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Temps & Contractors Dashboard πŸ“Š | Vincere Intelligence
Temps & Contractors Dashboard πŸ“Š | Vincere Intelligence
Jason avatar
Written by Jason
Updated over 2 months ago

The Temps & Contractors Dashboard in Vincere Intelligence is a powerful, all-in-one tool designed to provide a 360Β° view of your temp and contract business.

  • πŸ‘‰ This dashboard allows you to monitor performance, track key metrics and set customized targets to ensure consistent and sustainable contract revenue.

πŸ’‘ How Does This Dashboard Help You?

This dashboard enables you to:

  • Gain visibility into the performance of your temp/contract desk.

  • Monitor trends in contractor placements, renewals, and unutilized resources.

  • Evaluate key metrics such as redeployment rates, active temps, and profit margins.

  • Identify areas for improvement and reduce fee churn.

β­• Overview & Key Features

The Temps & Contractors Dashboard provides tools to:

  • Track active temps and contractors and their monthly or weekly trends.

  • Visualize growth or decline in your temp business with clear graphs and tables.

  • Identify unutilized temps and contractors who have not been redeployed.

  • Drill down into data by status, rates, and intervals for better decision-making.

  • Monitor daily activities through the Daily Temp Leaderboard, including starters, finishers, and fee variances.

β­• How to Access the Temps & Contractors Dashboard?

To access the Temps & Contractors Dashboard, simply navigate to the Intelligence icon in the left-side panel > then click on Temps & Contractors.

If you don't see the Temps & Contractors Dashboard, you may need permission to view it. Follow the steps below based on your role:

For Admin Users

For Non-Admin Users

  1. Go to Settings > User Management.

  2. Find your name in the user list and click on it.

  3. Navigate to the Permissions tab.

  4. Scroll down to the INTELLIGENCE section.

  5. In Analytics Advanced, check the box for Temps & Contractors.

  6. Click Save to apply the changes.

If you're not an admin, please contact a colleague with admin privileges to grant you access to the Temps & Contractors Dashboard.

  • πŸ‘‰ This should enable you to view the Temps & Contractors Dashboard

β­• Understanding the Metrics

πŸ“Š Temp/Contractor Growth


Across the top of the page, you can see a number of key stats giving you the main information regarding your number of temps/contractors active.

  • We can see the total number of active contractors this month as well as the progression of contractors working over the past year in intervals: Last, Previous Months, 3 Months Ago, 1 Year Ago.

Graph Details

In the top half, this gives you the information on the active temps/contractors you have monthly and is split by the number of temps and contractors

This helps you to understand:

  • If there are any given trends and also if there is anything to be aware of if renewals are coming up and how that relates to the trend.

Graph Metrics - Active Temps | Contractors

Total number of Active Temps/ Contractors over a selected time period.

  • Hover the mouse over the graph to view a breakdown ⬇️

  1. Active - Start of this month: Number of Active Temps/ Contractors on 1st of the current month.

  2. Active - Today: Active as of to date.

  3. Starters - This month: The start date is from the 1st to the end of the current month.

  4. Net Finishers - This month: The end date is from the 1st to the end of the current month. If finished, but has a current renewal - the contractor is not counted as finished.

  5. Active - End of this month: Number of Active Temps/ Contractors by the end of the month.

πŸ“Œ Tip: Use the toggle at the top-right corner to switch between weekly and monthly views

Graph Metrics - Redeployment Rate

The Redeployment Rate is the percentage of temps and contractors renewed or placed in new assignments starting within 60 days after their previous one ends.

  • Hover the mouse over the graph to view a breakdown ⬇️

  1. Avg Redeployment Rate: Average of the total number of Redeployed Temp/ Contractor Applications over the filtered time period.

  2. Unutilized - Last 60 days: The total number of Unutilized Temp/ Contractor Candidates in the last 2 months. Temp/ Contractor Candidate who finished in the last 2 months and do not have an active application in the Sent stage onwards for any Open Job is marked as "Unutilized"

  3. Fee Churn - Last 60 days: Fees Churn from Unutilized Contractors.

  4. Not called last 28 days: Unutilized Contractors not called in the last 28 days.

Graph Metrics - Temp|Contractor Growth

In the bottom half, you can see the growth of your Temp/ Contractor desk - Calculates the net change of Started and Finished over a selected time range.

  • Hover the mouse over the graph to view a breakdown ⬇️

Table View

This Table is month by month and gives you a clear visual on New, Renewed, Finished and Terminated figures all linked with the Net line running through.

πŸ“Š Active Drilldown

The Active Drilldown tab provides a detailed breakdown of all the Contract and Temp workers placed within your organization.

  • It offers powerful filters and key metrics to analyze the status and financial performance of your workforce, ensuring maximum efficiency and proactive management.

  1. By status (Active, Finished, Terminated)

  2. Rate by (Hour, day, week, month, or )

  3. By Pay Interval (hourly, daily, week, monthly).

  1. Temps | Contractors: This shows the number of Temps and Contractors by status.

  2. Bill: The total amount of the bill, is calculated based on the filtered rate.

  3. Pay: The total amount of the pay, is calculated based on the filtered rate.

  4. Profit | Margin: The difference between the bill amount and pay amount, representing gross profit.

  5. Profit | Margin %: Gross profit percentage.

  6. Not called last 28 days:

    • Indicates the number of temps or contractors not contacted within the past 28 days.

    • Highlights potential follow-up opportunities to enhance engagement and redeployment.

    • Shows the exact number of days since their last contact.

πŸ“Š Unutilized Drilldown

This Tab shows the workers who have finished their contract within the last 2 months that were not renewed or placed in another Job AND are not currently in a Sent, Interview or Offer stage.

  1. Unutilized - Last 60 days: Indicate the number of temps and contracts who have finished their contract within the last 2 months that were not renewed or placed in another Job AND are not currently in a Sent, Interview, or Offer stage.

  2. Fee Churn - Last 60 days: Total lost fees due to unutilized workers.

  3. % Fee Churn - Last 60 days: Indicate % lost fees due to unutilized workers.

  4. Temps|Contractors Not called last 28 days: These are contractors/temps who were not called within the last 28 days - this metric is linked to KPI/goals in Vincere’s Goal Console namely these actions that consultants have (or have not) taken in Vincere.

πŸ“Š Daily Temp Leaderboard

The leaderboard offers a daily snapshot of temp/contractor activities.

  • Hover the mouse over the graph to view a breakdown ⬇️

  1. Daily Active Temps: The number of contractors and temporary workers active today.

  2. Daily Fees: The estimated profit, coming from the temp business, for today.

  3. Daily Starters: The number of contractors and temporary workers starting a new contract today.

  4. Daily Finishers: The number of contractors and temporary workers finishing a contract today.

  5. Daily Variance: The difference between Daily Starters and Daily Finishers.

  6. Daily Starter Fees: The estimated new profit generated by the contractors and temporary workers starting a new contract today.

  7. Daily Finisher Fees: The estimated profit generated by those contractors and temporary workers finishing a contract today.

  8. Daily Fee Variance: The difference between Daily Starter Fees and Daily Finishers Fees.

πŸ“Œ Insight

Use the leaderboard to track day-to-day progress and ensure targets are met.

β­• Definition of Filter Factors

Definition of factors in the filter board on the right-hand side:

  1. Date: Determine the time period

    • You can set the default reporting period in Settings > Admin Settings > General Settings > 6. Reporting Period Management.

  2. Locations: Filter by each office location or multiple locations.

    • Locations can be configured in Settings > Groups, Tags & Locations > Location

  3. Branch: Filter by consultant's branch or multiple branches.

  4. Brand: Filter by consultant's brand or multiple brands.

  5. Division: Filter by consultant's division or multiple divisions.

  6. Team: Filter by consultant's team or multiple teams.

    • Team can be configured in Settings > Groups, Tags & Locations > Groups

  7. Consultant: Filter by individual consultant or multiple consultants, including active & inactive consultants.

    • Consultants can be managed in Settings > User Management.

  8. Consultant Status: Filter by Active / Inactive users / both. By default, Inactive Users are included.

  9. Job Category: Filter by activities linked to Jobs / linked to Job Leads / No Job link.

  10. Job type: Permanent, Contractual, Project Based, Regular, and Temporary.

    • All Job types are saved in Settings > Admin Settings > System Preferences > 5. Change system names for job types

  11. Currency: (defaulted to the currency set on the User Settings), or you can select the desired currency.

β­• Interested in learning more about Vincere Intelligence?

If you are not using Vincere Intelligence yet but would like to, we suggest joining our training sessions to learn best practices and what’s new with Vincere Intelligence.

πŸ“‚ You can also fill in this form to request a training session.

Happy Recruitment #TheVinnyWay🀩

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