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Vincere Timetemp: Timesheet import
Vincere Timetemp: Timesheet import
Cherry avatar
Written by Cherry
Updated over 2 years ago

Welcome to the guide on how to best use TimeTemp's Recruiter Admin features to import timesheets.

This guide will discuss how to import timesheets as a CSV file into TimeTemp, define different import settings for the timesheet, and also set up email notifications for imports. With these features, you will be able to easily manage your timesheets and ensure that everything is up-to-date.

NOTE: This feature will only available to recruiter admin users in the system

After logging on to TimeTemp, Click Management, Recruiter Admin user can see a tab for ‘Data Import’

Creating Timesheet Import Template

  • You can select the option `Start Importing` from the ‘Data Import Table’

  • From here you have the option to

    • Create a ‘Timesheet Import Template or

    • Select to ‘import using an existing import template’ (once created)

Create Timesheet Import Template

To create timesheet import, you would need to complete the below 3 steps:

Step 1:

Upload a CSV file with the information of the timesheets you want to import.

Guidance - At this step, you can also download a sample CSV file, that contains instructions and examples of how data should be structured in the CSV Import Template.

Please note, you do not have to use this specific template to upload moving forward, you can use their own timesheet file. This is guide is designed to show what data is mandatory or not.

Step 2:

After uploading the CSV file the you will then be able to start configuring the Timesheet import template as below:

Import Mode

You will have the option to select either ‘Timesheet Details Mode’ or ‘Total hours Mode’ as detailed below:

o Timesheet Details Mode – Selecting this mode will allow you to specify all shift details (shift start/end time and break) for each timesheet in your import.

o Total Hours Mode - Selecting this mode will allow you to quickly input the total hours by pay rates for each timesheet in your Import.

Settings/ Field Mapping

You will have the option to define the ‘Date Format’ and ‘Time Format’ that you will be using in the Timesheet import File.

Your Fields (in CSV File)

You will need to Map fields from their CSV file with the TimeTemp timesheet fields. This can be done by dragging fields from column `TimeTemp fields` (on the right side) and map them against fields from CSV file (on the left side)

Guidance - Please note that any overtime will need to be in a column format rather than row.

Errors when creating Timesheet Import Template

You will be notified if there are any errors during the template creation/ setup process, for example:

  • When the uploaded file is not a valid CSV file

  • When mapping the incorrect fields e.g. dates, when mapping a field timesheet Start Date which expects date value against a field containing a text value

Naming and Saving Timesheet import Template

If creating the Timesheet Template for the first time, you will be given the opportunity to name and save the template for future use.

Step 3

  • After the required configurations are complete, you can either name and save the template (if creating for the first time) or select ‘Continue’ to review a sample of their import file before finalizing the import.

  • When all is confirmed as correct, you can select `Start Import` to import their file into TimeTemp.

  • You will then select ‘Import’ to start the Timesheet Import process

  • The import will be placed into a queue and run in the background. You can view the status of the upload from the ‘Data Import’ tab > ‘Import History’. You will also receive an email informing them of the status of the import.

    • Import Successful – the Import will be confirmed as successful

    • Import Unsuccessful – the status of the Import will be confirmed as ‘unsuccessful, and a ‘Details File’ will be made available detailing the reasons for the unsuccessful import.

‘Import Successful’ Confirmation Email

‘Import Unsuccessful’ Confirmation Email

Import History

You can check the status of their import from the ‘Import History’ table.

From here, you can review current and historical import data as per below:

  • Upload Date – Date and time of original upload

  • File Name – File name including link to file

  • User – Including the name of the user who uploaded timesheet file

  • Status – Includes the timesheet import status as outlined below:

    • Importing - import is put in a queue or in progress

    • Finished - import is complete.

    • Failed - import has failed (detailed file will be made available outlining error reasons)

    • Reverted: import is reverted (imported timesheets are all removed)

  • Details - Details button provides a detailed overview of the timesheet import status

    • Imported - how many timesheets have been successfully imported.

    • Skipped – how many timesheets have been ‘skipped’ i.e. failed Import. A detailed file will be available outlining the reason for failing the import)

  • Action – Action Button gives you the option to ‘revert’ the file (reversing the original timesheet upload, please note that this can only be done if the invoices are still in a draft status

Using Timesheet Import Template moving forwards

Once created, you can use the same Timesheet import Template moving forward to upload future timesheet files.

  • You can select the option `Start Importing` from the ‘Data Import Table’

  • From here, you have the option to

    • Select to ‘import using an existing import template’

    • Select the relevant template from the drop-down

  • You will then be prompted to upload their timesheet file via the upload option as below

  • You will then be taken to the Timesheet Import Mapping’ screen, where all import settings from the template will be pre-populated and ready for you to quickly review and proceed with import.

  • If there are any errors or issues with the upload, these will show as below.

Reverting timesheet file

You will have the option to revert a timesheet file once uploaded (please note, the invoices within Vincere will need to be in a draft status)

The action revert means removing all timesheets created from the import in TimeTemp and Vincere

  • You can revert an import of timesheets that have not been proceeded with Invoice via Action > Revert as below:

  • When confirmed, the revert request will be put into a queue and run in the background.

  • You will receive an email notification when all timesheets are removed in both TimeTemp and Vincere.

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