Managing your Blog Posts in Dashboard | Digital

All you need to know about managing your blogs: adding a new blog, changing URL, renaming, and deleting a blog.

Linh Dory avatar
Written by Linh Dory
Updated over a week ago

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1/ Adding a new blog to your site

1. Open your Dashboard

2. Click the Posts tab on the left-hand panel

3. Click the blue Create Post button on the right-hand side

a. Content:

  • Title: this should contain the title of your blog.

  • Permalink: the URL slug and the permalink are automatically generated based on the title you set for your blog.

    • Note: the URL slugs tend to be very similar to the title, except when the title contains certain characters like spaces or symbols.

  • Description: this is where you can write the content of your blog. You can also enter links, images, and any information you want to show in your blog.

    • Note: use the WYSIWYG editor to compose your blog.

  • Tags: tag your blogs with keywords/phrases. Blogs with similar tags are linked together when visitors click on the tag.

    • Note: hit Enter to generate a tag and create a new one.

b. Excerpt:

  • Teaser Image: upload an image to use as a teaser image of your blog.

  • Excerpt: a summary or a brief teaser of your blog.

c. Status:

  • Status:

    • Published: the blog will be published to your site once you hit Create Post.

    • Draft: the post will not be published and will remain in draft status after clicking Create Post.

  • Publication Date: the published date of your blog.

    • Note: To schedule a blog to be published in the future, select the date and time. You can also change the publish date to a date in the past to back-date the blog.

  • Author: a list of users you can attribute as the author of the blog.

    • Note: By default, the author is the person creating the blog post.

d. Author:

  • Avatar: upload the author's profile picture

  • Name: enter the author's name or the author's pen name

  • Biodata: information about the author that you want the readers to know

e. SEO:

  • Image Cover:

    • Note: when sharing the blog to social media channels, the image here will be used as the thumbnail image.

  • Title: this is the headline of your site and can be seen in the browser tab.

    • Note: this title also appears in Google Search results.

  • Description: meta description of your blog post.

  • Keyword: keywords you want to target

  • Twitter Card Site: @username of website. ❓ What is a Twitter Card? | Overall of all Twitter Card tags

  • 301 Redirection: set up 301 Redirections from the post's old URL to a new one. ❓ What is 301 Redirect?

4. Click Create Post at the bottom to save the blog or Create & Add Another to save the blog and create a new blog.

2/ Changing your blog URL

⚠️ Important: If you change the blog post URL of a published site, the new URL will be treated as a brand new page by search engines. Any links to the old URLs will stop working and this will affect the SEO rankings for the current page.

To keep your links working, set up a 301 redirect from the old URL to the new URL.

To update your blog post URL:

1. Open your Dashboard

2. Click the Posts tab on the left-hand side panel

3. Click the Edit icon on the right-hand side of the relevant blog

4. In the Content tab, update the URL slug in the Permalinks

5. Click Update & Continue Editing to save.

📌 TIP: if you want to separate the words in the URL slug, use hyphens (-).

3/ Updating your blog's Title

1. Open your Dashboard

2. Click the Posts tab on the left-hand side panel

3. Click the Edit icon on the right-hand side of the relevant blog.

4. In the Content tab, update the Title of the blog.

5. Click Update & Continue Editing to save.

Note: Changing the blog's Title also changes the blog's title shown in the Single Posts section in the site navigation dropdown in the Customizer.

4/ Deleting a blog:

1. Open your Dashboard

2. Click the Posts tab on the left-hand side panel

3. Click the Delete icon on the right-hand side of the relevant blog

4. Click Delete to confirm that you want to delete the blog

To restore deleted blogs:

1. Clik the filter icon underneath the blue Create Post button on the right-hand side.

2. Select Only Trashed

3. You will see a list of deleted blogs

4. To restore the deleted blog, click on the Restore icon on the right-hand side.

5. Click Restore to confirm that you want to restore the deleted blog.

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