What is Constant Contact?
With Constant Contact, you can create effective email marketing and other online marketing campaigns to meet your business goals.
You can learn about Constant Contact here
What this zap does:
By using this zap, when a new candidate is added to Vincere, a contact will be created in Constant Contact
How it works:
New Candidate created in Vincere
Create a contact in Constant Contact
What you need:
Vincere account
Constant Contact account
1/ Set up the trigger
Trigger to use: New Candidate created in Vincere
2/ Select your Vincere Account:
3/ Set up the Action
Action to use: Create Contact
4/ Select your Constant Contact Account
5/ Now map the data that you want to pull from Vincere and push into Constant Contact Account:
6/ Test & Continue
Finally, turn the zap on! Your zap is ready for action. #TheVincereWay