Quick Search

Know what you're looking for? Find it quickly and easily πŸ”Ž

Ginny avatar
Written by Ginny
Updated over a week ago

Wherever you are in Vincere, you'll be able to see the Quick Search bar at the top of the page:

The Quick Search is perfect for exactly what it says on the tin - running quick, precise searches where you know exactly who or what you want to find. There are two ways to use the Quick Search - Free text, or Field Search

Free Text Search:

To run a free text search, all you need to do is type in the criteria, hit on Enter, and you will see the results broken down in Candidate results, Contact results, Company results, and Job results.Β 

NOTE: Doing a free text search looks right through the profile, all the fields, notes, and the resume.

Field Search:

If you know exactly the field you want to search, you can run a specific field search. To do this, just start typing the name of the field, and select it from the drop-down. You will see that these are categorized by Candidate fields, Contact fields, Company fields, and Job fields:

Just choose the field you want to search by, type the criteria, and hit Enter.

TOP TIP πŸ’‘: Β Want to build out a more complicated search, or view your results in a table view? Click on this green button to open your current search in Advanced Search instead. To read about how to master the Advanced Search click HERE

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