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Audit Log for FastTrack360
Cherry avatar
Written by Cherry
Updated over a week ago

You can view the Audit Log for a record sent to FastTrack360 (FT360). This log provides sync status details of the selected record, tracking updates, user actions, and any errors during the sending process.

⭕ How to Access the Audit Log for FT360

To view the Audit Log for FT360.

  1. Go to the entity you want to check (Contacts, Companies or Candidate), please note that this feature is only available for records sent to FastTrack360).

  2. Select the record you want to review.

  3. From the Actions list, select "Audit Log."

📌 Important Notes:

  • The Audit Log is available only for Candidates in relation to FastTrack360 at this time.

  • If you need to track changes for Contacts or Companies, the Audit Log feature is not available. Instead, you can use the Consolidated Activities view, which provides a centralized table displaying all activities, including Goals and KPIs, across all entities.

Happy Recruitment #TheVinnyWay🤩

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