Overview of TimeTemp for Recruiters
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⭕ How to access your Timetemp Dashboard?
To access your TimeTemp Dashboard, simply click this link and access it with your current credentials with Vincere.
Normally, you will review this information via email when you register for TimeTemp. Please try to search "#External# Welcome To TimeTemp"
⭕ View timesheets
As a recruiter, you can view the timesheets of the candidates you have placed into roles.
You can view:
Submitted - these have been submitted, but need action by the manager
Unsubmitted - these are overdue and need to be submitted by the candidate
Approved - these have been submitted and approved by a manager
Rejected - these have been submitted and rejected by a manager
📝 NOTE: You will have read-only access to these timesheets - i.e. you can view them, but you do not have the ability to change the timesheets or approve/reject them from here.
How to view Timesheets?
To view the timesheets, simply choose the tab from the homepage, and you will see a list of the timesheets. You can click on the timesheet you want to view to access it.
⭕ View leave requests
To view leave requests, click on the leave requests tab.
You can see the details of the leave request, including the reason for the leave and whether it is approved or not, by clicking the three dots on the right-hand side.
⭕ View jobs
To view the jobs that you have placed candidates at > click on the 'Jobs' icon on the left-hand side.
You can then see a list of jobs - click on a job to view the job details.
⭕ View contracts
To view the contracts you have, click on the Contracts icon on the left-hand side.
You will then see a list of contracts - click on a specific contract to view the full details.
You’ll be able to get a list of Contracts & also the number of Active Employees (active Contracts).
You can also use the column filters to narrow down the table view to see by Status (Active or Inactive Contracts).
⭕ View companies
To view the companies you have placed candidates at, click on the 'Company' icon on the left-hand side.
You will see a list of companies, along with details of how many employees and timesheets are linked to each company.
📝 NOTE: Do the numbers of employees/timesheets look too high?
The figures on this page are representative of how many employees and timesheets all the consultants in your company have placed - not just your candidates.
You can then click on the company to see the list of candidates who you have placed there.
⭕ Tracking Projects
As a recruiter, you can view and create projects on TimeTemp - you can use this to separate assignments or to allocate the employees’ time to a certain project they are working on.
To do this, go to the 'Projects' tab on the left-hand side of TimeTemp > Then press the 'Add Project' button and add the details of the project.
💡 What this means for your employees is that they would be able to submit a timesheet & link it to the project.
Once submitted, you can view how many hours have been worked towards that project, have reports sent to your email about who has contributed and how many hours, or export the report by PDF - meaning you can make sure the project is always on track.
⭕ Recruiter VS Recruiter Admin
You may have noticed there are lots of similarities between TimeTemp for Recruiters and TimeTemp for Recruiter Admins. The main key difference is that for Recruiters:
You do not have permission to configure TimeTemp settings.
You can only view and access the details of timesheets, employees, managers, jobs, contracts, and companies that you as a consultant have placed.
🛠️ Troubleshooting:
To view the FAQs & see how to troubleshoot errors with TimeTemp for Candidates / Employees, click here
Happy Recruitment #TheVinnyWay🤩