What is MeVitae?
Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) continues to rise up the list as one of the most important challenges at the forefront of growing organizations. 94% of the fastest growing tech firms state that finding, recruiting, and retaining talent is a growing challenge. Organizations need a whole new diverse talent pool with respect to ethnicity, gender, disabilities, etc, but hiring managers often find themselves recruiting people who are somewhat like them, typically without even realizing due to cognitive bias.
The hiring process plays a pinnacle role in developing diverse teams. MeVitae offers organizations a proven method of driving diversity in the workplace, with their clients reporting increases of more than 30% in D&I since using the Blind Recruiting Solution.
MeVitae is the first company to use neuroscience and space technology to accomplish this. MeVitae offers features like:
The integration can redact any document type: CVs, cover letters, application forms.
It can redact 600 CVs in just 6 seconds.
Your current Vincere set up doesn’t change so you can still view all job applications within Vincere as per usual.
Here's how the integration works:
MeVitae runs on a 24-hour customizable cycle. Once per day candidate documents are collected, redacted and delivered back to Vincere.
MeVitae can redact 20+ protected characteristics (e.g., gender, age, ethnicity) directly from any resume and cover letter.
The level of redaction is customizable and can be turned off and on at the individual job level.
MeVitae’s computational linguistics and natural language processing technology means the ability to redact CVs, cover letters and still have full sentence meaning.
How to get started:
To get started with MeVitae, book a demo here.
Where to find support:
To get support with the MeVitae integration, contact support@mevitae.com