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Updates to TimeTemp Settings

Additional configurations and settings added to Vincere TimeTemp

Dermot Feury avatar
Written by Dermot Feury
Updated over 10 months ago

To help accurately manage workers / employees attendance, we've added additional configurations and settings to Vincere TimeTemp.

Note: To use these settings, you will need to have Vincere TimeTemp as your Time Management system in the placement details inside Vincere.

Enable Auto Clock In / Out based on Shift times

When Auto Clock In / Out Based on Shift times is switched ON , this option automatically assigns shift start time, shift end time and break time into the employee’s timesheet if they forget to clock in / out for the day.

  1. Employees clock in during the preset shifts in the Shift Scheduler, TimeTemp will then automatically assign employees to the shift based on the time of the action.

  2. Employees choose to clock in earlier than the start time of the Shift, TimeTemp will then automatically assign employees to the next coming shift.

  3. Employees clock in but have no shift for the day or no booked shift, TimeTemp will confirm with the employees if they want to clock in with no shift. Once confirmed, employees will be clocked in but will not be assigned to any shift.

Set Default Clock In / Out Devices

  1. Clock In / Out from DoorClock and Mobile is checked, the employees can clock in / out from both devices.

  2. Clock In / Out from DoorClock Only is checked, the employees can only clock in / out from DoorClock.

❓ What is DoorClock? DoorClock is a touch-screen, tablet-based door clock allowing you to manage attendance at your and/or your client offices. Contractors and employees can clock in using passcodes or via QR codes.

Limit Early Clock In

Accurately record an employee’s/workers time attendance and prevent them from clocking in too early before the start of the shift.

Set how early employees can clock in before their shift starts

When Clock In Before Shift Start is enabled and the time is preset, the employees will see a pop up if they try to clock in earlier than the preset time.

Geo-Location (GPS) and Geofencing (IP / WIFI based) Attendance Tracking:

1. No action tracking:

When this is checked, employees can clock in / out from anywhere including from their residential location.

2. Use GPS Coordinates: set distance (radius) from the Job Site Location where employees can clock in.

If employees clock in outside the default radius setting, they will see a pop up letting them know that they are too far from the accepted location.

Note: To change the Job Site Location, open the Job Site section on the left hand side of the Placement Details > select from the location drop down or click on the blue plus button to add a new location.

3. Use Office Wifi: set public Wifi addresses or MAC addresses of the Job Site to prevent employees to clock in from a different location.

❓ What do my workers/ employees see if their device is not connected to the Job Site’s WIFI network?

Note: If the WIFI public IP Addresses and MAC Addresses are empty on the Job Site Location, you will see the error message below.

Click on the location to update the WIFI and MAC addresses.

Edit Options

Limit editing options for accurate timesheets

  1. When Can edit timesheet from Mobile is unchecked, your workers/employees will not be able to edit their timesheets on TimeTemp Mobile.

  2. When Can edit using Web app timesheet is unchecked, your workers/employees will not be able to edit their timesheets on the TimeTemp Web app.

  3. When both are unchecked, your workers/employees will not be able to edit timesheets on both devices.

  4. When both are checked, your workers/employees will be able to edit timesheets on both devices.

Primary Project

Automatically associate all hours worked / submitted by an employee to a project in TimeTemp. All hours logged against the placement will logged against the project.

NOTE: Projects need to be set up in TimeTemp to show in Vincere.

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