

Written by Phoenix Nguyen
Updated over a week ago

Unlock the full potential of your Vincere/Vinny software with our user engagement dashboard guide. Dive into the intricacies of analyzing user activities measured within the dashboard, empowering you to optimize, track and increase your productivity.

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User Engagement Dashboard


  • Monitor the success of Vincere implementation, checking whether your consultants are making use of the platform.

  • The User Engagement dashboard shows you how many activities were implemented inside Vincere, and tells you who on your team is the most active user of the platform.

  • When starting to use the platform, this dashboard can be used as an onboarding tool to see which consultants are using the system and which are not.

  • Measure how “sticky” your CRM is, by continuously tracking whether your consultants keep using adequately your recruitment CRM.


This dashboard will show the number of actions taken within the platform. It will not report the number of actions measured against a pre-set target, for example a Goal or KPI.


  1. Engagement Overview - reports the total number of each Activity type that has been completed within the filtered time period

  2. By Consultant - reports the total number of each Activity type that has been completed by each consultant in the filtered time period

  3. Report Data - reports the data in two ways:

    1. 'By Entity'. This measures the number of unique records that have had an Activity recorded against them

    2. 'Drill-Down Log'. This provides a list of all Activities that have been taken inside the system.

Engagement Overview

The Header

This shows the user the total number of all selected activity types that were completed in a specific period.

  1. Total Activities: sum of selected activities for the current month.

  2. Last Month: sum of selected activities that took place 1 month before

  3. Previous Month: sum of total activities that took place 2 months before

  4. 3 Months Ago: sum of selected activities that took place 3 months before

  5. 1 year Ago: total of selected activities of the previous month a year ago (i.e., If the current month is March 2023, this will show the sum of activities of Feb 2022)

Note: The Time filter from the right-hand side panel does not affect the numbers in the header.

The Chart View

This chart shows Activities filtered by selected Time and Activity types.

The default view will display ”This Month“ statistics of only 10 activities listed below:

  • Meetings - Candidates (Scheduled)

  • Calls - Candidates (Connections)

  • Companies (New)

  • Contacts (New)

  • Jobs (New)

  • Candidates (New)

  • Sent

  • 1st Interviews (Arranged)

  • Placements

  • User login

You can go to “Filter” on the right-side panel to modify which information you want to show in the chart.

Note: These are the activities measured based on actions taken in the platform and not the actions measured against Goal targets

The Activity Table

This table shows the total number and percentage of activities from the filters you have selected.

The percentage of each activity = the number of that activity/ the number of total activities

Activity Table per month

A breakdown of the total number of activities by activity type per month

By Consultant

The Header

Key metrics: Average number, per consultant, of all selected activities performed in the specific time period

  1. Average Activities: the number of activities taken within the current month ÷ total number of consultants that have activities tracked against them.

  2. Last Month: the number of activities taken 1 month before ÷ total number of consultants that have activities tracked against them.

  3. Previous Month: the number of activities taken 2 months before ÷ total number of consultants that have activities tracked against them.

  4. 3 Months Ago: the number of activities taken 3 months before ÷ total number of consultants that have activities tracked against them.

  5. 1 Year Ago: the number of activities taken the previous month a year ago ÷ total number of consultants that have activities tracked against them.

The Bar Graph

Total number of each Activity type completed by each consultant in the filtered time period. This graph shows who is doing what inside Vincere.

The Table View

Like the Activity table per month in the Engagement Overview report, these 2 tables show:

  • The total number and percentage of activities from the filters you have selected.

  • A breakdown of the total of each activity per consultant.

Report Data

By Entity

This report measures the number of unique and active records that have had an Activity recorded against candidates, jobs, contacts and companies.

  1. Total per entity: number of unique records (candidates/jobs/contacts/companies) that are connected to activities.

  2. Active: number of unique records (candidates/jobs/contacts/companies) with active applications - application that has at least 1 candidate pending in one of the application stages (shortlisted to offer), not rejected nor deleted.

Drill-Down Log

The Drill-Down log is your source of truth. This gives you a list of all activities that have been taken inside Vinny.

  1. Total per entity: this shows the number of unique entity (e.g., candidates) and not the total of activities

  2. Active: this reflects the number of unique records (candidates/jobs/contacts/companies) with active applications (the candidate is pending on the shortlisted to the offer stage, not rejected nor deleted)

Note: Activities are displayed per entity (i.e., the candidates tab will only show activities related to candidates). Each page shows up to 25 records


How are activities being counted?

  1. Emails (Sent) are counted when:

    1. A comment, linked to “Email Sent | Contact” or “Email Sent | Candidate” actions, is created against a contact or a candidate.

    2. An actual email is sent to a contact or a candidate from within the record profile in Vincere.

    3. In case both actions (comment and actual email) have been performed, then the activity will appear twice in the dashboard.

  2. Emails (Received) - All emails received from candidates/contacts whose primary email is in the system.

  3. Meetings - Contacts (Scheduled) - The meeting need to be linked to activity Meeting | Arranged | Contact.

  4. Meetings - Contacts (Completed) - The meeting need to be linked to activity Meeting | Attended | Contact.

  5. Meetings - Candidates (Scheduled) - The meeting need to be linked to activities

    1. Meeting | Arranged | Candidate | New

    2. Meeting | Arranged | Candidate | Existing

  6. Meetings - Candidates (Completed) - The meeting need to be linked to activities

    1. Meeting | Attended | Candidate | New

    2. Meeting | Attended | Candidate | Existing

  7. Calls - Contacts (Connections) - The meeting need to be linked to activities:

    1. Phone call | Contact | Inbound | Connected

    2. Phone call | Contact | Outbound | Connected

  8. Calls - Candidates (Connections) - The meeting need to be linked to activities:

    1. Phone call | Candidate | Inbound | Connected

    2. Phone call | Candidate | Outbound | Connected

  9. Companies (New) - new companies based on creation date

  10. Contacts (New) - new contacts based on creation date

  11. Jobs (New) - new jobs created by user based on creation date

  12. Jobs Leads (New) - new job leads created by user based on creation date

  13. Job Leads (Converted) - user needs to click on the action: Convert to Job, not manually change the job category inside the job details

  14. Jobs (Closed) - jobs closed by a user based on closed date

  15. Candidates (New) - new candidates created by user (excluded candidates added by bulk parsing, EH) based on creation date

  16. Candidates (Rejected) - candidates marked as rejected by the user

  17. Floated - candidates floated to a Distribution list or floated to contacts (marked as floated)

  18. Shortlisted - user has manually shortlisted the candidate (does not count shortlisted candidates from job board applications). The action is counted for both jobs and job leads.

  19. Sent - user has manually moved the candidate from shortlisted to sent stage. The action is counted for both jobs and job leads, and it doesn’t include floated candidates.

  20. 1st Interviews (Arranged) - based on the actioned date when a user has moved a candidate to 1st interview with or without an interview schedule. The action is counted for both jobs and job leads.

  21. 1st Interview date – based on the date the interview has been scheduled. Users don’t need to mark the interview as completed for the User Engagement to report it.

  22. 2nd+ Interviews (Arranged) - based on the actioned date when a user has moved a candidate to 2nd or 2nd+ interview with or without an interview schedule. The action is counted for both jobs and job leads.

  23. 2nd+ Interview date – based on the date the interview has been scheduled. Users don’t need to mark the interview as completed for the User Engagement to report it

  24. Offers - when the user has moved a candidate to offer stage. The action is counted for both jobs and job leads.

  25. Placements - user moved the candidate to the Placed stage (based on the column “Placed Date”, not Booked Date.). The action is counted for both jobs and job leads.

  26. User logins - based on the web application, not through the mobile app.

  27. Cancelled Interviews - interview has been cancelled by a consultant

  28. Rescheduled Interviews - interview has been rescheduled by a consultant

  29. Renewals - renewal has been created in Vincere

  30. Temp Placements Converted to Perm- based on the action; converting a temp placement to permanent

  31. Placements Undone - when a consultant selects ‘undo placement’

  32. Contracts Terminated - when a consultant select ‘Terminate Contract’

  33. New Deals - new deals created by users

  34. Won Deals - deals won by users

  35. Lost Deals - deals lost by users

Note: Additional Rules for counting activities:

  1. Activities can be logged in Vincere in 2 ways:

    1. Logging a comment. This will not require users to do any extra actions.

    2. Logging a task. When creating a task, the User Engagement dashboard won’t count the task until it’s been marked as “completed”; the User Engagement will report the task on the date it was marked as completed and not when it was created. Also, the User Engagement dashboard will record the activity against the user who marked the task as completed (not against the user who created the task)

  2. The User Engagement returns an exact picture of what happened inside Vincere, therefore if consultants skip stages in the ATS pipeline, these stages are not counted in the User Engagement.

List of Filters

  1. Time: To determine the required period (examples below)

    1. Today - current date

    2. Yesterday – the day before current date

    3. This week - present week (depends on the week start)

    4. Last week - previous week (depends on the week start)

    5. This month: current month

    6. Last month: previous month

    7. This quarter: current quarter (i.e., October - December)

    8. Last quarter: previous quarter (i.e., July - September)

    9. Last 6 months: - First calendar date of previous 6 months - current date (i.e., April 1st - present date)

    10. This year: January of the present year - current date

    11. Last year: previous year from January to December

  2. Activities: to choose the activities to be displayed

    1. Emails (Sent)

    2. Emails (Received)

    3. Meetings - Contacts (Scheduled)

    4. Meetings - Contacts (Completed)

    5. Meetings - Candidates (Scheduled)

    6. Meetings - Candidates (Completed)

    7. Calls - Contacts (Connections)

    8. Calls - Candidates (Connections)

    9. Companies (New)

    10. Contacts (New)

    11. Jobs (New)

    12. Job leads (New)

    13. Job leads (Converted)

    14. Jobs (Closed)

    15. Candidates (New)

    16. Candidates (Rejected)

    17. Floated

    18. Shortlisted

    19. Sent

    20. 1st Interviews (Arranged)

    21. 1st Interview date

    22. 2nd+ Interviews (Arranged)

    23. 2nd+ Interview date

    24. Offers

    25. Placements

    26. User logins

    27. Cancelled Interviews

    28. Rescheduled Interviews

    29. Renewals

    30. Temp Placements Converted to Perm

    31. Placements Undone

    32. Contracts Terminated

    33. New Deals

    34. Won Deals

    35. Lost Deals

  3. Locations - will show all locations saved in Settings > Groups, Tags & locations > Locations

  4. Branch: filter by a branch or multiple consultant’s branches.

  5. Brand - will show all Brands saved in Settings > Groups, Tags & locations > Teams > Brands

  6. Division - will show all Divisions saved in Settings > Groups, Tags & locations > Teams > Divisions

  7. Team - will show all Teams saved in Settings > Groups, Tags & locations > Teams > Teams

  8. Consultant - Will show all consultants/users in Settings > User Management (Active & Inactive)

  9. Consultant Status - To add or remove Inactive Users. By default, we include inactive users

  10. Job Category -

    1. Linked to Jobs - activities linked to jobs

    2. Linked to Job Leads - activities linked to Job Leads

    3. No job Links - activities not linked to Jobs or Job Leads

  11. Week Start - By default, it will show Monday as the week start but we can switch to Sunday

Data Export

Reports can be exported to Excel file.

  1. Filter the data you want to export using the Filters banner on the right-hand side.

  2. Click on the Excel button in the upper top right corner of the dashboard.

Note: The data export includes up to 10,000 records of activities per tab.

Dashboard Interaction

There are different interactions that you can do to utilize our dashboards

  1. Hover over: mouse over each data point to see more details

  2. Select to filter by Activity: Click into the activity types to refine the data according to the activity type you select

  3. Sort table: Click into the column header to sort the table

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