1/ *New* Filter Fees By Profit Calculator | Future Fees
In the Future Fees dashboard, we added a new filter “Fees By”:
Default working hours
Profit Calculator
Filtering by "Default working hours":
Working hours per day = 8
Working days per week = 5
Working hours per week = 40
Working days per month = 22
Working weeks per month = 4.2
Filtering by "Profit Calculator":
The dashboard displays Future Fees by taking into account the actual number of hours, days, or weeks that your contractors will be working.
This is based on the actual parameters you set in the the profit calculator tab of the Pay & Bill settings inside Placement details.
2/ Total Number of Placements / Retainers | Future Fee Data
Want to see the breakdown of your future fees alongside the total number of placements for the upcoming months or weeks? Now you can.
At the bottom of each report, we've added a new table: Count of Placements / Retainers per month (or week).
3/ *New* Goal / KPI: Deal Revenue | Goals
We've added a brand new Goal into the Goal Console & the Goals Dashboard: Deal | Revenue.
Now you can set the Deal | Revenue target for your consultants, and track their performance on the Goals dashboard.
Note: Only for customers using our Deals feature.